[dulce et utile / a sweet and useful thing]
For a moment, everything was black. Tessa couldn't see a thing, and she wondered if she had epically failed enough to kill herself on accident. However, the blackness faded gradually, and she blinked.
She was still underwater, but her surroundings looked different. Not only that, but the water felt different than how it had in Yellowstone Lake. It felt chlorinated, and it dawned on Tessa that she might just have done what she needed to do.
Tessa whirled around underwater, and thankfully her friends hadn't drowned yet. Their cheeks were puffed out like pufferfish, and while Tessa held back a laugh, she pointed above them to the surface. They got the message and began to paddle upwards. Tessa followed, and broke the surface.
She looked around and her eyes widened. Surrounding them were grand resorts and hotels, masses of tourists moving down the streets. Music played somewhere in the distance, filling the air with a jazzy tune that could only mean one thing.
She'd gotten them to Las Vegas.
The gasping of breaths and blubbering coming from behind her made Tessa turn. Sure enough, her friends were astonished as well.
"You actually did it," Mark mumbled, looking behind them at the massive hotel. "Holy crap."
Tessa smirked. "Did you ever doubt me?"
Tessa shook her head. "Come on, before someone reports us to the cops or something." She laughed and started for shore. Her friends followed, and they made their way for the hotel as the reservoir they were in erupted into a waterworks show.
Tessa, Kaden, Dale, Mark, and Reese stood in front of the goliath hotel, faced with their next obstacle in their master plan.
"Tessa?" Reese tapped her shoulder.
"Mhm?" The daughter of Poseidon responded.
"How are we going to get a room?" Reese asked.
"I'm not sure, I didn't think we'd get this far," Tessa admitted. She looked up at the grand marquis, folding her arms. She had dried off her friends, although her energy reserves were screaming, but hadn't thought to plan how they could afford five rooms in a Vegas hotel.
Mark clapped his hands together and turned on his heel. "Well, I'm sure we can find a random box in the trash somewhere to spend the night." He started to retreat, but Kaden clamped his hand on the son of Iris's shoulder and turned him back around.
"Slow down, I've got an idea," Kaden said, his eyes drawn on the front doors. "After all, we're here because of me. Come on." He glanced at Tessa and together, they started for the entrance.
Tessa's jaw dropped as soon as they passed the doors. The lobby seemed to be glowing in gold, and people ushered past them as they headed in and out of the hotel. Music echoed through the hall, putting a smile on Tessa's lips as she looked up. A decorative ceiling met her eyes, where a display of colors that reminded Tessa of jellyfish became the crowning jewel of the interior.
Dale grabbed Tessa's wrist, dragging her away from where she stood in her stupor. She was led to one of the plush waiting seats in the center of the lobby, where Mark and Reese sat.
"Where'd Kaden go?" Tessa knit her eyebrows.
Reese pointed to the front desks, wagging his finger. "Prince Charming is working his magic over there."
Tessa followed with her eyes, and her gaze fell upon Kaden. He was leaning against the counter smoothly, a dazzling grin on his face. His emerald eyes twinkled, and judging from the blush on the receptionist's face, his charmspeak was working. After a few minutes, the receptionist handed Kaden something and the son of Aphrodite gave her one last grin before sauntering back to the group.
"So how'd it go?" Dale asked, her golden eyes reflecting the light in the room.
Kaden smirked, holding up two keycards. "Swimmingly."
"What're the amenities?" Reese asked, looking around.
Kaden shrugged. "They don't have any suites with multiple beds so I just got two rooms with two beds in each."
Tessa met Dale's gaze, and ever so subtly nodded her head towards the elevators in the distance. The daughter of Demeter shuffled away, as Tessa swept forward. She snatched one of the keycards out of Kaden's grasp and bolted after Dale.
"Where are you going?" Kaden called after them.
Tessa met up with Dale, who was stabbing away at the 'up' button. "Have fun debating who gets to share a bed, boys!" She called back.
For a moment, the boys blinked at one another. Then, they hurried towards Tessa and Dale.
