Part 16
"So Jungkook, about your diagnoses..." the doctor said, looking down at her clipboard. Jungkook had moved back onto his bed and had calmed down a lot.
"You have been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety, along with anorexia and bulimia and mild ocd." Well what a lovely collection. He thought after hearing that long list.
"So now we just have to think about treatment. The eating disorders will have to be cured by therapy, but the rest have the option for medication if you think that will be better suited for you, but ultimately it's up to you. And if you try one and it doesn't work that's ok. We have lots of options, different types of medications and different types of therapy, and we will find something that works, ok? So don't worry, we can try everything and see how it goes. So what do you want to do?" Jungkook thought about it for a little while. While using medication would be quicker and easier to balance with their packed schedules, he didn't like the sound of medication, cause it felt artificial. Like they were just giving him happy chemicals and hiding all his turmoil. Therapy could fix it properly. It was a hard choice.
"I think I'd rather do therapy. I don't really like the sound of medication, but also it would work better for when I have a busy schedule, so I don't know."
"If you feel more comfortable doing therapy then that's ok. You can always use medication temporarily during your busier times. If you find that therapy doesn't work then we can try medication and you may decide you like it. It's just a case of trying things out." The doctor replies with a warm helpful tone. Jungkook finds that comforting, hearing that he will find something and he will get better, hopefully soon.
"So can I leave here soon?" He asks out of the blue, causing both the doctor and the nurse to let out a chuckle.
"Umm maybe tomorrow." The nurse says with a warm smile, and Jungkook smiles back excitedly. All he wants is to be able to see his hyungs again and his parent and hug them tight.
"So, what do you want to do? Do you wanna go through the different options in more detail? Or you could take a little break and meet some others?" The doctor suggests. Jungkook thinks for a bit before he makes up his mind.
"I wanna take a break and meet people." He said with a gentle smile.
"Of course, minseo can you take him to the green room?" The doctor says, turning to the nurse. She nods and beckons Jungkook her way and out the door.
He follows her to a room where several people are chilling, and he sees a familiar face.
"Jungkook!" She says excitedly, jumping up from the chair she was sat on.
"H-hi Seohyun..." He says, shyly.
"How are you doing? I heard you had to be sedated." She said worriedly.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine now. Well, as fine as I can be considering that I'm here." He replies with an awkward smile.
"Good. I was sedated before. Wasn't fun." She says casually, sitting back down and motioning for Jungkook to sit next to her, and he did.
"Really? Why were you sedated?" He asks.
"Same reason as you. I wanted to get out."
After talking with seohyun for a little while, she was pulled away for something, and Jungkook was also taken back to his room. He flopped onto his bed, staring at the ceiling.
"You ok?" The nurse asked, making sure.
"....I don't know..." Jungkook said, matter-of-factly.
"What's going on up there then?" The nurse asks, playfully tapping his forehead. Jungkook sighs.
"I don't know. I feel happy. That I can get help. But I guess I've realised that there are so many people out there... who are suffering. Who are just like me." Jungkook says, feeling introspective. The nurse strokes his hair back.
"Well, I have some good news for ya." The nurse says with a smirk.
"What?!" Jungkook exclaims, lifting his head up.
"If you make your decision about treatments quickly, we can let you out tonight." The nurse says with a bright smile. Jungkook sits up and holds her shoulders.
"Seriously?! I can get out of here!" Jungkook says happily. The nurse giggles.
"Yep. As long as you decide what you want to do in the future as far as treatment, you can leave." The nurse says with a bright smile. Jungkook suddenly hugs the nurse tightly out of nowhere, making the nurse giggle again.
"Well? Have you decided?" She asks. Jungkook nods enthusiastically. "Ok I'll ring the doctor so you can tell her. Then you can go."
Jungkook had a huge smile plastered over his face. This was the happiest he felt for a while. Tears were even forming in his eyes at the thought of finally being free from this place.
"So then. Tell me. What is it you want to do?" The doctor asks.
"I think I want to try therapy first. And if that doesn't work, it's ok, because I'll try something else." Jungkook says with a prideful smile.
"Ok then. It's decided. You can go home. We'll call your parents to come and pick you up." Jungkook suddenly launches forward, and enveloped the doctor in a tight hug, and the doctor was left in shock.
"Thank you. Thank you for helping me." Jungkook mumbles out, a tight feeling building in his chest, only this time, for the first time in years, it was of happiness, not of sadness.
"You're very welcome. It is my job after all." She says. Jungkook still isn't budging. They stay that way for a good minute or so before she reminds him that she has other patients to see.
"Just pack up your things and get ready to go." She says, before leaving him and the nurse alone once again.
"Oh yes! Here. These came out of the wash not long ago." The nurse says, handing him back the baggy T-shirt and sweatpants he was wearing the night he was ill.
"Oh, yeah. Thanks." Jungkook says, chucking them back into his suitcase.
"Are you excited to go home?" The nurse asks, helping him pack up his things. Of course, it's a stupid question.
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