Part 25
Yoongi sat in his room, rocking back and forth in the corner. His mind was swirling with messy thoughts like a sludgy alphabet soup. He couldn't think straight, there was just too much going on in his head. He climbed up onto his bed, pulling the covers fully over his head, and let sleep take over him in hopes to escape the mess that was his own mind.
Namjoon called up Jungkooks therapist, trying to ignore the shaking of his hands as he bit his nails nervously, listening to the phone ringing.
"Hi, how can I help?" She answers simply.
"Hi, uhh, it's me, Namjoon. I was wondering if there's any way you could help us out a little. Uhh, today's been a little rough and- I just need some help here." Namjoon says, wanting to stay serious and professional, but he couldn't help himself.
"Sure, what is it exactly that you need help with? What's been going on?"
"Jungkook had a huge breakdown when we were trying to get him to go to school. Some stuff happened with you know who, and we tried to get a restraining order filed but we just don't have the money. Now Jungkook doesn't feel safe even leaving the dorm, so when we tried to get him to leave for school he kicked off. He's never reacted like that."
"Hmm yeah ok I'm sure I can find some time to come and help you out with that."
"Oh and one more thing... our other band mate, Yoongi, he's been struggling a lot recently too. He's had diagnoses of anxiety and depression and stuff in the past but all that's going on with Jungkook seems to be making it worse. We caught him twice today about to self harm, and I think he needs some professional help. Do you think you can find some time for him too?" Namjoon asks nervously, picking at his nails.
"I'll have a look for you and get back to you on that one. But for now if you want advice to help deal with it, just try and make sure someone's with him at all times and that there's nothing around him that he could hurt himself with. If he starts spiralling just tell him to take some deep breaths and practice some mindfulness and that should help calm things down a little. But otherwise I shall do my best to make some time for the two of them. Ok?"
"Ok, thank you." Namjoon says, before hanging up, and heading out back to the others.
He sat down next to jungkook, who was engulfed in Jimins arms.
"You feelin' better kookie?" Namjoon asked softly, and jungkook nodded, turning the corners of his mouth up into a gentle smile.
"What about yoongi? Is he ok?" Jungkook asked, with wide doe eyes.
"Umm... I don't know kookie. He asked to be left alone for now, but i've asked you're therapist if she can maybe make some time for him, so hopefully he can get some help, ok?" Jungkook nods, fiddling with his own fingers.
Later that day, there was a knock on the door, of Jungkook's therapist arriving. Namjoon rushed to go get it. He opened the door bowing to her and stepping aside to let her in.
"Thanks so much for coming, Minsu." Namjoon said, with a clear genuity. He was indeed, very thankful.
"No worries. It sounds like you're struggling a lot over here, it was only right that I came over to help." She says, taking her coat of, which namjoon kindly takes and hangs up.
Minsu was a gentle woman, nearing her 50s, with soft dark brown locks always tied back into a neat bun. Her voice was smooth and sweet, calming enough as it is, alongside the fact that she seemed to have a way with words, made her destined to become a therapist. She just always knew what to say, to lift someones spirits even a little bit, and thats all that matters.
Namjoon leads her to the living room where Jungkook is still curled up in Jimins arms, feeling a little miserable. But at least he wasn't screaming and crying like he was earlier. Hoseok offered up his seat so she could sit next to Jungkook, and stood to the side. She carefully lowered herself next to jungkook, being slow and soft like always.
"I've heard about your struggles, Jungkook. I've come here to help. Is that ok with you?" Jungkook softly shook his head, leaving everyone else in confusion.
"Help yoongi first. He needs it more than me." Jungkook says, an almost intimidating tone in his voice, contradicting the small frail boy the voice came from. Minsu sighed softly. She'd heard about yoongi and his struggles, but unfortunately the company law said she can't work with him if hes not registered with her. But yoongi definitely needed serious help right now. Even if it was just a short chat with a therapist to make him feel better, he needed it. She nodded.
"Ok, if it'll make you happy, I'll go talk to him, ok? but remember you're still important too..." She mentioned. Jungkook nodded.
"I don't need help right now. I'm fine for now. I can wait. But yoongi... He needs help right now." Jungkook adds, explaining himself. Minsu nods and looks up for guidance as to where yoongi is.
