7. Problems
I snuggled closer to the warm object. I smirked, silly cat. My hand stroked it but I stiffened as my hand didn’t touch any fur. It was warm, smooth, hard and… breathing?! My eyes snapped open to see a bare chest in front of me. My eyes trailed slowly up from the chest to the neck and then to the face.
I registered his arm protectively around my shoulders. I felt sick my stomach instantly rolling itself. I did the only thing that seemed reasonable for this situation. My mouth opened and let out a death scream.
Cody fell off the bed and was instantly on his feet and looked around the room as if searching for something. I rolled off the bed opposite him, he frowned and looked at me “What’s wrong?” my eyes darted around the room, am I in a hotel? Oh. My. God. He kidnapped me!
I gaped at the crazy man in front of me “What happened?” he looked at me alert his eyes swirling with something different in them that didn’t belong in this world. My back hit the wall as I had started moving backwards “Where am I? Why am I here?” I whispered at his frowning form. He took a step towards the bed “Don’t come any closer!” I screeched and looked around me for a weapon.
I saw a discarded shoe on the ground; I guess that will have to do. I bent over and quickly retrieved the shoe “Back off! I’ll… I’ll shoe you!” I yelled threateningly moving the shoe above my head.
He gave me a funny expression before bursting out in laughter “BAHAHAHAHAHA! What are you going to do with a shoe?” he gasped and wiped tears away as he clutched his stomach. I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him a quick smirk “This” I jumped on top of the bed.
I jumped on top of him hitting the shoe across his head. I kicked my foot forward, hooking his leg and I pulled making him unstable. He frowned and looked at me, making my body body freeze under his glare.
“I wouldn’t have done that if I was you” he gripped my arm spinning me around. His gripped tightened and made me wince once I was in arm lock and bending over under the pressure he had on my arm. I gasped as the pain pierced through my body.
“You know your quite pretty” his breath tickled my ear as he whispered into my ear. I froze in horror “NO. I. AM. NOT” I yelled kicking my foot backwards and making him loosen his grip.
I punched him in the jaw and karate chopped his throat to stop him temporarily breathing. He sagged down as I kicked him in the stomach “You physco! Kidnapping me! What the hell is the matter with you?!” I screeched as I kicked behind his knee’s making him fall to the ground “Good bye!” I ran out the door before he had the chance to recover.
I jumped down the old rusted steps that moved when I stepped on them… which scared me. I landed on the ground and sprinted down a random direction. I couldn’t wipe of the grin of my face as I ran father and farther away from Cody.
Oh my god! I just realised, he’s one of the crazies! He needs to go to the loony-house. I stopped gasping for breath and putting my hand son my head trying to get rid of the stitch in my side. I looked at my surrounding’s and nearly crapped myself.
I’m in the down-town region. This meant gangs, knife fights, druggies and basically evil people! I saw a old faded sign that said ‘Karaoke bar’ well I need to hide somewhere? I questioned if it was a good move or not but when I saw a man that could not walk in a straight line I flung the door open and jumped inside.
Practically ran to a disserted corner. For a karaoke bar it’s packed! I thought this would have been on the D-list for people but look! I could barely move! I’m lucky I found a table. A terrible screeching made me wince and I covered my ears and I looked to see a stuck-up girl trying to sing but failing epically. She sounds like a cat gone on a rampage in a boat.
I shivered and stuck my finger’s in my ears. I was tapped on the shoulder and whipped around to see a greasy man behind me “Are you going to get anything?” half of his teeth missing I noticed. I fought the urged to shudder “I-I’m sorry. I don’t have any money” I stuttered.
“Then I’m going to have to ask you to leave” I frowned. Think quickly Brianna! An idea flashed before my eyes “How about a deal?” I questioned cautiously…. I don’t want to get stabbed. His eyes widened “What type of deal?”
“Well I’ll sing good and I get a free bowl of chips” I smiled warmly at him. I could see him thinking over it “Only if your good” he stuck his hand out. Ewww… okay calmly shake his hand. I placed my hand in his sweaty one. I fought the urge to gag “Your up next” I gasped and looked at him “That soon?!” he looked at me as if I’m a piece of dirt on his shoe “Yes” he stated coldly and stalked away.
Holy crap! What have I gotten myself into?! I walked over to the song list and picked a song the screeching girl stopped the torture, took a bow and walked off smiling like a maniac… I think she took pleasure in torturing us.
I frowned and stumbled up the stairs to the small stage. I tapped the microphone and cleared my throat “Im… Im going to, um. Sing Rolling In the deep my Adele” the torture girl scoffed at me and everyone else did too.
I know big song but I want my chips. Wait, hang on! Im actually going to sing in front of people?! Okay calm down! Calm your mind… screw that! I was about to walk off the stage as the music started. Oh no.
I frowned and grabbed the micro phone and looked at the girl that tortured me before laughing and pointing at me, I’ll show you stupid pig! I sucked in breath and started singing. All the noises stopped and everyone’s attention was on me…. I didn’t want that!
I sang the high noted spot on and I mentally patted myself on the back. I sang the last note and stood awkwardly on the stage as everyone gapped at me. I quickly became ver self-conscious.
I looked at my shoes closely examining them at every single deatail on them until I heard an off sound. My head snapped up to see a few people start clapping, then the whole place was cheering and clapping for me. I stood in shock as someone yelled at me to do another song “Uh, what song?” I flashed the crowd a weak smile and that ALL shouted song’s.
