"I really don't care who's your partner for this project. I just expect the both of you to work together and pull an equal amount of weight. That's it for now, class is dismissed."
Taehyung watched as a crowd of girls approached Seokjin and of course it was to ask if he would be their partner.
He rolled his eyes as he began packing his stuff up completely unimpressed at Seokjin's fan girl base. If he was honest he'd be part of the fan base too if he weren't his nemesis.
"Excuse me?"
Taehyung looked slightly startled. He landed eyes on a pretty brown haired girl who timidly smiled with rosy cheeks.
"I was wondering if you had a partner for the project?"
"Sorry love, he already has a partner."
Taehyung turned around quickly and squinted his eyes at Seokjin who stood there with a smirk. The girl embarrassedly smiled and excused herself.
"I don't have a partner." Taehyung said.
"You do now. When do you want to meet up?"
"What? I'm not going to partner up with you." He glared at him disgusted.
"Oh really? Well, I figured since we're the top of the class you'd want to partner up with me. Why not have a good grade together versus competing for the better grade with different partners?"
Taehyung remained silent. As much as he hated to admit it, this was the best option for him. He wouldn't be able to tolerate it if Seokjin got a better grade than him.
"Fine. We can meet up later this week. I'll see when I have time."
Seokjin smiled satisfied, "Of course."
Taehyung waited until he walked away and then he felt himself relax a bit. Being partnered up with Seokjin wasn't his ideal choice, but although he hated to admit it his nemesis had a point.
They would ace the project without a doubt and they'd scored the highest grade. As he finished gathering his things and he walked out of the auditorium he tried to not think about it too much.
All he wanted was to focus on his art club and clear his mind from everything. The art club wasn't too far from the campus so he walked there.
When he got there he took his usual spot next to Johnny who also happened to be involved with the club.
"Tough class day?" He asked as he took out his sketching pencils.
Taehyung nodded, taking out his large notepad and propping it up on his art tabletop wood display. He then sat on the stool and continued taking out his supplies.
"You have no idea. I got paired with Seokjin to do a project."
"Oh the guy you want to see naked?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yeah right. He's so irksome! Good thing he's smart so I'm sure I'll ace the project. It's just getting through it that's difficult."
Johnny laughed and Taehyung frowned, "What's so funny?"
"I just find it hilarious that you're in law school and arguing about your school nemesis."
"It's very serious, okay?"
Johnny smirked, "Sure buddy."
"Is everyone ready to draw some pretty art?"
The familiar voice made both Johnny and Taehyung, along with everyone else, turn towards the door.
Taehyung suddenly blinked fast and felt himself slightly nervous at the presence of Jungkook in front of him in a robe. It was unusual for him to come in with one on.
Sometimes they drew him shirtless and he was overly dramatic to come in with a robe. The people around nodded and responded to him.
Somehow, Jungkook made him feel jittery. He hadn't spoken to him since the party incident and him walking in on him using the bathroom.
Taehyung grabbed his pencil and proceeded to look back at Jungkook. It was just in time to see Jungkook drop his robe and for a second it felt like everyone's breath stopped.
Jungkook was completely nude. He cracked a smile and Taehyung quickly looked down. This was the second time he'd seen him naked and somehow this was slowly becoming their normal.
Jimin nodded his head as Hoseok threw the football at him. He managed to catch it which really made him feel good about himself.
He then threw it back and Hoseok caught it effortlessly. It felt nice to meet people outside of class and he happened to really like Hoseok because he was easy to get along with.
After he threw it back, Jimin was unable to catch it. He blushed as he hurried to chase the ball behind.
"It's okay! Just shake it off. It happens." Hoseok screamed.
Jimin smiled relieved that he was so friendly that he didn't laugh or make fun of him. Hoseok's other friend was unable to meet up with them and that was a slight relief.
He didn't do too good with multiple new people at once. Eventually he hoped he'd get over his awkwardness and speak to people more freely. He mainly struggled with talking to people around his age.
As he was about to throw it back, he spotted Yoongi behind Hoseok with a grin as he waved. This caught him off guard so he found himself throwing the ball more forcefully than before.
Unfortunately, it ended up being directed right towards Hoseok's groin which was not the intention at all. He fell to the floor in agony as Jimin horrified ran towards him.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry! My aim sucks. I'm so sorry!" He squealed.
Hoseok's face was a mixture of red and pale at the same time. He released a shaky breath, "Totally fine. It happens."
Jimin waited a few seconds until Hoseok looked ready to stand up. He aided him in doing so, "Do you need to see a nurse?"
"No. I'll be okay. Can you just walk with me to my dorm?" His voice was quiet and he looked very nauseous.
Jimin had been hit in the groin before and it was not a pleasant experience. He shivered at the thought of it as he nodded his head.
"I'm seriously so sorry. I'm just a klutz. I—I didn't mean to—
"Jimin, it's truly okay. I know you didn't mean to."
After they slowly made their way to Hoseok's dorm, Jimin felt worse than before. He was thinking of ways to make it up to him because this was not the first impression he wanted to make.
All because of that damn bartender!
He quickly turned his head to make sure they weren't being followed. After the incident, he didn't really pay attention to where Yoongi went.
"Is something wrong?" Hoseok wondered.
"No. Not at all." Jimin replied still, standing close to him in case he stumbled.
"Ahh here it is." He said once they approached his door.
"I stay in the next building." Jimin said trying to make friendly conversation but his voice sounded weird and forced.
