[arte et marte / by skill and valor]
The Hunters sure knew how to set up camp, that was for sure.
At Kassie's command, the Hunters broke formation and got to work at establishing their resting grounds in the clearing. In minutes, silvery tents bloomed from nothing, and a pod of white wolves circled the camp like watchdogs.
"Come." Kassie waved Tessa and her friends inside the largest of the tents, Kaden flanking her.
The inside of the tent was heated and a small hearth in the center made the whole thing feel warm and cozy. Tessa didn't know what mechanics went into play for the tents, but furniture had been set up inside of it out of nowhere.
Kassie sat down on the silvery sofa within, watching Tessa and her friends with a Hunter's precision. Her emerald eyes were the same as Kaden's, although they reflected a colder, more calculating glint towards Tessa. Thankfully, she averted her attention to her brother. "What brings you to Yellowstone?"
Kaden bit his lip. He took a deep breath, glancing at his friends before addressing his sister. "We're on a quest to defeat Deimos," he said at last.
Kassie pursed her lips. "I see." She glanced back at Tessa, the silver circlet on her head gleamed in the firelight. "Do you have any leads as to where he could be?"
Tessa nodded. "California," she told Kassie. "So we need a form of transport there as soon as possible."
Kassie knit her eyebrows, looking back at Kaden wildly. A silent conversation ensued between the two of them, one that Tessa couldn't decipher. A moment later, Kassie took a deep breath.
"I'd like to speak to my brother alone, first," she told the group, a steely look in her ivy-like eyes. "After, we'll discuss what can be done about your quest."
Tessa tried to protest, but before she could, Mark grabbed her hand and ushered her out of the tent, Dale and Reese in their wake. The tent closed, concealing Kaden and his Hunter sister inside.
"So who saw that coming?" Mark wisecracked. He ran a hand through his dark hair when no one laughed, trying to come up with some other way to lighten the mood.
Tessa shot a spiteful look at the tent, but the more she thought about Kaden and his sister inside, the more her fury weakened. Like Tessa with her mother, Kaden hadn't seen Kassie in a long time. While Tessa's time with her mother had been cut short, the least she could do in the camp of the Hunters was allow Kaden as much time as possible with his sister.
"Let's give them the space they asked for." She sighed. "Besides, we could all use some rest."
She forged into the camp, where a few Hunters directed her and her companions to an empty tent. It wasn't as luxurious as Kassie's had been, seeing as she was lieutenant, but it would do. Tessa slumped onto a bean bag, removing her backpack and digging through it for snacks.
"So what do we do from here?" Reese asked, taking a bite out of a granola bar.
"Wait," Mark suggested. "Ponder our actions, sing kumbaya around a fire."
Tessa ignored him. "When Kaden's done with Kassie, we'll ask the Hunters for transport to California. Then, we head to Redwood National Forest and work from there." She took a shaky breath, her hand trembling as she ran a hand through her hair.
The group was silent for a moment, the only noise coming from the crackle of the small hearth and the hunters moving about outside.
"Do we even know how we're going to take down Deimos?" Dale asked. "He's a god, how are we going to manage that?"
Good question. Tessa racked her brain, but couldn't come up with a plausible execution. "Phobos told me about Deimos' spear of power. We get that, we can sever his control from his abilities."
"Like what you did with the Palikoi," Mark noted. "Nice job, by the way."
Tessa smiled weakly to Mark. "I'm not sure how exactly we'll get through it, but we will. One problem at a time." Her head was pounding, however. It felt like the weight of the quest somehow got a lot heavier on her shoulders.
Dale's visage held concern and contemplation, and Tessa didn't like how it was seemingly directed towards her. Thankfully, she didn't voice her worries. Tessa was getting sick of everyone watching her like a bomb about to explode.
Suddenly, Tessa's bag of chips wasn't as appetizing as she hoped it would be. She glanced at the hearth, and stood, walking towards it. She wasn't sure if it would work, but it was worth a shot. She dumped the remainder of her snack, bag and all, into the flames.
"Dad," she whispered. "Help me out a bit."
And she stalked out of the tent, the crackle of the flames echoing in her ears.
