Part 23
Jungkook was finally let home, but he still had another issue to tackle- school.
He didn't even want to think about going back there. Just the thought of it was too triggering, but it was a legal requirement that he had to go back to school. Unfortunately there was no way out of it. Luckily the school understood, and agreed to make special amendments for him. The head teacher organised a time to meet with all of them and talk through arrangements.
Through their talk, they agreed that Jungkook could work at home, and come into school for just one day a week to begin with. When he's in school, he will work in a separate room away from other students, and will get 1 on 1 time with his teacher and the school counsellor. Then as he started to get more comfortable, they would move to two days at school, to three days, to four, etc. Jungkook was happy with these agreements, and then started back at school after the winter holidays.
He went into school on that first Monday back, and already felt his heart racing. He used all the techniques he'd been taught, the deep breathing, the 5 senses thing, all of it, but nothing really managed to calm his nerves. That's the nature of ptsd.
He was guided straight to the separate room where the counsellor greeted him.
"Hi Jungkook, how are you?" She says, leading him into the comforting space that is the counsellors office. It had soft cushions, mood lighting. It was a calming space.
"N-not good." Jungkook says, sitting on the comfy couch.
"Is it just being back at school?" The counsellor asks, and Jungkook nods, fiddling with his fingers uncomfortably.
"That's ok, I understand. Being back at school after an incident like that must be hard. We can work on getting you more comfortable ok?" Jungkook nods, still fiddling with his fingers to try and deal with the anxiety.
"We won't do much today. Just some fun stuff to help you get comfortable, ok?" Jungkook nodded. He still felt anxiety but he was starting to just accept it and settle down.
He got through the day pretty well, and towards the end of the day he was visited by his teacher.
"Hi Jungkook! Long time no see!" She says cheerfully. Inside, her heart is aching looking at the broken boy in front of her.
"H-hi miss." Jungkook replies with a fake smirk.
"How you doing?" She asks casually, sitting down next to him.
"Ummm, ok I guess..." Jungkook mumbles.
"Have your wounds all healed?" She asks and Jungkook nods.
"For the most part yeah."
"And how you doing mentally? Any better?" Jungkook just nods. He doesn't want to get into it.
"well, I can at least tell you that Jihoon is gone for good. He's never allowed back on the school grounds, so you are safe here now, if that gives you any comfort..." the teacher says awkwardly. She knew just being told that wouldn't solve everything Jungkooks been through, but if it gives him some comfort that he is safe, that's all that matters.
"I'm glad." Jungkook says with a sigh. He was glad, but also just the mention of Jihoon's name brought up a whirlwind of panic building in his chest. He couldn't help but start spacing out. The world continued to turn around him while he just sat staring at the floor, clutching at his chest. He couldn't hear anything anyone was saying to him, meaning he didn't here the panicked voices of the counsellor and his teacher as they wondered why he wasn't responding to anything they said.
"Jungkook? Jungkook?" They repeated this several times in attempt to get his attention.
"Did I say something wrong?" The teacher worries to the counsellor as she looks over at Jungkooks empty self.
"No you're fine. I don't know what's happening." They were so absorbed in worrying about why jungkook wasn't responding to them to realise that he wasn't breathing. At all. So when jungkook quickly gasped, both their heads turned to him and they looked in shock.
"Jungkook, Jungkook listen to me." The counsellor says firmly, crouching into his view. "You need to breathe. Take deep breaths jungkook."
Jungkook managed to gasp out a few quick breaths, but each time it felt like he was drowning, breathing in water, choking. He felt like he was drowning, deeper and deeper into nothingness. The voices of the counsellor and his teacher sounded muffled, just as if he really were underwater, as his ears rang in a high pitch that drowned out any other sound he could hear. He just couldn't breathe. No matter how hard he tried to inhale, nothing happened. His heart was already beating fast, but it started beating even faster at the panic of not getting any air. Jungkook was so zoned out he didn't even notice his vision go black.
The next thing he knew he woke up on the floor, taking in a huge gasp of air. He quickly sat up, regaining his breath, looking around to see where he was.
"Jungkook are you ok?" The teacher asked, full of concern. The room was full of panic when nothing they were saying would get Jungkook to breathe. They were even more concerned when his eyes fluttered shut and he fell forward onto the floor... still not breathing. They were glad when he woke up just moments later with a huge breath.
"What happened?" Jungkook asked, clearly winded and out of breath. He was disoriented, and it took him a few moments to figure out where he was.
"You suddenly stopped breathing and you passed out." The counsellor replied. After being reminded of where he was, he remembered what happened, and he remembered why.
"Can you just not mention his name again?" Jungkook asked shyly. The teacher nodded.
"Of course honey, sorry." She replied, feeling guilty that she was what caused the panic.
"Anyway, I've got to get back to my class. I'll see you soon jungkook." She said with a sympathetic smile and headed back to her classroom.
As soon as he saw their car, Jungkook ran up to it. Yoongi has just stepped out when I was suddenly embraced in a tight hug, whether he liked it or not.
"Hey kiddo, what's up?" Yoongi said with worry.
"Nothing. I just missed you." Jungkook said, his face smushed against Yoongis shoulder.
"Well, let's get you in the car and you can go home to your other hyungs." Yoongi said in an attempt to make Jungkook let him go. And Jungkook did just that. He ran around to the other side of the car and hopped in excitedly.
Yoongi got the engine started and drove off, while Jungkook sat happily in the passenger seat.
"So did you have a good day?"
"Nope. It was terrible." Jungkook replied with a smile. Yoongi was thrown off at the contradicting tone.
"Well... do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.
