Part 24
WARNING: this one gets hella dark.
"I'm sorry jungkook. I really am. We just don't have enough money; there's no way we could ever win the case." Namjoon said, his heart pounding. Everyone's hearts sunk, but jungkooks stopped. It skipped a beat as he heard the news. He couldn't help but break down into sobs, a panic attack on the horizon. No restraining order, means Jungkook is not safe. He's not safe, no matter where he is. Jihoon could get to him at any time and beat him to a pulp again.
Next thing he knew, he wasn't breathing again.
"Kookie.... kookie you gotta breathe buddy...." Yoongi says, remembering what happened in the car just the other day. He rubbed his chest roughly, gently patting his back. The others sat nervously, knowing exactly what was happening. Jimin didn't even care what the others thought, he embraced Jungkook in a tight hug, squeezing him tighter then he ever had before.
"It's ok kookie. You're safe. As long as I'm here, he won't ever dare touch you." Jungkook managed to gasp out a few breaths, and Jimin continued to squeeze him tightly in his arms, not letting go. Jimin didn't dare let him go any time soon. The pressure of Jimin squeezing him helped Jungkook calm down, and the others kept a keen eye on him for the rest of the day.
Then came the time for Jungkooks next school day. Jungkook has been terrified to leave the house since the incident. Even going to the studio was a struggle, but since the others were always with him, he felt just that little bit safer. But at school, he would be left alone. No hyungs with him to keep him safe.
He had been a crying mess all morning, and it was a struggle to even get him into uniform. He didn't want to wear it cause that meant he would have to go to school, and he didn't want to. But they managed to get it on eventually, and now the struggle was getting him out the door. It's like he'd turned into a tantruming child, except this wasn't just a tantrum, it was a full blown panic attack/breakdown. Jungkook was so desperate that he got vocal. The screams and yells that rang through the dorm sent chills through everyone's spine as Namjoon and Jin try to calm him down and get him through the door.
"NO HYUNGS I CANT GO" Jungkook yells, trying to push past them and go to his bedroom, while the other two desperately tried to hold him back.
"Joon, there's no way he can go to school. Just call them up and explain." Jin says, getting desperate. If he's screaming and yelling, there's no way they could ever get him to school. Namjoon sighed. He was right. They both let go and Jungkook sprints into his room and slams the door. He scurries to the nearest corner and curls into a ball, rocking back and forth.
Namjoon got his phone out and got to calling the school. Jimin, Hoseok and taehyung were holding back tears having witnessed the whole thing, and Yoongi had gone to hide in his room long before now.
"Hi, Uhh, sorry I was just calling to say that we don't think Jungkook can go to school. He uhhh... he's just really struggling right now so we might need some extra help before he can get to school." Thankfully, the school understood. Was Jungkook ever going to go back to school? Cause it sure wasn't looking like it at this rate.
Jimin got up and went to Jungkooks room, and crouched down in front of him.
"It's ok Jungkook, listen, you don't have to go, ok? Namjoon called them, you don't have to go." Jimins heart clenched at the relieved sobs Jungkook let out, hiding behind his arms.
"Are you ok? Do you want anything?" Jimin asks softly.
"G-g-g-g-go." Jungkook chokes out. He didn't want to be rude but that's all he could choke out right now.
"You wanna be alone for a bit?" Jimin confirms. Jungkook nods, and Jimin complies, standing up and heading out to the others, explaining that Jungkook needed some alone time.
Straight after, he went to Yoongis room to check that he was ok too. Despite the fact that Yoongi always preferred to be alone in these moments, Jimin just had a feeling that he needed to check on Yoongi. And god is he glad he did.
The first thing Jimin saw when he he opened the door was the glint from the silver blade of a knife in Yoongis hand, which was frozen in position as it hovered above his exposed wrist. Yoongi looked up at Jimin with wide glossy eyes. Jimin felt an instinct in him to run over to Yoongi, but he knew he had to be careful so he took a few steps into the room slowly and carefully.
"Yoongi....put the knife down." Jimin said as calmly and clearly as possible. Yoongi didn't listen. He sobbed, resting the knife on his wrist. With that Jimin ran over, taking the knife off him. He put it aside, and sat down next to Yoongi, hugging him tightly, as he sobbed into Jimins arms. As much as Jimin wanted to interrogate him asking what he was doing, he knew now wasn't the time. For now he just needed to stay with Yoongi until he calmed down. They got lucky this time, he managed to catch Yoongi in the act just before he actually harmed himself, only a slight scratch marked on his wrist with no blood, thank god.
Yoongi babbled out nonsense as he sobbed into Jimins chest, while Jimin gently rocked side to side.
Namjoon came in just to make sure everything was fine, but everything was definitely not fine. Jimin held out the knife when he saw Namjoon, and said softly "can you take this away please?" Namjoon nodded with buggy eyes and took the knife away, his chest tightening thinking about what Yoongi could have done if Jimin hadn't got to him. Why is everyone in this band slowly falling apart?
When the others saw Namjoon holding a knife after coming out of Yoongis room, everyone's hearts sank once again.
"Namjoon.... why do you have a knife..." Jin asks, frozen solid.
"I-I-I...... I don't know... Jimin just told me to take it..." Namjoon says, his voice shaking intensely.
"I-is Yoongi o-ok?" Jin asks, wringing his hands and fingers.
"I don't know, but Jimin with him, and I couldn't see any blood so I think we caught him at the right time." Namjoon says awkwardly, putting the knife on the countertop.
Jungkook had managed to calm down, and came back out side wanting hugs, only to see everyone frozen solid with wide eyes.