Tessa needed a break, and was grateful for the silence of the forest to grant that to her. She found a stream nearby the hunter's camp, so she didn't stray too far, and sat herself down on the banks of it. Listening to the babble of the water helped her think, cleared her head.
A lot had happened in the past few days, more than Tessa would imagine happening all at once. The severity of the Hydra fight, of the explosion of her home, of fighting the Palikoi, seemed to hit Tessa all at once. This is what life as the daughter of Poseidon was away from camp. She knew it would be bad, but...not like this.
She gripped Tempest in her hand, taking a deep breath. She couldn't afford to be reserved and closed off from her friends on this quest, it would only put rifts in the situation. On the other hand, if she told them about certain things, there would be no way that Tessa could do what needed to be done to save Olympus.
Tessa groaned, burying her face in her hands. She needed a nap before the amount of frustration she possessed made her punch someone.
"How did I know you'd be by water?"
Tessa turned to see Dale, her arms crossed and a small smile on her lips. "You're not hard to find, Tessa."
Tessa wrinkled her nose. "I know," she said airily. "Comes in handy for my enemies when they walk into a death trap."
Dale laughed softly, walking towards Tessa and sitting down beside her. She looked out at the forest on the other side, a wistful look in her gold eyes. "I know you're stressed, Tessa," she said quietly.
Tessa laughed bitterly. "That's an understatement."
Dale sighed. "I know it is, but you have to understand something," She turned to look at Tessa, her golden irises unyielding to the concern behind them. "We are all in this together, okay? You chose us to come with you, and we'll be the ones to help you succeed."
Tessa exhaled sharply through her nose. "I know, Dale, it's just..." She motioned lazily, trying to find words. "It's hard."
"Leading a quest?"
"All of this!" Tessa burst. "Being the daughter of Poseidon, being a leader of a quest, having all of these expectations put on your shoulders just because of the power you possess and who your family is." Her lip trembled a bit, but Tessa forced it away. "I have a reputation to uphold, one that I have come to terms with and embraced, and I'm not about to let my own mentality get in the way of that."
For a moment, her best friend was silent. Tessa stared into the water, feeling her woes untangle themselves from the place in her chest.
"Tessa, you truly are the strongest demigod I've ever met," Dale said at last. "I know all of this is hard right now, but that fire that you've got within you will help you through all of this. And so will I. And so will Reese and Mark and Kaden. Strength in numbers."
Tessa looked up at Dale, and pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling. "Thank you," she whispered.
Dale only smiled, opening her arms for a hug. Tessa obliged, and thanked the gods for being able to call Dale and the others her friends.
Tessa was a tad surprised to find that when she returned from her chat with Dale, Kassie was waiting outside of her tent. Her arms were folded across her silver t-shirt clad chest, her chestnut hair braided over her shoulder. The silver circlet in her hair made Tessa suddenly feel inferior, which she didn't like. Holding her head up a bit higher, Tessa approached the hunter.
"Something wrong, lieutenant?" She called, coming into earshot.
Kassie turned at hearing Tessa's voice, meeting her gaze. She frowned in confusion. "Where were you?"
Tessa arched an eyebrow. "Frolicking in the forest, why?" She asked, hands on her hips.
Kassie blinked, a blank look in her ivy eyes. "We need to talk," she said simply. "Come with me." She turned on her heel and stalked down the opposite way, towards the treeline.
For a moment, Tessa debated following. She glanced at Dale, who gave her a small nod. Taking a deep breath, Tessa followed Kassie into the forest.
She hurried to the hunter's side, keeping a wary eye on the forest surrounding them. "Might I ask where we're going?"
Kassie didn't meet her gaze. "Nowhere." She shrugged. "I just wanted to talk."
Eyeing the bow across the girl's back, Tessa held back a snort. Yeah, okay.
"Going back into the park probably isn't the best idea for me," Tessa noted as they found a trail. "My friends and I kind of angered the park rangers after our battle against the Palikoi."
