Tell Him (Chanbaek)
"That's it I'm telling him today I'm going to meet him and confess my true feelings for him. We have known each other for years since we were babies I want to tell that little cutie that for the past 23 years I have grown to love him. He is the air I breathe and the life in my body. I would never survive without Baekhyun. So Chen I am going to confess to him today"
Quickly Chanyeol checks himself over in the mirror looking at his outfit of black jeans and white t-shirt with a black hoodie making sure it's the right thing to wear to tell the man he has been best friends with that he loves him.
"Ok Chen wish me luck" he grabs his dorm keys and heads on out to go meet Baekhyun.
Across town
"Kris can I tell you something?"
"Yeah baek what is it?" Kris looks at his close friend with a puzzled look seeing the smaller seems to be struggling with something on his mind.
"You know Chanyeol and I have been friends since we were born. Well I was thinking of maybe asking him to be my boyfriend" Kris claps his hands all excited making the smaller smile. "Baek about bloody time one of you made the move we have been putting up with this for as long since I met you both. Just tell him, you both carry on like a couple anyway so why not tell him and put a label on it" Kris stands up grabbing his car keys. "Come on let's go find him so you can tell him"
"I have to meet him on that new street called star Street in town, there's a little cafe there we love" Baekhyun bites his lip with nerves as Kris places his arm around the smallers shoulder. "I'll drive you come on". They both go down the stairs of their apartment block and down to the car making their way to the cafe.
On star street
"Ok we are here, now go he is across the road go tell him you love him" Kris pushes his friend out of his car as Baekhyun sees the giant he loves across the street waving. He fixes himself and moves around the car watching Chanyeol walk towards him. Smiling he waves at the taller all excited being able to see him again. He keeps his eyes on him but doesn't watch the road. As they both hurry to get to each other Baekhyun starts to run not paying attention to the road as Chanyeol let's out a scream but Baekhyun is too excited to tell his best friend how he feels that a car travelling down the road hits Baekhyun sending him up into the air and back down on the road as the roars of Chanyeol dropping to his knees beside him sends a massive explosion of emotions into the air.
"Baekhyun baby, stay with me it will be ok I will get help please stay with me. SOMEONE CALL AND AMBULANCE" he screams into the air at anyone to help. Kris seen the accident and makes the 911 call and just drops to his knees falling beside Baekhyun being careful not to touch him. "They are on the way, I called them just stay with us baek please" Kris pleads seeing the blood under Baekhyun on the road.
"Baek keep talking ok help is on the way" Chanyeol touches his hand feeling him get cold as he takes of his hoodie and lays it across Baekhyun to try keep him warm. "Chan.... Yeol I.... Need.... To.... Tell..." Baekhyun struggles to breath making Chanyeol and Kris look at each other with tears in their eyes.
"Baek tell Chanyeol what you wanted to say yeah, tell him and stay awake ok" Kris holds Baekhyun's other hand as Chanyeol now rubs Baekhyun cheeks moving his hair gently off his brow. "I love you" Baekhyun is able to say it as Chanyeol smiles and leans closer "I love you too so much Baekhyun. I wanted to tell you and I guess now is the time" he smiles with nerves as Kris keeps shaking his head seeing the blood get bigger.
"Baekhyun help is on the way and we can go on a proper date" Chanyeol knows that if the ambulance doesn't get here on time Baekhyun won't make it.
Leaning closer he keeps staring at him begging him to keep talking. "Remember when we watched the add on the TV about the rolo sweets and they said you give the last one in the packet to the person you love and when you found that out you sent me a whole box full of them, well I brought one and I have it here look" taking a little ring box from his pocket he opens it showing Baekhyun the rolo sitting in it. (picture above) So giving you this means I love you Baekhyun with all my heart and when you pull through this I will buy all the rolos in the world for you" Kris touches Chanyeols arm pointing to the blood as Kris begins to sob.
"Baekhyun you have made me the most happiest man in this world" Chanyeol begins to cry more as Baekhyun smiles a little before coughing up blood.
"Chanyeol..... Hold...... Me" he tries to speak making Chanyeol look at Kris making Kris nods as Chanyeol knows they are loosing him so he pulls his head onto his lap and leans over hugging him and kissing him all over his face. "Hold on just a little longer baby ok for me please hold on"
" Chan.... Yeol.... Its.... OK... I... Can.... Go.... Now.... Because.... I.... Know.... You..... Love .... Me " Baekhyun says before closing his eyes
" No Baekhyun stay with me, don't you go on me you hear me not now please not now"
"Kiss...... me" Baekhyun says as Chanyeol leans over kissing Baekhyun on the lips before pulling away as Baekhyun's body becomes limp.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO BAEKHYUN NOOOOOOO" Chanyeol screams into the air as Kris sobs falling onto his bum on the ground with his bloody hands in his hair not believe what has just happened.
"Baby wake up please, I will give you all the rolos please wake up please I need you I love you. I'm sorry I took so long to tell you please wake up please" Chanyeol rocks Baekhyun back and forward still hugging him and kissing his forehead.
The ambulance arrives as the paramedics jumps out and rush towards them. "Your too late he's gone" Chanyeol cries as the medic checks Baekhyun over and realises he lost way to much blood to survive.
Gently the little box with the rolo rolls out of Baekhyun's hand and hits off Chanyeol's knee making him look down at it picking it up as the medics take Baekhyun body and move him into the ambulance.
Looking at the little box he closes it and kisses it as Kris grabs him hugging him as they both sob that the guy who brought so many laughs and life to their small group of friends was taken way too soon.
The end
I guess the moral of this story is if your in love with someone tell them before it's too late
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