The elevator opened and Tessa and Dale hurried inside. Tessa stabbed at the button they needed, waving her fingers at the boys as the doors closed. The last thing she saw before they shut was Kaden, stumbling after her with Mark and Reese in his wake.
Tessa leant against the elevator wall, high-fiving Dale.
"Boys," Dale scoffed, laughing as she ran a hand through her hair.
"Tell me about it." Tessa laughed.
Thankfully, the boys weren't able to apprehend Tessa and Dale as they got to their room. The girls dumped their stuff on their respective beds, taking their time with relaxation. After they both had freshened up and eaten, Tessa went to search for the boys.
She found them easily. Their door was ajar, and she could practically hear the bickering from down the hall. Rolling her eyes, Tessa slipped inside, leaning against the wall. Reese and Mark were in the middle of a feud over who had to sleep on the ground, and Kaden was nowhere to be seen.
"Are you princesses done arguing, or do I have to wait before we can plan out our next move from here?" She purred, folding her arms across her chest.
Mark and Reese jerked their heads at Tessa, eyes widening. "We weren't arguing. I was just telling Sunny over here that he can sleep on the ground." Mark nodded his head at Reese.
"Who you calling Sunny, Rainbow Road?" Reese retorted.
Mark whirled back around, jabbing a finger at the son of Apollo's chest threateningly.
Tessa looked up at the ceiling and sent a silent prayer to the gods as she looked around the room for anything to separate the two boys. Her gaze fell upon two water bottles and lazily, Tessa flicked her hand at the two feuding demigods. The bottles followed her whim, flying at Reese and Mark and whacking them in the face.
"What was that for?" Mark rubbed at his face.
Tessa pushed herself off the wall, hands on her hips. "Meeting in my room. Ten minutes." She started to leave, but the bathroom door opened at that moment, tendrils of steam spilling into the central room.
"What's going on?" Kaden asked, his eyebrows knit together in confusion. A white towel was wrapped around his waist, droplets of water falling from his wet hair down his chiseled torso. Tessa found herself following the stream of the water down his abs and to the towel at his waist.
Tessa felt her cheeks burn as she gave him a onceover. Someone coughed, and she averted her gaze.
"Oh nothing, just a strategy meeting. See you in my room tonight." Tessa's eyes widened in horror at herself. "Not tonight. Today. Ten minutes. I'm gonna go." She rambled and hurried out of the room before she embarrassed herself too much.
Tessa's heartbeat didn't slow down until she was back in hers and Dale's room, back against the closed door. "I am a menace," she said.
Dale knit her eyebrows together from where she sat on her bed, polishing her knife. "What happened?"
Tessa trudged forward and recounted the tale, flopping down on her bed. "And that is why I should never be allowed to speak again, ever," she finished.
Dale blinked, fighting a smile. "You so like him, Tess."
Tessa blushed but found herself arguing. "Do not."
"Do too."
"Do not."
Dale rolled her golden eyes. "If you don't, then why were you dumbstruck at seeing him like that?"
Tessa racked her brain for an excuse. She bit her lip. "Because it caught me off guard?" She tried sheepishly. Dale's look was enough to make her glare up at the ceiling helplessly. "Alright, alright, you win."
Dale grinned. "You've gotta tell him!"
Tessa sat up, watching her best friend as if she had just suggested leaping off the hotel into the fountain below. "You're crazy. That's never going to happen."
"Tessa, do you not see how he looks at you?" Dale grabbed a pillow, clutching it to her chest. "Oh my gods, this is fantastic. You both are in love!"
The daughter of Poseidon snatched the pillow from Dale and whacked her with it. "No!" she tried to sound threatening but ended up laughing instead.
"Come on, Tessa, pleeeeeeease!" Dale pleaded.
Tessa took a breath. "I'm not about to compromise this quest because of my emotions. When we get back to camp, I'll tell him how I feel."
"Swear it," Dale insisted.
"I swear it on the River Styx," Tessa recited, and instantly regretted it. Part of her almost wanted to die on the quest so she wouldn't have to tell Kaden how she felt, but another pang of energy surged through her at the thought of telling him.
