Chapter 18
Quick recap:
You both drift off to sleep fairly quickly.
(Halfway proof read)
Your POV
You wake up with the worst and your first hangover.
"Ouch." You yell as you hold your head.
That caused Brendon to wake up cause he sits up a little too quickly.
"Ouch!" He yells grabbing his head.
He hit his head on the top of the bunk.
You laugh and say "That's what you get for having a huge forehead."
"Haha very funny." He says as he climbs out of the bunk.
You jump into his arms and give him a peck on the lips like you always do.
You get changed into (say it with me...) {pic above}.
You step out of the bathroom and see Brendon.
"Hey um do you know what we did last night?" He asks you scratching the back of his neck.
It takes a while but you finally remembered.
You blush a dark shade of red.
Brendon laughs and says "I guess you do."
You turn around and walk away while giving him the finger.
He laughs even harder and you go to find some ibuprofen.
Lucky you you found some.
You take 2 pills and go back to your bunk.
"Hey babe we have an interview today." Bren tells you.
"Mk." You say as you sit on the couch.
You pull out your phone and go on Twitter.
You scroll through the feed and reply to some of the tweets to you. You followed some of them.
It turns out you arrived to the interview because Brendon came and got you.
You walk into the interview place thing (bare with me people...)
The interviewer was a girl and you could tell she had feelings for Bren.
This was going to be awesome...
"Ok so first question for both of you where is your favorite place to eat?" She asks you.
"I like to eat at {yo choice}." You say to her.
She fake smiles at you then looks at Brendon.
"I like to eat wherever my girlfriend is." Brendon says looking at you.
10 points me 0 points interviewer
You smile at her and she glares at you.
"Ok next question is for Brendon ONLY." She says looking at you.
"What's your favorite song to preform?" She asks him twirling her hair.
Brendon said something but it wasn't the answer.
"We're leaving cause I can't stand you flirting with me." Brendon says standing up while helping you up.
1m points me -1000 points interviewer.
You fake smile and wave as you walk out of the building.
When you walk out there is a group of girls.
Brendon smiles and you both walk to them.
"Hi girls." You say.
"Hi!" They say excited.
You both sign stuff and give hugs and take pictures.
You both walk away smiling.
Still smiling you both walk into the bus.
Brendon goes to change cause that was all you were doing today.
You do the same.
After doing so you sit down on the couch still smiling.
You pull out your phone and go on Twitter.
Brendon posted something about you both going to an interview.
You scroll through the comments but as doing so your smile fades.
"Stay away from our man." One comment said.
"We only care about people who matter in the world like Brendon not y/n." Another one said.
You didn't notice that a tear rolled down your cheek.
"Hey babe what's wrong?" Brendon asks you.
You quickly wipe the year away.
"Nothing." You say exiting out of the app.
"Ok good." Brendon says giving you a peck on the cheek.
Where you going to tell Brendon that the hate was bothering you?
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