She looked around, utterly aware of the peril she has brought upon herself. She could sense his demeanor, which demanded compliance. A slight shudder reverberated in her petite form and a sigh escaped her parted lips. She tugged at her jacket, trying her best to escape the cold outside, when it was the arctic fear within that caused her to shiver uncontrollably.
She gasped, noticing a light, ever so dim and eerie, that she questioned if it was any better than the chilling dark that surrounded her. She was answered when she saw her fears materializing even in that shred of light.
And once again, she wished to be enveloped by the comforting darkness.
⁂ ⁂ ⁂ ⁂
Jisoo was just killing the time, nodding every once in a while, even taking the pains of noting down a thing or two to show that she was paying attention, when she couldn't remember learning a damn thing in this class, of course, with the exception of 'Mitochondria is the power house of the cell'. She sometimes had to elbow or knee her seatmate, Miyeon, to keep her from falling asleep.
Of course, the teachers just naturally expected her to be attentive in every class, owing to the 'exceptional' academic record she holds, for which she seemed to be more annoyed than grateful. When you become an overachiever, people seem to appreciate and value you only for a day or two. But after a couple of days, they all start taking you for granted, and you're left with nothing but a hell of a reputation to uphold.
And that reputation was going to be the end of Jisoo. That reputation had made her realize just how much she relied on the appeasement policy. She was so eager to please everyone around her, that she didn't even bat an eye when she was giving up her dreams of being a psychologist to materialize her parents' envisions of seeing her a doctor. Yes, she could still go on to become a psychiatrist, but then again, her parents wouldn't consider it an actual medical profession.
Immersed in her thoughts, she only faintly took notice of the bell ringing and the chairs scraping around her.
"Yah! Sooyah! We need you on Earth here" Miyeon's shrill voice brought her back to reality. A faint smile toyed around Jisoo's lips. "If only it was that easy to escape the world." She said absently.
"Nah! Not you with your philosophy again. You would definitely be better off with Arts" Miyeon joked, yawing a bit, "Let's go and grab a bite, I'm starving!"
Jisoo nodded and made her way to the cafeteria, while Miyeon trailed behind her with her 'princess walk'. Jisoo just silently passed people through the hallways, while Miyeon waved, smiled and bowed to almost everyone they came across. A social queen indeed! (A/N: *queencard)
She walked into the cafeteria that was already bloated with people and chaos. However, this chaos was something quite different. It was usual for this place to be quite deafening, with the stinging buzz of students chatting, laughing and yelling, topped with the lunch lady's vain yet desperate attempts to discipline them all.
However, today, all she heard were squeals and giggles. Almost everyone was enthusiastically discussing some event, making her gloomy and miserable self look like an outcast. Miyeon noticed it too, and calling out to a familiar girl in the cafeteria, she yelled, "Minnie! What's the commotion?"
The said Thai girl approached them, beaming at the two with her radiant smile and answered, "Oh y'know, the same old 'new hot guy in school' drama."
"There's a new guy?" Miyeon inquired, and Minnie nodded her aggressively. Jisoo just shot them a disinterested look. "What about it?" she asked already annoyed a bit.
"Well, you see, honey" Minnie began condescendingly, "This guy allegedly has a criminal record, and it ain't anything pretty. Although, the emphasis is on 'allegedly', I'd totally buy the rumors if I were to judge a book by its cover. I know I shouldn't be superficial, but as hot as he is, he's positively a menace."
Miyeon looked intrigued and was about ask more. Jisoo however, chose to retreat and headed to grab some udon instead. There was no reason for her to stay back and listen to Minnie gush about 'rumors'. Jisoo still remembers how there were rumors of a new girl working at a club, solely due to the fact that she avoided meeting up with people at night. Turns out, she was only out late babysitting for pocket money.
Owing to this, and a handful of similar occurrences, Jisoo had no faith in this 'rumored' shit. If it was a criminal she would be dealing with, she would rather see for herself. There was no use in incessant chit-chat.
Chugging down the remains of her udon soup, she started heading to her next class. She dug into her bag and yanked out the schedule. Psychology. That's what she had next. Her lips curved in a faint smile as she made her way to her favorite class. 'The study of the insane' was the only class keeping her sane lately. She skipped her way to class, startling a few who were accustomed to witnessing her cold demeanor.
She walked in the class to find Seulgi waving at her and tapping the seat next to her. She returned her smile and sunk into the seat she had saved for her.
As if on cue, the Teacher walked in next. After dryly greeting the class, she looked outside the door and motioned someone to come in. The figure that stepped into the class was rather towering and lean. He seemed to have an astute physique. However his face was veiled with a face-mask. Jisoo didn't need a medal for identifying him as 'the new guy with a criminal record'. She heard a few gasps and murmurs around her. Even Seulgi started nudging her, evidently aware of the rumors, however, Jisoo couldn't peel her eyes off the guy even if she wanted to. There was something truly alluring about him, but whether he was a menace or not, on that she was yet to draw a conclusion.
"Introduce yourself." The teacher curtly said, and the boy just glared at her as if displeased by the commanding edge to her tone. Looking straight ahead he briefly answered "Kim Taehyung" in a barely audible yet fascinatingly low voice.
Jisoo took a good look at his eyes, the only visible feature of his countenance. She realized that the more she tried to analyze them, the more terrified she was. His eyes, as lovely as they looked, imprisoned dark secrets within. His eyes looked cold, vicious, dead-
And they were entirely focused on her.
Jisoo didn't believe that he was a criminal. She believed that he was something far more malicious and darker.
But then again, she was a creature of the dark.
A/N: I'm updating but no one's reading lol. It's really weird writing Vsoo again now that I know that she is with someone else. However, regardless of what I write, I'll always support her!
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