"Cool. We will have to eventually get back together and maybe Yuta can come along then."
"Yeah for sure. Will you be okay though? Do I need to call someone?"
Hoseok chuckled, "I'm not going to die. I'll be fine. Just need to lay down. Don't feel so bad. Accidents like this happen all the time."
"Okay thank you. That makes me feel slightly better, but again sorry and I hope you're not in too much pain."
"No problem. Have a good day."
Jimin defeatedly made his way to his dorm. When he got there, he groaned lying on his hard bed beating himself up for ruining the activity with Hoseok.
There was a sudden knock on his door and he brought himself up. He wasn't expecting any visitors, but he didn't think much of it as he walked towards the door.
Jimin screamed as soon as he opened his dorm room and saw Yoongi standing there. He quickly tried to shut the door behind but he managed to sneak his hand in causing Jimin to smash it.
Jimin quickly stepped back and although he shouldn't be apologizing for avoiding him, he felt bad for smashing his fingers.
"Sorry! But you have to go. I don't want to talk to you!"
Yoongi frowned as he held his hand up which was red. "This will take an hour to heal. I believe you owe me a minute of your time."
"If this is about your offer I told you I don't need a familiar. Not to mention that because of you I hurt someone!"
"I haven't even told you my offer yet. Plus, it was kind of funny to see you panic after hitting that guy."
Jimin glared at him frustrated, "Get out"
"I can be so much use to you if you just accept me!"
"Can you really?" Jimin asked but not expecting an answer. He couldn't deny that it felt slightly good to have Yoongi beg him.
"Listen, I don't want to do this more than you do, but we can help each other out." Yoongi said a bit defeated. This was the last thing he wanted. To be begging a human to accept him as his pet.
Jimin crossed his arms over his chest defensively. Almost like it could cover him from being looked at. He felt so intimidated by Yoongi's look.
Even though Jimin was the one with the power, Yoongi had a strong presence. He was confident and fearless. It was evident and Jimin was everything but that.
"I think you only want to help yourself."
"Of course I want to help myself, but you're benefiting from this too. If we don't do this together we won't ever be out of each other's lives. Do you really want to be tied to me the rest of your eternity? If you accept my deal, we would only be with each other for a few weeks or months give or take."
"What if it's years?" Jimin questioned because up until now, Namjoon hadn't specified how long he'd be the "holder".
"I doubt it, but still one or two years is better than the rest of your life."
Jimin gulped down nervously. He hadn't taken into consideration that if he didn't accept his deal they might be stuck together forever.
He shook his head no, both confused and scared. By now Yoongi seemed to be getting slightly annoyed at his rejection. It was painted all over his face.
"Do you even know what I would do as your familiar? I would have to basically serve you, I can protect you from yokais and other supernatural beings. When I touch you, even if it's by brushing my fingers over your hand I get strength and I'm stronger. I can have multiple abilities with you by my side. I could cover for you in your classes if you're feeling sick. I could—"
"It sounds too good to be true. How could you possibly cover for me when we don't look alike? How could you destroy other yokais when you're also human?"
"Are you not listening to me? When I touch you—I get my strength back. I'm sure I could shapeshift if I get enough power from you."
"It just sounds like you're using me."
Yoongi sighed and slightly rolled his eyes, "Are you not also going to be using me?"
Jimin turned his face away from Yoongi's desperate glare. If he didn't accept this offer what would that mean? Would Namjoon like it if he accepted this?
He didn't want to be tied to Yoongi in any way possible. Not after crushing on him stupidly and being brutally rejected, but his offer was tempting.
He wouldn't have to worry about other supernatural beings trying to kill him or absorb his power. Namjoon did say that a familiar was tied to the god and that the god had authority over the familiar.
Jimin almost smiled at the thought of having control over Yoongi. He wouldn't make him do anything bad but making Yoongi doubt was satisfying.
"So you would do me favors huh?"
Yoongi looked in agony as he clenched his jaw and nodded. "Yep. That's what familiars do."
"If you try to screw me over—"
"How can I when you have all the power?" He asked, extending his left hand towards him.
Jimin looked down at it and began to reach over to grab it. Yoongi then spoke up again, "It has to be your left hand. You hold it and tell me that you accept me as your familiar."
There was something so odd about saying those words while holding his hand. He hadn't touched him since—well, since his failed attempted kiss. He swallowed down his nerves as he finally held it.
His hand was cold and rough, but it was so comforting at the same time. That undeniable sensation he got when touching Yoongi was unexplainable. He wondered if it was because of the power he held within that was secretly wanting to return to its original owner.
"I accept you as my familiar." His voice was a bit shaky and once he felt this warm sensation going up his arm he wanted to pull away quickly, but couldn't.
Eventually that feeling went away and he was able to pull away. He felt so strange as he looked at his hand he expected to see a mark or something but there was nothing. He began to wonder if Yoongi felt the same way.
"I don't feel the same way. The sensation is something I'm already used to."
Jimin looked at him wide eyed trying to see how he knew what he had been thinking of. Yoongi slightly smirked, making him assume the worst.
"Did I forget to mention we're now connected telepathically?"
hi guys! it's been so long!!! thank you for patiently waiting for an update. this has been one of my longest hiatus considering i was in the middle of writing this story. im not sure how often i will update but it won't be months so no worries! you guys might have to reread to remember everything that has happened so far. sorry for the wait and i appreciate your patience <33
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