Dale smiled, hopping down from the bed. "That's better." She put her hands on her hips. At that moment, a knock sounded from the door, and Dale hurried to open it. Reese, Mark, and Kaden filtered into the room.
"So, captain, what's the plan?" Mark asked, flopping down into an armchair.
That's a good question. Tessa thought to herself. She glanced at Kaden, and forced herself not to smile or blush as she beheld him. "Kaden, you mentioned at Yellowstone that you had a contact here that could get us to California."
Kaden nodded, although he didn't look too happy about it. "This is true," he responded, taking a breath. "I haven't gotten a chance but when I do, I'll let her know we're here."
"So when can we expect to be out of here?" Reese asked. A flash of light shimmered from his hands and his wallet turned into his bow. He got to work at restringing it, watching the conversation lazily.
Kaden ran a hand through his damp hair. "Definitely not tonight, but maybe tomorrow? Day after?"
Tessa considered it. She pushed herself off the edge of the bed, standing at the head of the group. "Works for me." She clapped her hands together. "The Gods know we all need to rest."
Mark snorted and held up a hand. "You guys have fun resting. I'll be in the nearest casino. I win, and we'll be able to fly first class to California and back to New York."
Dale tossed her head back and laughed. "Mark, you're underage. The only thing you'll be winning if you try to gamble is a trip to security."
Everyone laughed, and Mark didn't even look unfazed. "I have my ways," he said with a devilish smile.
"Well, while Mark breaks the law, the rest of us will be getting something to eat." Tessa laughed, clapping the son of Iris on the shoulder. She headed over to the desk beside her bed, and rifled through the drawer until she pulled out the room service menu. She held it up, reaching for the phone. "Shall we?"
That night, Tessa was able to fall asleep quickly. Maybe it was the big dinner she had, maybe it was because of the relaxation of hanging around with her friends for the rest of the day, but whatever it was, she was grateful for it. However, her dreams were less than stellar.
Tessa found herself looking in on Camp Half-Blood in real time, it seemed. The torches outside every cabin were lit, and no one was around. The central green was still except for the flickering flames of the hearth—and a cloaked figure darting down the trails.
Tessa willed her dream self to follow, and the images obliged. She followed the figure through camp to the Big House, where they hurried inside and up the sets of stairs. They reached the attic door and ushered themselves inside, the ends of their cloak flicking like tendrils of darkness.
The figure stopped suddenly, and as if in a trance, paced over to a half-open crate. They knelt beside it, and rummaged through it. Eventually, they pulled out a vial of multicolored liquid flames—Greek fire. As they stood, their hood fell off, revealing a head of fiery hair. Sophia.
Tessa watched in astonishment as the daughter of Athena pocketed the vial—risky move considering Greek fire was highly combustible. She glanced at the opposite wall, where the Shield of Phobos hung. She paced towards it, reaching to touch it. Quickly, she recoiled as the shield shimmered with the thermal aura surrounding it.
Sophia glared at the shield and then turned, looking directly ahead to where Tessa felt like she was standing as she watched. The daughter of Athena's irises had turned to solid silver, and the impact of her gaze was enough to shake Tessa out of the dream and into the next one.
A montage of images rushed through Tessa's head. She saw herself and Kaden disappearing behind a red curtain as people dressed in glimmering gowns danced past them. She saw a vampiric woman in an alley, hair as dark as the night above her and lips as red as the blood on her nails. More images rushed past until Tessa saw her and her friends standing near the Golden Gate Bridge, and just like always, Tessa found herself walking down a cavern until a knife ripped through her heart.
Tessa woke up with a start, shocked to find that sunlight was streaming in through the windows and Dale was standing at the foot of her bed.
"Morning," The daughter of Demeter said, puzzlement in her voice. "Sleep well?"
Tessa looked around, sitting up. "Sure," she mused, pushing the blankets off of her. She took a sip of water from the glass beside her bed. "What time is it?"
Dale glanced over her shoulder at the clock by the TV. "Almost noon. I didn't want to wake you up," she said, finishing her braid and heading into the bathroom.
