Lonely Emperor~ Pt 2
Aaaand i return surprisingly as i don't have a great track record of doing that to stories O-O
Im trying to actually keep this one going ( yes Im putting more effort into my stories with just over ten views than my half finished ones with thousands).
anyways this is a continuation as the last one shot so if u need to refresh urself on the AU its in then go back but heres a quick summary of the actual plot...
techno has taken over the world, but he's alone and is no longer enjoying ruling. Suddenly a figure appears at the palace- its Phil. They reunite after Techno had ran away years prior and re-bond. But another figure enters the palace...
"Technoblade!" the voice shouted, a demanding and confident tone lingered around their voice. His ears stood up in alert, his eyes becoming beady and wide, his every instinct heightened. He and Phil eyed the door cautiously as a seemingly shorter figure stood near the open archway. They seemed a little taller than Phil, but it was hard to tell from this distance."I am here to declare war on your faction!" The voice cried out, his slightly high-pitch voice echoing around the vast room. Techno, making sure not to make any sharp movement, slinked down to reach for his axe, which was on the floor, and bared it in font of him in a menacing way. Phil, who was unarmed, inched slightly behind his son, hating to feel so vulnerable and reliant on technoblade, but survival came first. The figure began to charge down the throne room, as techno further secured his fighting stance, stepping in front of Phil in a protective manner with one hooved foot ahead the other- when the figure stopped. Just close enough so that it was in view of technoblade to see who he was, and vice versa for the figure. "Tommy..." Techno snarled under his breath, just loud enough for Phil to hear, his speech nor realisation causing his fighting stance to falter. "Wait." The childs voice called out, breaking from its confident and dramatic tone previously. "who are you guys?" he asked. Phil and techno glanced at each other, their guard somewhat dropped out of sheer confusion. "uhh." the piglin hummed quietly, clearly puzzled. "do you know that guy?" Philza ushered quietly, as Techno nodded and grunted. "Hey! Where's Technoblade?" the blonde boy asked sounding impatient, trying to attract their attention once again as they whispered to each other.
That is when it dawned on techno. it was because he was in his piglin form, he was still in his piglin form. "shit!" he quietly exclaimed, as he began to panic. "Uh, thats techno?" Phil commented, confusion evident in his voice. "Phil!" Techno cringed loudly, as he spun around to avoid facing his foe, who stood bearing his sword in confusion. "Thats Techno?" Tommy asked, getting blanked by phil as he turned to aid technoblade, who was now shielding himself in his blue robe, hiding his piglin self. "techno whats going on?" Phil whispered urgently, as he flashed a glance over to tommy who was standing awkwardly and equally as confused. "they don't know i have this form!" techno whisper-shouted to phil, who's widened in understanding. "ohhh!" He exclaimed, kicking hisself for telling tommy it was techno- despite it being quite inevitable that he would find out it was techno as they all stood in the same room. "why don't you transform back if you don't want him so see?" Phil enquired, turning his attention back to his son. "I- I can't!" He cried, still in a hushed tone so that tommy could not hear his break in character- that being usually calm, cool and collected, if not blood thirsty and controlling. "what? why not?" Phil returned, techno had always been able to control his transformations, surely he would have just turned back when he saw Tommy? "I- well-" techno began, struggling to find the correct words to explain before being cut off by "what the fuck is going on, why is techno some sort of fuckin' furry now, who are you?!" Tommy finally called out, annoyed at his presence being ignored. "This isn't really a good time mate..." Phil commented, causing the blondes mouth to drop. "i literally just declared war! I don't care if it's 'NoT A Good tIme'" he mocked, outraged at the audacity of this man. "But you're like- fourteen?" Phil quizzed, with a hint of a smile dashing his lips. "do you not have like- parents?" he asked offhandedly. "Im not fourteen im fifteen!" He cried, outraged, his voice breaking with anger. "isn't that a little too young to be declaring wars?" Phil asked, his head tilting in confusion. "Im sorry but who the hell are you!?" he outraged, causing Phil to cock an eyebrow at the boy. He found it sad to see someone so young having to do things like this, and be so independent to have to go and declare war on someone, who would inevitably win. "Can you just tell him to leave, please!" Techno begged quietly, the confidence his tone usually holds was now completely replaced with that of shame and a quiver of sadness. "but techno, he's just a kid! Is he ok?" He retorted, " I don't care if he's ok, he's literally declaring war on me!" He quietly exclaimed in an exasperated tone. Phil sighed, taking a step towards tommy, "please leave, Tommy, you don't have to do this." He told in a soft tone; this took tommy aback- he wasn't use to being interacted with in such a nice way. "wha- no! I- I do have to do it because that dickhead is a shitty tyrant!" he cried out gesturing to technoblade, who only sighed, still not facing the ordeal, and hunched into his cloak. "Technoblade is not a tyrant! He's my son- he's one of the most caring people on the planet!" Phil defended, as techno felt as though he wanted to dig himself into a hole in the ground and lay there. "Wha- he's your son!? He took over this entire server! Thats not very 'caring' of him!" tommy exclaimed, as Phil sighed, "look, i don't know the ins and outs, but im sure we can all sort this another time, ok? How about like- a meeting kinda thing, yeah? We can sort everything out." Phil chuffed, happy with his idea. "What!?" both tommy and techno called out in union. "come on, you can't just fight forever, im sure this can be cleared up, how about you two just talk it out tomorrow." he cooly suggested. Techno and tommy opposed the idea. "Talk it out!? Phil this is a serious war!" Techno cried out, finally re-engaging with the conversation. "He's fifteen techno, you can't fight fifteen year olds." he deadpanned, as techno mumbled and recoiled back into his previous position. "just come back tomorrow ok?" Phil sternly instructed tommy. "I- fine." He huffed, as he turned on his heels and stroppily exited the palace.