A ghost of a smile tugged at Kassie's lips, but as soon as it had appeared, it was gone. They reached a small lookout, and in the distance, Tessa could see the steam rising from the Grand Prismatic Spring. Her shoulder began to ache at the sight, and she remembered that she had a burn there as well.
Kassie noticed as well. "Why didn't you get that checked?" She asked, nodding to the burn.
Tessa waved a hand in dismissal. "It'll be fine."
Kassie made a face. "Not if it gets infected."
"It won't."
Kassie sighed and reached into one of her pockets. She dug out a small bag of ambrosia, and shoved it at Tessa. "Eat some," She ordered.
Tessa narrowed her eyes at the girl, but obeyed. She took a bite of the godly food, and found it tasting like her favorite chocolate muffins from when she was younger. The thought only made her worry more about her mother, so she forced it from her head. She handed the bag back to Kassie, who without a word, slipped it back into her pocket.
Kassie leant against a tree, gazing out at the horizon of the park. She had the same mannerisms as Kaden, which made Tessa wonder.
"Are you a demigod?" Tessa blurted.
Kassie looked at Tessa incredulously. "What?"
"You heard me," Tessa said. "Are you a demigod?"
Kassie watched Tessa momentarily, before relaxing. "Of course I am, what kind of question is that?"
"A fair one," Tessa rebuffed. "The Hunters are open to mortals and halfbloods alike. That, and I've never heard of two demigod children being born to the same mortal parent before."
Kassie pressed her lips into a thin line. "Anyways." She fiddled with the end of her braid. "If you plan on pursuing Deimos, there is something you must know about this quest."
"And what would that be?" Tessa asked, running a hand through her hair.
Kassie took a breath, her eyes fixed on a point in the distance. "Fear runs rampant in everyone. It is one of the most accessible things in the world, and many people use it to their own advantages, but it cannot be forced upon someone if they are expecting it. Panic, however, is different. Everyone fears something, but if that fear is somehow rooted deeper, it can...petrify someone."
Tessa furrowed her brows. "I'm not sure I follow."
"All five of you on this quest have your fears, but as halfbloods, you have learned how to get out of frightening situations using your wits. Panic, on the other hand, cannot be reasoned with. If Deimos gets ahold of that which you fear most, he'll make it come to life in the worst ways possible until it breaks you. There's no way you can break free from it, if he gets you under his control." Kassie snapped. There was a glassy look in her green eyes, but the force in her stare was enough to make Tessa feel meek.
"You say this like you've dealt with him before," Tessa said cautiously. She scanned the hunter for any tells, any signs that she was hiding something.
"Everyone's dealt with fear and panic at one point in their lives or another," Kassie spoke again, but her voice sounded distant, almost melancholic. She bit down on her lip. "I worry for Kaden on this quest."
Those seven words made Tessa's head feel numb. If Kassie was telling her this, it was out of fear for her brother. Whatever experience she had with Deimos, she knew that Kaden must have some tie to it as well. The more Tessa pondered the idea, the more Tessa felt further from her first friend. What secrets was camp's golden boy hiding?
"What happened?" Tessa asked softly, concern lacing her voice.
Kassie took a shaky breath. "That isn't my secret to tell." She glared at Tessa before sighing. "Tessa, all I ask is that Kaden comes back from this safely. His weakness is fear. If anyone he loves is in danger, it'll cause him to either freeze up or act rashly. When you face all must be able to determine what is real and what isn't."
Tessa couldn't find words. She found herself nodding, a new obligation locking itself onto her heart. "Understood."
Kassie nodded gravely. "Now." She pushed herself off the tree. "Let's go see what we can do about getting you a ride west."
The Hunter headed back towards the camp, and Tessa watched her go, wondering just what she and her brother had been through in their lives.
The meeting felt like a war council, which Tessa guessed, in its own way, it was. She, Kaden, Dale, Reese, and Mark sat before Kassie, who was overlooking a map of the country.
Kassie shook her head. "I'm not sure if we can get you directly to where you wish to go," She murmured. "There aren't any direct routes and there's too much land to cover in a short amount of time."
Mark turned to Reese. "There anyway we can call your dad again?"
