Chapter Two
"What do you mean I have to walk!?"
"What I mean is, you're not getting in my car looking like that." James pointed at Jenny's shirt and frowned. He was determined not to let her get into his car.
"Come on James, it's only a little bit of blood." Jenny glanced down at her blood stained sleeves and stepped towards the car.
"It's hardly a little bit of blood, ten minutes ago your top was white." James shook his head. This car was his baby and he was not going to have it covered in blood.
"Do you have a towel or something?"
"No I don't, so it looks like you're going to be walking." Smiling slightly, James rolled up his window. He'd finally be free from his burden. At least for a couple of hours if not for forever.
James was about to leave when the back door swung open. "You happy?" Jenny chucked her clothes on to the backseat and climbed in.
"I..uh, sure..that works...I guess." James stuttered. He hadn't expected Jenny to take off all her clothes. He tried to look away but Jenny was still visible in the rear view mirror.
"W..Wow." All he could think of was what the cops would think if they found a naked girl and some blood soaked clothes in his car
~ ~ ~
James pulled off the road slightly and turned the car off. Apart from the awkwardness of his naked colleague sitting in the backseat, the drive to Rob's Cafe hadn't been that bad. And much to James's relief, the two of them hadn't been pulled over by the police.
"Right, anyone not wearing clothes should probably stay in the car."
"Ugh fine. What am I supposed to do while you're gone?" Jenny huffed. Trying not to see too much, James leaned over his seat and passed Jenny an old magazine.
"What is this for?"
"It's a magazine... It has pictures of animals in it."
"This is a TV guide from last year."
James sighed, "I'm going to find Lucas, I won't be long." He gave Jenny a small nod before grabbing his wallet and sliding out of the car.
The cafe was small, nestled between two large apartment buildings, it's gold and green frontage stood out amongst the brown cladding of lower Brooklyn. James glanced at the surrounding buildings before walking towards the cafe windows. He had always wondered how some buildings looked so natural, yet out of place at the same time.
About a half dozen heads looked up as James entered the cafe. The interior was warm and cheerful with cute lighting from the eighties. This was his refuge. His mother used to bring him to this cafe before she passed away. Taking a few steps forward James let the door swing shut. He checked his watch. Twelve forty five. He was late.
James was greeted by a freckled waitress with red framed glasses. "My name is Emily, can I help you find a table?" James smiled. She was pretty, at least he thought so. Emily had a nose like a cartoon character. The bridge was barely there at all; so that on a face of silky skin her nose was a bump just above her lips. There were no two ways about it, she was gorgeous.
"Excuse me, sir?" James was snapped back to reality by the waitresses voice.
"Ah...yeah. I'm actually looking for a friend. He has super white hair." James smiled nervously.
"Oh, you mean Lucas?" She pointed at a table right by the window.
"Yeah...uh...thanks." James awkwardly made his way over to the window and slid into the chair opposite Lucas.
"I was going to tell you off for being late, but now I wanna know about that waitress." Lucas leaned forwards. "Spill...the...tea."
"You saw that huh" James buried his head into his hoodie. "How bad was it?"
"Pretty bad." Lucas smirked. "You were staring at her for ages." He kicked James under the table. "Are you going to ask her out?"
James blushed. "No I don't think so...not yet." Unlike Lucas, James wasn't very good at talking to girls. He would always start stuttering and eventually his awkwardness would drive them away.
"So why am I here?" James sighed.
"Well you know how we need new reapers?" Lucas pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and flattened it out on the table.
"It's an enrollment form?" James looked at the sheet and frowned. "For reapers?"
"No dumb ass. They want us to go undercover." Lucas leant back in his chair and motioned for Emily to come over.
"No..." James picked up the form and scrunched it up. "I'm not going back to high school."
"You don't have a choice."
James watched as Emily approached the table. He'd let Lucas order for him, that way he wouldn't make a fool of himself again.
"Are you guys ready to order?" She pulled out a small blue notepad and a pencil.
"Indeed we are. Two coffees please." Lucas smiled. His smile was soft, with a hint of femininity. It was the sort of smile that made everyone swoon.
"Anything else?" Emily scribbled the order in her notebook before looking at Lucas.
"Actually we'll get two slices of mud cake. We're celebrating." He had a mischievous grin.
"What are you two celebrating?"
"We've just been accepted at the local high school. We will be starting next week."
Hey guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I worked really hard on in :)
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