"Na, I'm good." Jungkook replied, looking out the window at all the people walking by.
"I just gotta stop for some petrol/gas ok kook?" Yoongi said, turning into the petrol/gas station. Jungkook just nodded.
He sat happily in the car while Yoongi filled up the car, until Yoongi reached in the car for his wallet.
"I'll be back in a sec ok kiddo? Will you be ok on your own for a minute or so?" Jungkook made an unsure noise.
"I'll only be a minute I promise. I'll lock the car while I'm gone so no one can get to you. You'll be fine I promise, just sit tight." Yoongi says, closing the car door and locking the car. Jungkook watched as Yoongi wandered into the gas station shop to pay, not taking his eyes off him, until he saw a figure in the window next to him...
His heart skipped a beat when he saw who it was. His throat constricted again, denying access to any air that wanted to get through. He started pounding on the window and pulling on the handle, trying to get into the car. This set the car alarm off, and Yoongi quickly came running back.
"HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" He said, shoving the guy back. He just quickly ran away, and Yoongi swiftly unlocked the car, climbing in next to Jungkook.
"Oh my gosh Jungkook are you ok? Bunny I'm so sorry." Yoongi said, looking at Jungkooks traumatised eyes as he shook from fear.
"Jungkook, listen. Take deep breaths." Yoongi said slowly and clearly, so he could be sure Jungkook heard him.
"I-I-I c-c-can't-t" Jungkook stuttered out. He really can't. No matter how hard he tries.
"Jungkook, remember, the 5 senses thing? 5 things you can see." Yoongi says. Jungkook just can't. He looks around, but his brain is screaming at him that he's in danger, that he's gonna die. It wasn't working.
"Did you do it?" Yoongi asks, but Jungkook continues to stare into the distance with wide, glossy eyes. Yoongi doesn't know what to do. He's sat in a gas station, trying to pull his friend out of the tight grippings of a panic attack.
"Let's just get you home. It's just a few minutes down the road." Yoongi said, slightly panicking that Jungkook still wasn't breathing. Surely he'd take a breath at some point. Yoongi just got in, started up the engine, and looked at Jungkook, his face had dropped several shades, was now almost ashen white. No way was Yoongi driving home while Jungkook was like this. He just pulled out to free up a gas tank and pulled into one of the parking spaces.
"Jungkook. Breathe." Yoongi says, placing a careful hand on Jungkooks thigh. Jungkook didn't hear him though. The sounds of his panicked mind were too loud. Before he could stop it, he felt himself swaying. Yoongi quickly caught him, one hand on his chest and one hand on his back. Yoongi carefully rubbed Jungkooks chest, hopefully giving the illusion of clearing whatever was blocking his airways. Miraculously, it works, and Jungkook gasps deeply.
"Breathe kookie breathe. You're ok." Jungkook breathes deep, heavy breaths, finally being pulled back to reality in an instant.
"W-what happened?" Jungkook asked under his breath, his eyes scanning his surrounding environment. It felt like he'd just woken up or something.
"There was a guy trying to break into the car and it set you off..." Yoongi said, eyebrows creasing with concern. It came back to Jungkook. He saw his face again in his mind.
"That wasn't a guy... it was... him." Jungkook mutters, not even wanting to attempt saying his name.
"Jihoon? That was him?" Yoongi said, anger building. Jungkook nodded.
"Ok let's just get home ok? It's just a few minutes away it won't be long." Yoongi says, starting the engine again and getting them home.
When they got home Yoongi quickly got Jungkook situated on the couch with a blanket and a warm hot chocolate to help him calm down some. Everyone else was also gathered around after being told what happened.
"I mean, this is serious. Our kookie is in danger." Namjoon says, and everyone nods in agreement. "We need to take legal action, or there's no way he'll ever be safe."
"Surely Jihoon should have been locked away after what he did to Jungkook?" Taehyung says with anger. He deserved to be locked away forever.
"Unfortunately, Jihoon and his company have money. We don't. There's no way we could have won the court case. So he got away."
"Well is there any way to keep him away from Jungkook?" Jimin asks.
"We could try and get a restraining order, but other than that there's not much we can afford. It all costs us too much." Namjoon replies. Jungkook stayed squished in the corner, hugging his knees to his chest the whole time. He wasn't listening to the conversation. If he did he'd probably spiral into a panic attack again.
"Well, we'll call the company and see what we can do." Namjoon says.
"You ok Kookie?" Yoongi says, pinching the skin on the back of his head. Jungkook nodded, standing up. He kept the blanket wrapped around his shoulders, still holding a cushion.
"I'm heading to my room." Jungkook mumbled. All the other looked on with concern.
"You sure you're ok kookie?" Hoseok asks. Jungkook looks back and shrugs.
"Yeah I'm fine. I just want some time alone. Is that ok?" Jungkook says, a hint of anger in his voice.
"Y-yeah." Hoseok nods, and Jungkook continues on his way to his room.
He shuts his door, breathing in and out, taking in the sweet quiet. He climbs onto his bed, and sits just how he was, knees up, tightly squeezing the pillow. His mind flashes with memories of Jihoon violently pulling on the handle of the door, hitting the window. He breathed in, and out. It's ok. You're safe at home now. He successfully ignored the heart palpitations and flashes of thoughts as he scrolled through twitter and played through a random mindless game on his phone. He wasn't lying. He just needed some time alone. Without realising how long he stayed there for, he heard Jin calling for him.
"KOOKIE! DINNERS READY!" He smirked as he climbed off his bed and wandered to the kitchen where he was greeted by the gorgeous smell of jins cooking, and the bright smiles of his members.
Maybe everything will be ok after all.
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