Reese shook his head. "If he were willing to pick us up, why would he drop us here in the first place?"
Mark slouched back in his chair. "Great," he grumbled, turning to Tessa. "I don't remember signing up for a hike through the west, Lewis."
Tessa narrowed her eyes at the son of Iris, turning back to Kassie. Before she could speak, Kaden sprang up. "I have an idea."
"What was that, Clark?" Mark called.
Kaden ignored him, marching up to his sister's side in front of the map. "How far is Vegas from here?" He asked.
Kassie frowned in puzzlement, but realization dawned on her. "You can't be serious."
"Unless you have a better idea," Kaden countered. They glared at one another, emerald on emerald, until Kassie backed down.
"Fine," she said. "But don't say I didn't warn you." She made a not-so-subtle nod to Tessa and the others.
Tessa pursed her lips, standing up. "Kaden, what's the idea?"
The son of Aphrodite whirled around, like he had somehow forgotten she was there. Something darted in his eyes, and Tessa couldn't pinpoint what it was. "I know someone who can help us get to California. All we have to do is get to Vegas."
Kassie spread her hands. "I can't get you there either, Kaden. I'm sorry."
Tessa huffed a breath. They had spent all this time with the Hunters in hopes of help to gain none. She was beginning to get a little steamed.
That's when it hit her.
Maybe it was her father answering her prayer, or maybe it was sheer luck, but Tessa had an idea. "I've got it," she whispered. She looked up at the two children of Aphrodite. "We need to get to Yellowstone Lake."
Kassie made a face. "Why?"
"Just trust me," Tessa said. She shouldered her bag, which had been delivered to Kassie's tent when the meeting was called. "Come on."
Tessa hurried for the exit of the tent, whirling around as she reached it. Her friends stared at her blankly. "What?" She asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," Dale said in amusement. "What's your idea?"
"I'll explain on the way but if you four don't hurry up, you can walk to Vegas." Tessa smirked, and ducked out of the tent.
About a half hour later, Tessa stood at the shore of Yellowstone Lake. She chewed on her lip, thinking over her plan. If she failed, she wasn't even sure what the consequence would be.
"So let me get this straight." Mark held up a hand. "You plan to teleport us to Vegas, or as close to it as possible, underwater?"
"In a nutshell, yes." Tessa exhaled shakily.
"Why go through all the trouble to get to Vegas if you can do that, then? Teleport us into the Pacific!" Mark exclaimed, excitement in his voice.
Tessa's face fell and she reached over to whack the son of Iris. "That'd take too much energy, dumbass. I'm already worn out, I can only do a couple jumps at a time. If it works."
The sea flows through your veins, in your heart. It will do whatever bidding you ask it to.
Poseidon's words reverberated through Tessa's mind, being the only fuel to her crazy plan. The sea could do her bidding, but could freshwater? The water in the spring had been some sort of fluke, right? But then again, she had manipulated the water in the reservoir to save her and her friends.
Tessa winced, shaking her head. She needed to go through with the plan before she regretted it. "Come on," she said, taking a step into the water.
"Tessa, wait!" Kassie called. The Hunter had her arms folded, but the look in her eyes was the same as it had been during their time in the forest. "Remember what I told you."
Tessa looked at Kassie, then nodded. "Face your fears, don't get killed. Got it." She gave her an impish grin before turning back to the water.
She waded until she was chest deep, thankful that her immunity to water wasn't soaking her to the bone. Her friends, thankfully, had followed her, and watched her skeptically.
"Hold your breaths," Tessa advised, and ducked under the water.
She spread her hands, focusing on the thrum of the current in her veins. She could feel the water obeying her will, and she only hoped that her intuition was enough to carry out her plan. It would be seriously embarrassing if her plan didn't work, no matter how radical.
But that's when the water around her and her friends began to form a whirlpool, circling faster and faster around them. Tessa racked her brain for the nearest body of water to Las Vegas, and hoped for the best as she added one last push of power to the cyclone of water surrounding her.
For a moment, Tessa wasn't sure whatwould happen. But then, an arc of energy ripped through her body like a bolt oflightning, and the whirlpool disintegrated.
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