"Oh, kookie... are you ok?" Namjoon says, clearing his throat. Jungkook just nodded and held his arms out for a hug. Namjoon gladly accepted the hug request and squeezed him tight. Jungkook just sniffed a few times, and the others were surprised that he wasn't breaking down.
"You sure you're ok kookie?" Namjoon says as the hug started to loosen, and Jungkook just hums.
"Is Yoongi ok?" Jungkook asks after looking around and seeing the fellow member is missing.
"Umm... d-don't worry about that kookie, just-"
"No. Tell me if he's ok." Jungkook said sternly.
"O-ok well, he's with Jimin right now so he's safe. That's all you need to know ok kookie?"
Jungkook glanced over and saw the knife in the corner of his vision, and immediately understood. He couldn't help but feel guilty. He was the reason Yoongi was feeling so bad again.
"H-he should get help..." Jungkook says shakily. He doesn't want to put Yoongi through the torture he went through staying at a mental hospital, but maybe he could use it.
"Tell ya what kook. You clearly need help too yknow. So I'll call your therapist to come and see if she can work with you on getting you back to school, and while I do that I'll also ask her if she has a space free for Yoongi. How's that sound?" Namjoon says, resting his hands on kooks shoulders. Jungkook nods.
"Ok, you go sit with Hoseok and taehyung while I go check on Yoongi and Jimin, ok?" Jungkook nods, walking over and flopping onto the couch next to the two, and Namjoon scurries back off to Yoongis room.
He crouched down in front of them, and they were still in the exact same position he left them.
"Is he doing any better?" Namjoon whispers, and Jimin just sighs.
"I don't know. He hasn't stopped crying." Jimin says, clearly a little distraught. None of them knew what to do. I mean, they were just regular young adults, not mental health professionals.
"Yoongi, can you hear me?" Namjoon says, softly yet clearly. Yoongi nods, but doesn't dare open his tightly scrunched eyes.
"Take deep breaths, and try and calm down, so we can talk through this, yeah?" Namjoon says, changing from his crouched position to sitting cross legged.
Yoongi hated being the vulnerable one. He did like to be coddled while he cried. Which is why he suddenly tore himself away from Jimins arms and ran past Namjoon, slamming the bathroom door shut.
Jimin went to go after him before Namjoon stopped him.
"He might just need a moment alone ok Jimin?"
"No! There's razors in there Namjoon what if he hurts himself?!" Jimin shouts. Namjoon sighed and let Jimin go, following closely behind.
Yoongis head jolted up from where he was curled up on the floor next to an open cupboard, a razor on the floor.
"GET AWAY!" He shouts, louder than anyone had ever heard him shout, his voice rough and grating.
"I will leave you alone, but you've just got to let me take all the razors out of here. I can't let you hurt yourself." Jimin said, going to pick the razor off the floor, but Yoongi quickly grabs Jimins hand, causing the razor to slip and cut them both on the finger.
"OW!" Jimin cries, grabbing at his finger. While Yoongi just stares at his, eyes wide and bloodshot from crying.
"Jimin go to the kitchen sink and wash you finger and ask jin to look at it, I'll sort Yoongi out."
Jimins breath catches in his throat as he runs out to the kitchen.
Namjoon crouched down in front of Yoongi. He wasn't messing around anymore.
"Yoongi. We can't let you hurt yourself. You know how it feels, you saw kookie doing this to himself. You know how that feels. So don't make us go through that. I will leave you alone, after I clean up that finger of yours and take you back to your room where you're safe."
Namjoon said, gently taking Yoongis wrist and pulling him up to the sink where he cleaned out the cut. He may have got lucky enough to not need stitches. Just. Namjoon gets a bandaid from the cupboard and puts it on Yoongis finger before leading him to his room, getting him in his bed and shutting the door. As much as he is nervous to leave Yoongi in there alone, he knows there's nothing in there he could harm himself with. Hopefully.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Jimin runs to the sink, sobbing hysterically, making everyone's head turn. Jin quickly jumps up and goes after him, while everyone else just stares in shock.
"Jimin what happened?" Jin said, a sense of urgency in his voice.
"Yoongi was in there and- there was a razor and- I picked it up but Yoongi- and Yoongi- he-" Jimin babbled, to panicked to form a proper sentence.
"Jimin. Calm down. Take a deep breath, and tell me what happened properly." Jin says, his voice firm and clear.
"Yoongi ran into the bathroom... so we went after him... but he had a razor... on the floor... I tried to take it... but he grabbed my hand and it slipped..." Jimin says, in between panicked breaths.
"Ok let me look at it." Jin says calmly, pulling Jimins finger out from under the stream of water. He gently pulls it apart to see how deep it is, before putting it back under the stream of water.
"Hyung it stings." Jimin says, still in hysterics.
"It will do it's ok Jimin. You need to calm down ok. I can't have you passing out." Jin says, while grabbing some paper towels and an ice cube from the freezer. He wraps the ice cube in the paper towels and places it on Jimins finger.
"Ow! That stings!"
"Yes I know it will do. It's just to try and stop the bleeding a bit ok? Come with me and sit down for a bit you need to calm down." Jin leads Jimin back to the living room and sits him down on the couch, still holding the ice cube tightly against his finger. At that point Namjoon comes back into the living room, immediately on his phone to call someone. They need serious help.
Dealing with two mentally unstable people in the same house is hard work.
Sorry that got hella depressing. How about a Yoongi to cheer you up?
Happy smiley yoon to make you happy after that mess 👀
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