Tessa's eyes widened and she set her glass down with a thud. "Any news on Kaden's contact?"
"Yep," A voice piped up. Kaden himself came walking into their room, two boxes in his hands. He raised an eyebrow at Tessa in amusement, and with a horrific glance in the mirror, Tessa knew she probably had a severe case of bed head. She forced herself to focus though.
"I see she's brought" Tessa asked, walking over to Kaden and taking one of the boxes out of his hands. It was a simple dress box, but red tissue paper poked out from the lid.
"Yep," Kaden repeated with a croak. "She's asked us to rendezvous with her tonight."
Tessa whirled around, her hands on her hips. "What are we, part of a James Bond movie?"
Kaden cracked a grin. "No, but we'll surely look the part."
Tessa watched Kaden suspiciously but looked back to the box on her bed. Suddenly, she felt like she was opening a bomb rather than gift. Slowly, she lifted the lid off the box. A golden card rested atop the red tissue paper, and gingerly, Tessa picked it up.
"Hope these fit! You all will need to look your best to fit in with the crowd tonight. You'll know me when you see me. With love, A." Tessa read. She frowned, turning back to Kaden and Dale, who had come back from freshening up. "Forget James Bond, this is a Pretty Little Liars episode."
Dale grabbed the card, reading it for herself. "What crowd?" She asked.
Kaden took a breath. "I checked in the lobby and apparently, there's a big ball type thing tonight to celebrate some group. It's formal, so I take it my m—my contact wants us to fit in so we don't raise too much suspicion."
Tessa knit her eyebrows, peering back at the open box, its contents still hidden by the ruby tissue paper folded around it. "Kicking ass and looking good while doing it," she mused, glancing back at Kaden and Dale with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What else is new?"
Kaden laughed. "I'll see you guys tonight, then. The grand staircase leads to the banquet hall, so we'll meet up with you there." He turned on his heel and started out. "Oh, Dale, by the way Reese wanted me to tell you that he went to go get Mark out of the casino and he needs your help."
Dale groaned. "Who gambles at noon?" She grabbed her knife, turned into its dormant form as a lipstick tube, and stuffed it in her pocket. "I'll see you guys later." She ducked past Kaden and hurried down the hall.
For a moment, Kaden and Tessa locked eyes. Memories of Tessa's discussion with his sister, Kassie, flooded into her head. She wanted to ask him what the Hunter had meant by her warning to keep Kaden away from Deimos, but couldn't find words. She managed a soft smile which Kaden returned before heading out.
The door shut, and Tessa was left to her own devices. She sat down beside the box, and as curiosity got the best of her, she unwrapped the gift.
As the sun set, Tessa headed down the hall with Dale, her heart pounding. She found herself peering into every reflective surface, making sure her sparkly navy dress was zipped up, or that her dark brown hair hadn't fallen out of where she'd pinned it with Tempest. She was a nervous wreck, despite her love of dressing up.
"I don't think I've ever seen you this nervous over something like this," Dale noted as they turned a corner.
Tessa made a face. "There's a first time for everything."
"Exactly, so I better see a first kiss with Kaden tonight." Dale wiggled her eyebrows.
Tessa's eyes widened. She was at a loss for words, and she stamped her heel clad foot in frustration. "Dale," she whined.
"Relax, I was teasing." The daughter of Demeter said, picking at a random piece of fuzz on her white and gold dress. Unlike Tessa, Dale hadn't gone all out with dressing up. She wore converse on her feet instead of strappy sandals, and had only taken her dark hair out of its signature braid.
"Uh huh, and I'm Thomas Jefferson," Tessa retorted, elbowing her best friend. The two girls giggled, and the sound of the party grew louder as they approached the grand staircase. According to Kaden, the banquet hall was at its foot, where he, Mark, and Reese would be waiting. The thought of Kaden waiting for her at a ball made Tessa's heart beat a little faster.
Dale started down the stairs but Tessa waited at the top. Out of fear or out of anticipation for a Cinderella-like entrance, she wasn't sure. However, once she saw Dale disappear into the banquet hall with Reese and Mark flanking her, Tessa started her descent.
