🦇🖤Chapter Ten🖤🦇
We stepped into the office and saw a strange sight. About thirty children in big hoops labeled with names of supernatural types.
'Girls, please step into your hoops. Dillon, wait at the desk.'
Dillon nervously stood at the desk as I stepped into the Vampire hoop next to a senior student and my angry-looking sister who was mumbling something about a reputation. Mrs Bennet came back with a small needle. Dillon's biggest fear. She twitched when she saw it.
'Ma'mm, I don't want to be rude, but what the Hell are you doing?' She asked in a panic.
'You'll see.' Came the reply as Dillon was pricked with the needle and drew blood.
'Ah! Holy sh-' But Dillon was cut off when she turned into a Goddess, somewhat against her will. Everyone gasped too at the mere sight of her beauty. She sighed and transformed back to normal.
'Well, um, thank you for exposing me Ma'am. I'll just go in the Goddess hoop now then.' She said testily, hopping into the hoop before realising she was the only one. She went red with embarrassment and put her hood up. Mrs Bennet smiled.
'Thank you Dillon, now that you're all in your hoops, please stick together as we go into the bus. Follow me!'
We followed behind her until we were out of the school and piled into a bus, me next to the older person and Stacey-obviously breaking the rules-was sitting next to her sorceress friend Willow who never seemed to speak. Mrs Bennet got into the driver's seat and began the long drive to our new school.
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