"hes in his room..." Namjoon mumbles, offering to show her where that is. She nods, standing up and following namjoon to yoongis room. Namjoon carefully knocks on the door, but gets nothing in response. Not that he was expecting anything.
"...He's really stubborn. I don't want to intrude on his space and walk in if he doesn't want me to but... he needs it." Namjoon says, hand resting on the door handle.
"Just open the door." Minsu says with gentle encouragement. Namjoon nods, and carefully opens the door. It's pitch black in his room, and they can't see yoongi anywere, until namjoon reaches around, and switches the light on. Yoongi sits with his knees to his chest, leaning against his bed. His eyes glare at namjoon and the unfamiliar face at the door.
"Get out." He says, his voice rough, and straight up terrifying. Namjoon wanted to run away. But Minsu had been in this profession long enough to know he probably wouldn't dare hurt a fly. She slowly walked over, and sat down in front of him, but still leaving some distance, to make him more comfortable.
"I'm Jungkooks therapist. You can call me Minsu. I've heard you've been struggling recently, so if its ok with you, i can help you out a little." She said softly, with that honey voice of hers enough to calm down the most stubborn and broken people. Yoongi just glared at her with blood shot eyes, irritated from crying. "so? would you like that?" She asks, with her warm smile. Yoongi nods softly, before glaring up at namjoon, who was still stood in the doorway. Namjoon already knew exactly what yoongi wanted, so he reached out and carefully shut the door and walked away. The moment he heard namjoon walk away, yoongi burst out into tears.
Minsu knew from the beginning that he wasn't a threat or mean. He just didn't want to be seen as weak. Especially around the people he cared about like it bandmates. He didn't want them to worry. But they were. A lot.
"It's ok. let it all out. It's just us here. I've got time. Talk to me when your ready." It took about 10 minutes for Yoongi to calm down, and he finally felt ready to talk.
"I want to help kookie. I really do. But seeing him struggle like that brings back something in me and pulls me back down. And suddenly I'm back where I was." Yoongi admits, keeping his voice low and quiet, trying to hide the intense shaking.
"Mm. and that's ok. It's not your fault." Minsu replies, and Yoongi nods.
"Do you mind me asking why you were considering self-harm?" She asks carefully, and Yoongi fiddles with his fingers for a moment as he struggles to get the answer out.
"I.... I don't really know. It's almost like I have no control over it." Yoongi muttered.
"Mmm..." minsu hums, her voice warm. "Now of course it's up to you, but I think you should take some time with a therapist to work on controlling it. Would you be ok with that?"
"I... don't know." Yoongi says, fiddling with his fingers. "Last time I tried therapy I hated it so..." minsu nodded. She totally understood.
"There's many reasons you could hate it. Maybe it was the therapist themselves, maybe it was the type of therapy, but right now you are a danger to yourself. So you need to promise me you'll give therapy a try, and not give up after just one time, this time." She says with a wink, and Yoongi manages to crack a slight smirk as he nods.
"I know you want to be alone right now but everyone else is worried about you, so when you're ready, you should go out and talk to them."
"Can you ask them, when I do come out, to not make a big deal out of it? I don't want them to make a big deal out of it." Yoongi says shyly, playing with his fingers.
"Of course. For now just take some deep breaths, maybe listen to some music to distract yourself or something. Ok?" Yoongi nods, taking out his phone, and getting some headphones, plugging them in and playing his favourite playlist, before closing his eyes and resting his head back. Minsu nods, and leaves the room.
Everyone quickly looked up when minsu walked back in, fear in their eyes.
"Yoongis ok. He'll come out in a bit, when he's ready. But when he does, he's asked me to ask all of you to not make a big deal out of it. I know you want to make sure he's ok, but he just needs distracting a bit right now, so don't make a big deal and put all the attention on him, ok?" The others nod, and the attention is back on jungkook.
Ok I don't usually do authors note but I just wanted to say I'm sorry it took so long to update I've just had writers block pretty bad. I wasn't gonna end the chapter here but like I said I have pretty bad writers block rn and I wanted to get something out to y'all. Again, sorry for the late update.
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