Wow. I knew there was a lot of people here but not this much. Hundred’s of song’s were shouted at me and I frowned, what song should I sing? Oh my gosh! I got the best one. I tapped the microphone once more and smiled at the crowd “Im going to sing Breakeven” everyone went into silence… good or bad?
I didn’t get a chance to make up my mind as the song started. I sang it again and waited for the crowd’s verdict. They all clapped and cheered. I feel so weird! No one’s every clapped or cheered for me.
I stumbled off the stage to be meted by the greasy man. He gave me a tooth-less smile and directed me a to a secluded table “Ye’ know, ya sing good for a kiddy” “Uh, thanks?” I guess? I questioned my confidence now.
I sat down and bounced in my seat in happiness as a massive bowl of chips was placed in front of me. I grinned at the man and he retreated. I stuffed my face with chips as I could feel the happiness radiate off of me. I was about to pop another chip in my mouth until it disappeared from my hand.
Oh. My. God! Im a magician! I grinned and looked next to me to see the one, the only! Cody. My grin wiped off as I saw him eat MY chip. He smiled at me letting the chip show on his teeth “You sing really well, you know” I frowned and ignored him. I don’t feel like eating anymore.
I frowned and crossed my arms across my chest “Don’t be like that, but we do need to go” he gripped my hand, too tight. I winced as he pulled us thought he crowd. His grip was cutting the circulation to my hand! I tried to get out of his grip but failed miserably.
We walked out into the street. I blank a couple times at the bright light, damn it must have been very dim in there!
“Don’t struggle!” he yelled “Well stop trying to cut my hand off!” I shot back at him “Sorry” he muttered and loosened his grip. I give up! He can kidnap me for all I care! Kill me if has to! Just, I want to be left alone!
He pushed me up the rusty stairs and into his hotel room. The window’s covered by the curtains. HE pushed me into the bathroom “Have a shower” he muttered and slammed the door in my face. I frowned and did what he said. I put on pale blue jeans and my ‘Jelly beans are Mine’ shirt and walked out.
I saw him pace back and forth as I made my way to the bed. I sat, my legs folded as I looked at the very interesting yellow wall that had nothing on it. I felt the bed dip next to me but I couldn’t care less.
“Brianna, I have to tell you something” I shrugged “Shoot, I got all the time in the world Mr. kidnapper” I smirked. “It’s very important” I rolled my eyes and continued looking at the wall “Im… im a under cover agent working for the W.W.A.A” I laughed out loud and looked at his serious face.
“Seriously? You’ve got be kidding! Right! Where’s the camera’s?” I looked around the bare room “Im on punk’d aren’t I?” I laughed again and looked around trying to spot the camera’s “No, im serious” I snorted “When pigs fly” he breathed out angrily “What will it take for me to prove to you im a agent?” I shrugged.
“What like a spy? Well you’ll have to give me a helicopter ride” I smiled at myself, try to do that ‘im a spy’. I can’t believe he actually thought I would believe him!
“Fine but-“ he was cut off by the window’s exploding. I screamed as glass shards attacked me. Cody pushed me down and lay on top of me. I screamed and hid my face under Cody’s. He got up and pushed me behind the bed “Hide!” he yelled as the door burst open to reveal three men in black.
Well it’s true what they say in movies, I guess. I lay on my stomach peeking from behind the bed as the started to fight. I mean like ‘ninja-spy’ fight movies! They are really going all out!
Cody was being occupied by two men as the other one stayed back pulling something from behind his back. Oh my god! The gun shined in the sunlight that came through the broken window. He aimed for Cody and my blood went cold. NO! Without thinking I threw myself at the armed man.
I knocked him over and we wrestled each other for the gun. I gripped it and tossed it away as he tangled him self with me. We both kicked and punched each other trying to get to the gun.
I hit his jaw and rolled on top of him knocking the breath out of him. I rolled off of him and grabbed the gun but he a dead weight landed on top of me. The man that I was wrestling before tried to get the gun off me. We rolled on top of each other as we wrestled for the small Black Hand gun.
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang, for gun shots echoed in my ears as I head butted the guy and he lay unconscious underneath me. I barely registered the pain in my left thigh. I looked over to see Cody was now fighting off four people in black. I shakily gripped the gun and aimed for the men in black.
I aimed for the legs. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. All four men fell to the ground, all holding their leg. Cody looked at me in shock and he ran to me picking up a duffle bad “Come on!” he gripped my hand and took the gun from me and dragged me down the rusted steps.
Pain surgered through-out my leg and I winced with each step. My free hand clutched the area where the pain was. Cody let go of my hand and broke a car window. He opened the door and pushed me into the car.
I looked at my jeans to see them covered in blood. My mind span as I just registered what happened. I’ve been shot in the leg. Crap.
I looked over a Cody as he sped away from the hotel “C-Cody?” I whispered and he glanced at my face for a second “It’s okay, we are safe” N-no Cody” I stammered and showed him a bloodied hand. I gaped and looked at my hands covered in blood while putting pressure to my wound.
“Brianna! Stay with me!” I feel so sorry for the person who owns the car. They got blood all over the passenger seat and I feel into a peaceful slumber. I seem to be that alot lately....
Ive re-written some parts of some chapter's. I hope this chapter is okay :) Ive had alot on my mind lately... I have books flooding with story ideas and I can't get them out fast enough on paper -.- I hope you injoyed this chapter!
Happy Reading :)
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