Kaden leant against the doorway, glancing around tiredly. His eyes fell upon Tessa and widened at the sight of her, his jaw dropping slightly.
Tessa tried to fight the smile on her face as she hopped off the last stair and headed over to Kaden. Even in heels, she wasn't as tall as him, but she reached up with a smirk and shut his jaw. "Careful," she said. "You'll catch flies."
Kaden blinked, swallowing. He reached up and scratched the back of his head, biting his lip. "You look stunning, Tessa," he said softly.
Tessa grinned, her heart beating rapidly. "Not too shabby yourself, Gray." She winked.
It was true. The son of Aphrodite was in a simple black tuxedo, tailored to perfection. He smiled his signature grin and offered Tessa his arm. "Shall we?"
"We shall," Tessa decided. She linked her arm through his and the duo entered the banquet hall, searching for their friends. "Where'd they run off to?"
Kaden shrugged at her side. "Mark's probably trying to raid the snack table, so Reese and Dale are probably trying to stop him." He glanced at Tessa and grinned.
Tessa laughed. "You're probably right." She scanned the hall, watching the people mingle and dance for some reason unbeknownst to her. She bit her lip, a question forming on her tongue.
"Would you like to dance?" Kaden asked. His green eyes shimmered in the low light of the ballroom, and a soft blush coated his cheeks.
Tessa smiled. "I'd love to."
Kaden grinned and grabbed her hand, sending an arc of electricity up Tessa's arm. He led her to the center of the room, resting a hand on her waist and keeping one clasped in hers. Tessa felt small fireworks ignite wherever he touched her and forced herself to focus on the dance as she rested her free hand on his shoulder.
Tessa was no dancer, but somehow, Kaden knew exactly what to do to help her get the hang of it. He whispered the steps in her ear, sending shivers down her spine as she executed them. To both Tessa's dismay and relief, the music quickened into a quick jazz song. Kaden didn't fail her, and spun her around with expertise among the other people on the dancefloor. Tessa didn't know how long they were dancing for, but she frankly didn't care. She could spend eternity in Kaden's arms, dancing away without a care in the world.
However, a tap on Tessa's shoulder caused them to stop. Tessa glanced over her shoulder, seeing Reese's blue eyes.
"Reese," Tessa greeted. "What's up?"
The son of Apollo half-smiled at her and looked to Kaden. "She's here," he said in a grave voice.
Kaden squeezed Tessa's hand, releasing his hand from her waist. He looked to Reese. "Lead the way."
Tessa reached her free hand up to her hair, feeling for Tempest as Reese led her and Kaden through the crowd. They left the dancefloor and approached one of the little private coves lining the walls, red curtains shut.
With a pang, Tessa remembered the image from her dream. She didn't know if it was worth telling the boys, considering it was already coming to life around them. However, Kaden turned to her and Reese.
"Reese, stand guard outside. Tessa, come with me. She'll...she'll try to fill your mind with weird things, confuse you, but just try to ignore it. She'll help us, we just have to bear with her tricks for a while," Kaden explained, severity in his emerald eyes.
Tessa nodded, squeezing Kaden's hand reassuringly. "Let's go."
For a moment, Kaden didn't budge. He took a breath and walked forward, hand in hand with Tessa. They ducked into the cove, the red curtains shutting behind them.
A woman sat poised on the plush red sofas lining the cove-like room. Her blonde hair was in ringlets, a sleek floor length gown on her delicate figure. Then, she changed. She had dark hair, and was wearing a red cocktail dress. Tessa blinked, and she changed again.
"Kaden! Tessa! Oh, kids, I'm so happy you got my summons." The woman said cheerfully. "Please, sit." She waved a manicured hand at the couches on either side of her.
Tessa blinked, trying to grasp a definite description of the woman's beauty. Then it dawned on her. She glanced up at Kaden and back at the woman.
"Kaden, dear, I think she's still a little lost. Or stunned. Either or. Why don't you help her out?" The woman said sunnily.
Kaden took a shaky breath. "Tessa, I'd like you to meet my mother, Aphrodite."
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