Part 20
When jihoon was called to the headteachers office, yes he felt a little nervous, but he knew that he could play his tricks and get away with it.
"Hello jihoon, just take a seat." The headteacher said, typing a few things down on her computer.
"Well I'm sure you know why I brought you here." She says, spinning round on her chair to face him, trying to contain her anger.
"Uhh, no miss, I don't think I do." He said with a fake warm smile.
"Well I'll just ask you to explain this then." She said, pulling up the security camera video of him. Jihoon felt the pressure building. For lack of a better word, he was fucked.
"Do you have anything to say?... in regards to this video?..." she asked, jihoon clenched his jaw. Just watching the footage made him angry, seeing Jungkook getting what he deserved. He shook his head, with a fake perplexed expression.
"You don't know what's happening here? No explanation as to why you're kicking Jungkook in the stomach?"
"Nope. I don't know what you're talking about. That's not me." He said, even though it was very clearly a lie. The headteacher laughed.
"Are you sure? Cause I'd say that looks exactly identical to you." She says with a chuckle, zooming into his face on a screenshot from the video.
"Look it wasn't me! I love Jungkook!" He cringed internally at that horrific lie.
"Oh yeah? What about this?" She asks, pulling up the other video of him pulling on Jungkooks collar. Jihoon just shakes his head with his arms firmly crossed.
"And this?" She said, holding up the page of mrs Kim's notebook, covered in blood and the shaky writing of Jungkooks.
"I thought you said you loved him? And now he's a liar?"
"YEAH! I thought we were friends but he must have hated me! Framing me for something I didn't do!" Jihoon feigns shock, trying so hard to retain his image.
"I'm sorry Jihoon. All the evidence clearly points to you. There's no point hiding it. Stop lying. The more you lie the worse your punishment will be you know."
"I didn't do it." He insists one last time.
"I'm sorry I'll have to permanently exclude you jihoon. I can't have abusive lying students in my school. You may get your things and you must be gone within the next hour."
"I'm not an idiot jihoon. I can very clearly see that it's you on that security camera. So stop lying and own up. I'll give you one last chance to admit it was you, so I only have to exclude you temporarily."
"Ugh Jesus Christ." Jihoon scoffs.
"Ok, that was your last chance. Get your things and get out of my school." The headteacher was bracing herself for an explosion from jihoon. And boy did she get an explosion and a half. He kicked the door down, and ran through the corridors, kicking and punching everything in his path, including a few students. That settles it. He was escorted off the grounds by security, never to come back again.
It only took the words "Jungkook is in hospital" for Namjoon to throw the phone away and run out of the house, not even grabbing a coat. Luckily jin caught up and brought him back before he ran all the way to the hospital in the cold.
"Joon, chill out, and tell me what happened." Jin said, holding him firmly by his shoulders.
"Jungkooks in hospital." Namjoon said, the shakiness and desperation clear in his voice.
"Woah woah woah slow down. What happened? Why is he in hospital?"
"I DONT KNOW! We need to go to him now!"
"Okokokok let's calm down. He's in good hands at the hospital so let's take our time. Take some deep breaths and stop panicking. Get a coat on for one, and I'll get the others and we'll drive there. It's to cold to be running away Namjoon." Jin says, sitting Namjoon down. He dashed off to grab the others and they all headed to the hospital.
"What do you think happened?" Yoongi asked.
"I don't know. Maybe it was someone from school." Namjoon said, gritting his teeth.
"Maybe he wasn't stable enough to go back to school yet, and he had to go back." Jimin suggested.
"*sigh* I hope not." Namjoon says, biting his nails anxiously.
As soon as they arrive they have to fight their urges to run in there and trash the place trying to find him, but they managed to keep to a fast power walk. Jin walks straight up to the front desk, which luckily didn't have a queue at this point.
"Hi, our friend was just brought in in an ambulance. Can we see him?"
"Umm what was the name?" The receptionist asked, clicking a few things on the computer.
"Jeon Jungkook."
"Ummm, yeah ok. He is under 16 so he needs to have a parent or guardian see him first." News that they definitely didn't want to hear.
