"Hey, you're not the tooth fairy!?" James froze. He was sure everyone had been asleep. Looking over his shoulder he noticed a small child standing in the doorway. He already knew everything about her. Her Age, her favorite color. He also knew that she'd be dead in exactly sixty two years, four days, and twenty six minutes.
"Hello Darcy Rose." James frowned. He wasn't used to being interrupted, especially by small children.
"You're not the tooth fairy,"Darcy stepped forwards, "Fairies are pink and they have wings."
"How can you see me?" James squinted at the child, "you're not supposed to be able to see me." James was getting really confused, humans should only be able to see him if they've killed someone, and this little girl probably didn't even know murder was.
Darcy shrugged her shoulders, "I dunno, I see a lot of things." She eyed James suspiciously. "What are you doing in my room?"James motioned towards a small dog in the corner of the girls room. He was still ahead of time, which meant he was still happy to entertain the girls questions. "Your sausage dog, he's sick."
"Are you an animal doctor?"
"I'm not a doctor." James shook his head. "I am going to take him with me"
James sighed. "Because it's his time to die."
Darcy suddenly looked very sad. "But he's my only friend." James groaned silently. He had hoped she wouldn't say that. James knelt down in front of the girl. "Do you know anyone who has died Darcy?" She shook her head, then hesitated.
"My mommy died when I was born. My daddy says it was my fault, he says I killed her." She ran towards James and buried her head into his hoodie. "He says it all the time."
James remembered when he had collected Jana Rose's soul. It was true, the pain of childbirth had killed Emily's mother. James sighed. This little girl had been told so often that she actually believes it's her fault. That's why she could see James. Definitely an unusual case James thought, but not unprecedented.
"Darcy Rose, look at me." James let go of the little girl and transformed into something different. Something with wings. Darcy let out an excited squeal.
"You...are the tooth fairy!!"
"Listen, some things are a part of life, and they aren't anyone's fault." James transformed back into a reaper. "Just like losing your teeth. Death is a part of life and we can't stop it." James walked over to the dog. "Your mommy died and that wasn't your fault. Now your dog is dying, and that's not your fault either."
James placed his hand on the dogs head letting it take one last breath before taking its soul. He had taken the opportunity to clean his scythe while the child was thinking. He really hoped she would understand.
After a few moments James felt a soft tug on the bottom of his hoodie. It was Darcy. "Mr Death, I think I understand now." She wiped her nose on her sleeve. James smiled. He knew what this meant. His job was done...
"Hello, Mr Death?" Darcy whispered. "Where did you go?"
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