Jinx's Birthday Chapter (Goes with Jinx's Flight)
Okay, I finally decided to make this all by myself, since I decided I was tired of waiting for a certain chic to do it with me. *glares at certain chic who happens to be sitting by Speedy who is in her Nighthawk uniform* I just hope it's good.
[Ashley is online]
[Halimeh is online]
[Argent is online]
[Catrina is online]
[Mary is online]
[Koriand'r is online]
[Raven is online]
Argent: So what are we doing?
Ashley: SSSSHHHHH!!! It'll be history if you don't shush!
Halimeh: Hehehehehe, that was... PUNNY!
Catrina: .... -_-
[Wally is online]
Wally: She's coming!
Mary: *waves flag*
[Jinx is online]
Jinx: Hey, Kid, would you mind changing your name, please?
Wally: Sure.
[Wally has changed his username to Kid]
Jinx: Thanks.
Kid: No problem Jinx.
Jinx: So... What's going on here?
Mary: Nozink, veally.
Ashley: She said, 'nothing, really.' Just in case you guys didn't get the accent.
Halimeh: LET'S GO TO THE MALL!!!
Ashley: No, we should go to Baskin Robbins.
Halimeh: Let's go to the mall first.
Jinx: Alright, alright. *laughs* C'mon Kid.
Kid: Okayyyy... I will leave my comfortable position on the couch to take you to the mall.
Jinx: Thanks Kid. *smiles*
Kid: *blushes*
Halimeh: Everyone here yet?
Ashley: I am.
Argent: Me too.
Jinx: I am now.
Kid: Hahaha!
Catrina: Been here.
Mary: I am vight here.
Koriand'r: I am here.
Raven: Here, but I really don't like it.
Ashley: Oh pish tush. Let's walk around for a while.
Kid: You girls have fun, I'm going to wander THIS way. *starts going the other way*
Jinx: *catches his arm* Nope. No escaping.
Kid: Aw. *walks along with them*
Halimeh: A PENGUIN!! *runs into stuffed animal store*
Ashley: Uhh...
Catrina: *facepalm*
Koriand'r: Oh! That is most adorable!
Halimeh: *comes back, gives Jinx a purple unicorn* For luck.
Jinx: *laughs, takes it* Thanks.
Ashley: Can we go now?
Halimeh: *trips Ashley*
Ashley: *falls, gets back up* Ouch. *glares at Hali*
Koriand'r: *hands Jinx a cookbook, whispers* This is to help you teach Friend Kid Flash.
Jinx: *whispers back* Thanks, it'll help alot.
Koriand'r: *giggles* Have a most happy birthday, Friend Jinx!
Raven: *gives Jinx a book on luck from Azarath*
Jinx: Thanks Star, and thanks Raven!
Raven: No problem, but Star and I have to go back. Training day.
[Koriand'r is offline]
[Raven is offline]
Argent: Well, I got you this. *passes Jinx (very carefully) a small tank containing a ruby red Siamese Fighting Fish* These are awesome.
Jinx: Thanks, it's really pretty.
Argent: Yeah, they're cool.
Ashley: I had one before! It was awesome!
Halimeh: What happened to it?
Ashley: ...
Halimeh: Well?
Ashley: It died...
Halimeh: It's a very tragic story, I'm sure.
Ashley: Yes...
Halimeh: -_-
Ashley: *glares* Shu'up or Speedy gets it.
Halimeh: >-< You butthole!
Ashley: *mimics Hali*
Halimeh: -_-
Argent: Leeet's just keep going.
Jinx: Good idea.
Kid: *trots obediently behind* I feel like a dog.
Halimeh: Then you are a dog.
Jinx: He is not!
Halimeh: I was KIDDING.
Ashley: *busts out laughing* HAHAHAHAHA!!! She was KIDDING KID! :D
Kid: *laughs*
All: *awkward silence*
Jinx: That's my favorite pun!
Halimeh: It's lame. >:)
Jinx: *sigh* I'm just going to ignore that.
Kid: *puts arm around Jinx's waist*
Jinx: *leans on Kid*
Ashley: *gives Jinx a good luck charm from Tawaii* All the charms are hand-made. Well, paw-made or whatever.
Jinx: Thanks, I'll put it on the bracelet Kid gave me.
Ashley: ^-^
[Abby is online]
Abby: *hands Jinx a silver belt with a four-leaf clover (technically called a shamrock)* I gotta go now, but there's something from me.
[Abby is offline]
Jinx: Ooh, it's pretty. People seem to get me things for luck, haha. If they aren't careful, it could mess up my bad luck powers. *winks*
Kid: *laughs* What bad luck?
Ashley: Never know when you'll need it.
Jinx: True. Well, I won't have a problem with accessories, you guys have me covered. And now I have a purple unicorn to go on my pillow by the penguin from Kid.
Ashley: Awesome! *MA communicator beeps* Uhhh... Gotta go. See you!
[Ashley is offline]
[Halimeh is offline]
Argent: I guess it's time to go. Have fun, Jinx!
[Argent is offline]
Mary: Sorry, I vas distracted. Here. *hands Jinx a carved image of her and Kid Flash* I vill be going now.
[Mary is offline]
Catrina: ... Well.
Kid: I guess the party's over. For them.
Jinx: Well, I already HAD ice cream, remember?
Kid: *grins* Yep.
Catrina: I gotta go too, but here's a Taser. Tasers are great. You probably won't need it, but still. *gives Jinx the Taser*
[Catrina is offline]
Jinx: Cool.
Kid: *puts hands up* I don't want anywhere near it.
Jinx: *puts stuff in her purse* Wow. That was fun.
Kid: Let's go home now.
Jinx: Okay.
[Jinx is offline]
[Kid is offline]
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