"Umm, his parents are back in Busan. He lives with us. Can we please just see him?" Jin begs.
"I'm sorry sir. Unless you have legal guardianship over him you can't see him."
"But it makes no sense! His parents can't get here for several days! We live with him, work with him, and we're not allowed to see him? What is this rule even for?" Jin shouts, getting frustrated. He was worried about Jungkook. What if the poor thing was in pain and had no one there to comfort him.
"It's for security reasons sir." The receptionist replies.
"So someone can just come in claiming to be his parents and you'd let them in?" Jin was getting fired up at this point. The others were preparing to have to stop him.
"No, they would need papers. Just take a seat in the waiting room and I'll see if I can make any arrangements for you, ok?" They all miserably sit in the waiting room, praying to every god that they can see him. It got to a good hour later, and still nothing.
"Should we just go home? And ask them to call us with any updates?" Suga suggests, and they all look at him as if he's insane.
"Are you kidding? We can't leave him here alone!" Jin said. He had a very short fuse at this point.
"Well at this rate it feels like we'll never get to see him again!" Yoongi shouts, the two getting riled up.
"Guys now is not the time to argue." Namjoon says, but that doesn't help in the slightest. They continue to shout over each other, causing a scene in the middle of the waiting room. Namjoon ended up using brute force to push Yoongi outside to cool off.
"Hyung! Look I know it's taking a long time but Jin was right. We can't just leave him there alone. He's a 15 year old kid for Christs sake. Give it another hour at least yeah?" Namjoon said. He saw yoongis fists clenching, and he was breathing heavily. These were all telltale signs of another one of yoongis episodes. Every so often he would go through spurts of irritability and anger, that would sometimes get very explosive and even dangerous. Luckily they'd now learned how to deal with it.
"Let's go for a walk yeah?" Namjoon says, looking at Yoongis clenched jaw and red face. He walked off, through the streets, Yoongi following close behind.
"Remember, deep breaths. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8." Namjoon said, looking back at Yoongi every so often, to make sure he was still there.
"I need to punch something." Yoongi stated, alarmingly calmly.
"You don't need to do that Yoongi. Just do the breathing, remember? Walk it off."
"I can't. It's not working. I need to punch something. Now." Namjoon was seriously starting to worry for his safety.
"Do you need to go to the studio? Would that help?" Namjoon said, stopping. Yoongi thought for a bit, before nodding. He just needed to get it out somehow.
"I need my notebook." Namjoon sighed. That was all the way back at the dorm.
"Ok I'll ask someone to drive back with you."
"I'll drive." Yoongi said.
"Nonono. No way are you driving right now. I'll ask one of the others. Cmon let's go back."
The two walked back to the hospital and saw the others through the doors. Namjoon beckoned for one of them to come out, since he didn't want to leave Yoongi incase he ran off. Jimin came out.
"Do you think one of you can drive Yoongi back to the dorm? He needs his notebook." Namjoon said.
"Why? What does he need his notebook for? Nows not the time for lyric writing?!" Jimin said, clearly a bit agitated too. Yoongi let out an angry puff, looking off into the distance.
"He just needs to let his feeling out some how. Please, or he'll lash out." Namjoon insisted.
"Ok, I'll ask Hoseok." Jimin said, heading back inside.
Meanwhile (Jungkook)
The last thing he remembered was writing in mrs kim's notebook. Everything after that is a blur. Occasionally he'll get the random flash of a memory, of a doctor above him in an ambulance, but they were hazy.
"He has some internal bleeding. We need suction." He heard those words, not really comprehending what they meant until it was too late. A tube was being shoved down his throat, causing him to gag. He instinctively swallowed, which only pulled the tube down further.
"That's it, keep swallowing Jungkook." He heard someone say, so he did just that. He kept swallowing, wishing that lump in his throat would go away. Yet with each swallow it stayed right there.
"" he managed to whisper out.
"We can get them for you. What are their names?" The doctor asked.
"Namjoon, hoseok, ... seokjin, Jimin, taehyung, ... Yoongi." He mumbled, struggling to fight against the tiredness he felt. Before long the darkness took over.
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