"why would you do that!?" techno cried as he heard the prodigious doors cough closed, finally dropping his robe from his face. "techno it's so evidently clear that kid needs help- mans out there declaring wars at fifteen! we should give him a chance atleast!" Phil told, as techno's ears flattened further. He huffed, not wanting to disagree with Phil, and hesitated. "fine." he mumbled, turning away and beginning to walk towards another door. "do you wanna, like- stay here?" Techno asked awkwardly, as phils face glowed at the suggestion. "yes, please techno." he exclaimed, practically beaming. Techno felt a small tinge of a smile infect his face- he was truly happy to see Phil again. Techno soon lead the two into a much comfier room- in the aspect of size. It was significantly smaller than the huge throne room, and had a fireplace and rug made of bear hide, opposing the cold and loneliness of the rest of the castle. A nice change in scenery. Techno gestured for phil to take a seat, as he lit the fire in front of them. "so, you have a lot to explain..." Phil spoke, as techno faced the fire, stoking it absentmindedly as he crouched next to it. A sigh escaped his lips, as phil pressed on with, "why couldn't you turn back into your human form?" in a curious yet concerned way. techno waited a moment before responding, the silence that lay between them sat tender and thick in the air. "well- I- I can't tell you exactly because I don't know," he began, " but every time i change form, it gets harder and harder, and longer and longer before i can change back." He explained. " i think it could be because of the amount of time im spending in my human form- sometimes i just change back to piglin without even trying to." The man elaborated, not taking his eyes from the dancing flames of the fire, its many shades and wisps of colour reflecting and pooling into his eyes like molten gold. "Its also been harder to ignore the," he paused, hating what he was about to say, "instincts that are from my piglin side.".
Phil knew what that meant of course, as techno had had piglin instincts hardwires into him ever since phil knew him, but as he got older and adapted to living in society, he had gotten better at controlling them- these mostly included things like an enchantment for gold, seeing it causing him to go into a sort of trance, dropping anything for the gold, and other instincts from living in the nether such as sleeping in huddles or close to another piglin, and the comfort of having his fur brushed or petted causing him to completely relax and go practically numb of thoughts. There were many other traits of a piglin that techno carried, of course, but those were just a few of the more predominant ones. This embarrassed techno, as it was usually beyond his control what he did. "aw, mate." Phil cooed, sinking off the sofa and edging towards techno by the fire, who was glancing sadly into it. "Its ok, I think i can explain." he assured, as techno looked up at him, his ears still back on his head with sadness, but perking up a little when hearing this news. "well, you're most likely right about why you are finding it hard to stay in that form, it takes a lot of energy, since its not your main form- you should really only use it in public if you really dont want people seeing you tech..." He softly explained, arching his eyebrows in a sympathetic way. "I- I know..." techno replied sadly, looking back down. Phil hated to see his son like this, hating the way he looked. "and the second thing- well thats because your not appeasing any of your instincts mate." he explained, as techno perked up one ear in confusion. "all your instincts are more prominent because you aren't giving them what they want- like to stop being hungry, you eat- well you just need to spend more time on giving yourself what you truly want techno, and it will be fine." He explained. That was a lot of information for techno to take in. He hummed, thinking about what he had just heard. "I think your right..." he admitted, with a small nod. "im always right." grinned phil, as he noticed the corner of technos lips curl into a smile as he huffed out a small chuckle. "so, what instincts do you have?" enquired phil, to which techno didn't respond, evidently not wanting to answer. Phil hummed, acknowledging this, and reached a hand up to pet the to of technos head. A purr immediately escaped his lips as his muscles tensed for a second of contact before relaxing entirely and melting into his touch. Phil knew he was already helping the mans instincts, as piglins love physical touch- its one of the main ways they can feel safe. At this point, techno was in a complete trance, as phil adjusted his touch to just behind technos ears, causing him to double over onto phil, stretching out across the blonde. He chuckled, smiling down at his son, and continued to pet him enjoying finally seeing him happy again. He could tell that technoblade wasn't happy- he could tell from the second he laid eyes on him- and seeing him now purring, eyes closed, and laid in a content and comfortable manner filled truly his heart. His son was back.
idek what im writing at this point this is kinda turning into a whole-ass story instead of a oneshot but hey ho.
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