SUMMARY: Imagine Stiles asking you to prom. Halfway to the school Stiles Jeep brakes down, as he tries to repair the Jeep he gets frustrated so you go up to him and put your arms around his neck and start to slowly sway, Stiles soon joins in, you end up slow dancing all night under the stars with no music.
"Uh hey (Y/N), I was wondering if you know," Stiles begins to ramble. "If you would, well if you'd like to go to prom with me, unless you're already going with someone, then in that case never mind"
"Yes," you tell him as soon as he's finished.
"Oh it's ok it was just and idea, le... wait did you just say yes?" he stutters, which you can't help but laugh at because the look on Stiles face was priceless.
"Yes Stiles i'd love to go to prom with you," you tell him once again. Now he's wearing a huge smile on his face. Honestly it took him long enough, you've been waiting for weeks for him to ask you, one more day and you probably ask him yourself.
"Cool, well i've got to get to class but we'll talk later okay, see ya" he says as he makes his way down the corridor. But before he gets too far away he turns back around, "Uh what colours your dress? You know for my tie" He asks and you chuckle because only Stiles would be the guy to worry about if his tie matched your dress.
"It's Blue," you shout so he can hear you over the crowded hallway.
"Like navy blue or sky blue?" He asks and once again your laughing.
"Let's just say it's dark blue," you answer him because really you have no idea what exact colour your dress is expect that it's blue that's not light.
Tonight's the night. The night you've been waiting all year for, and you have to must admit that your looking good. You're wearing a long deep blue dress with an embroidered empire waisted bodice, of course there is a part of you that wonders if Stiles will think you look nice. Speaking of the devil you then hear a knock on the door.
Before you open the door you hear Stiles once again rambling, you then whip the door open like you're ripping off a bandaid which cause's Stiles to look in your direction. Stiles looks handsome and just like he promised he's wearing a tie that matches your dress.
"Uh Stiles you ok?" You ask while moving your hand in front of his mesmerised face.
"Huh yeah I'm good, you good? Wow you look amazing, here" Stiles rambles while holding out a plastic box which holds your corsage. He soon realises that he's the one who's supposed to put the corsage on you so the rips the box opens and slips the beautiful white rose around your wrist.
As he drives Stiles keeps looking in your direction like he's making sure that you're real and that you won't disappear. After a couple of minutes the Jeep starts to slow down. "No, no not tonight, come on" Stiles shouts obviously frustrated as his Jeep comes to a stop on the side of the road. "Stay here it'll only take a second" Stiles reassures you but somehow you don't believe him.
After a couple of minutes Stiles once again starts shouting at his beloved Jeep. You get out and start to make your way towards him. As you walk past the side of the Jeep you notice all the duct tape on it's engine that is pretty much holding it all together and realise the irony of it, Stiles is the duct tape that's holding the pack together and without him the pack would probably fall apart.
Stiles is too concentrated on repairing his Jeep that he doesn't notice you come up beside him. You pull his hands away from the Jeep and turn him until he's facing you. "(Y/N) what are you doing? I have to fix this or we'll never make it to the school" he exclaims.
"It's okay Stiles" you whisper as you put his hands on your waist and your's around his neck, you then start to gently sway, soon he joins in. "I'm sorry (Y/N) I know you've been waiting for this night all year" he apologises.
You respond by pressing your lips against his, it's slow and sweet and perfect and only lasts a couple of seconds but it's enough to reassure him. You stay like that with your foreheads pressed together dancing under the stars until the sun rises, and even though it wasn't the night you had dreamed of, to you it was just as perfect.
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