The carriage ride was an especially bumpy endeavor, juggling its passengers at every turn as it hurtled at an undeniable speed. To everyone's utter surprise, Lady Huntington saw no need for comment at the pace they were going; not once did she complain about being uncomfortable. Lady Killsworth seemed to be exhausted, and Anthony and Sarah Jane mostly rode in silence, their peaceful companionship exchanged for conversation, and their energies recharging in anticipation of their wedding.
A ride from London to Wiltshire would take 24 hours at the very least, even with a good sturdy carriage and fast, able horses. But the fates have combined their forces to help the lovesick young couple to procure ample time for a rest before their morning wedding. The roads were empty and the holes patched smoothly. And as they stopped only for meals, a short respite, and emptied plumbing in chamber pots while simultaneously changing horses, it had given them a surplus of hours to burn on the road.
Deep into the night, Anthony informed Sarah Jane that Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will be following in one of Creston's smaller carriages. Creston had sent an express missive, whose messenger caught them on the road, to inform them that he will be indisposed to travel for their wedding as his wife was nearing her due. He sends them his felicitations and promises to drop by for a visit as soon as he and his duchess are able.
This leaves his only guest, the duke, and his duchess, to be in attendance at their wedding. Undoubtedly, even as Sarah Jane suspected the duchess to be in an affair with Anthony, a mere glimpse of the rare lovesick couple would set her mind at ease.
As they entered Kinsman Place, Lady Huntington informed Anthony that Lord Holt would not be in attendance as he had to attend some business in a faraway estate.
Anthony did not make a show of how his soul rejoiced at gaining his senses just in time to snatch Sarah Jane from this abominable union. It was an idea so disastrous, so undoubtedly painful, and so disgusting that Anthony wondered how he was able to stand by as the old man courted his woman.
He shuddered, physically forcing the thought out of his head by swatting his fingers against imaginary dust on his shoulders. Everything is settled and well, he had murmured to assure himself as he proceeded to accompany the ladies to their private quarters.
Morning could not come any faster.
Sarah Jane woke with a start as Mathilda pulled on her ankles from under the covers, muttering how she had forgotten to remove her stockings in her haste to sleep last evening. Mathilda had only arrived this morning, as she and her husband decided to rest for a spell in a nearby inn before continuing the journey to Kinsman Place.
"Poor, poor, child," Mathilda had scolded over and over as she bathed her, washed and straightened her hair, scrubbing her aching body.
Just as they finished with her bath, Mathilda working determinedly on her hair, there was a knock at the door.
A maid poked her head inside and announced the arrival of Lady Killsworth in her bedchamber.
"I have hoped you were awake." She said as she entered, bringing a dusty old box. "Do you know, in your ridiculous haste to get married, we hadn't had the chance to pick a wedding gown for you."
Sarah Jane's eyes widened as Lady Killsworth opened the box, her sight astonished with glorious fabrics of rose pink that instantly made her giddy and excited.
"I hope you envisioned yourself getting married in pink." Lady Killsworth said lightly as she gingerly took the sleeves and aligned it with Sarah Jane's shoulder. "It was the palest of its kind,"
"It's lovely." Sarah Jane blinked back her tears.
It was more than anything she could have imagined. The skirts shone wonderfully elegant against the sunlight. Its fabric, a thick and gold-speckled rose pink, cinched in the right corners to allow a glimpse of a woman's body and featured a delicate shearing that allowed her bosom to be covered lightly but still tastefully exposed. Sarah Jane could not wait for any second longer to try it on.
"This had belonged to my daughter. She is 9 years advance Anthony, and she preferred dark and deep hues to pink." The soon-to-be dowager motioned to her hair, its dark shade still remnant of its earlier luster even as it was dusted with a few silvery strands.
"Because of her dark hair, the dark clothes brought out her skin more." Lady Killsworth held the gown wistfully, her fingers going over the bejewels that sprinkled over the short sleeve which, would hang loosely over the shoulders. "Like you, she was quick to marry, but it wasn't a love match at first. Anthony is lucky to have you."
"As am I with him, ten times over." She smiled then, allowing both older women to place the gown over her chemise. The gown had built-in brocades and wires to keep her midsection in place, and it closed with a line of differently shaped pearls from the heart of her back to the beginning of her bottom's cleft.
Sarah Jane twirled her skirts, reveling that upon movement, the dress's partitioned pleats encased a wonderfully paler shade of rose, almost beige and sandy, in the softest satin that was cold to the touch.
Lady Killsworth conversed with Sarah Jane about light topics as Mathilda worked on her hair. The elegant lady carefully avoided the subject of her parents and background. Sarah Jane knew how alone she was, but since she has met Anthony, she has never felt quite so alone anymore.
Sarah Jane thought that if Lady Killsworth hadn't known that she and Anthony had opted not to wait for the ceremonies of their wedding night, Lady Killsworth might have felt obligated to deliver her maidenly talk. She chuckled, the light sound startling both Lady Killsworth and Mathilda as they fussed over her hair and shoes.
"I was merely wondering what you would have told me if you had to talk to me about wifely duties." Sarah Jane said lightly, arranging her gloves in her arm as she slipped on her engagement ring on her fourth finger.
"I would have told you that your most important responsibility as a wife is to bear an heir, and in all things be a good mother to your children and a good wife to your husband. Duties will include household management..."
"Not that." She swiftly interrupted, laughing at Lady Killsworth's perpetually innocent and proper mind. "To deliver me talk about one's wifely duties at night."
And then she felt the need to add, just to clarify lest her mind goes to other chaste thoughts. "In bed."
Lady Killsworth blushed red, immediately striding to the end of the room, moving to remove herself from the situation. "I shall not discuss it with you entirely."
Sarah Jane nodded, turning to face the door as she took her reticule. She mused, Mathilda might have just told her to lie still and be done with it. Lady Huntington might have offered her some advice, and that would be to "just do it" as there was no point in dallying about specifics of an act so instinctual. Yes, that is exactly what she would have said.
"I shall discuss it with you if it were needed." Mathilda chimed, eyeing Sarah Jane curiously. "To start, it does not necessarily occur at night... or in a bed for that matter."
"I am leaving!" Lady Killsworth announced, grasping the lever and swiftly making her graceful exit, her skirts folding against the door following the movement of her legs.
"You've embarrassed her!" Sarah Jane scolded, laughing to herself as she walked to the door.
"You embarrassed her, child." Mathilda clucked her tongue. "Don't think for one second that I do not know."
She blushed, quickly sashaying out to the hall and into the waiting carriage to bring her to the parish.
Upon arriving at the homey neighborhood parish, Sarah Jane quickly learned that Anthony was beloved by many tenants and neighbors from Wiltshire. Several commoners were in attendance, and they all waited to give their congratulations and felicitations to her, even if they had only just met her.
She waited outside the church doors, nervously clutching the freshly picked bouquet as Mathilda arranged her skirts behind her.
As soon as the door opened, their eyes connected, and everything fell away.
The wedding was a simple and elegant affair conducted in a parish where Anthony had been baptized. It was only after saying their vows that Sarah Jane began to notice the face of the guests inside the church.
They turned to face them, her gloved hand clasped in his as his finger tipped her chin for a searing kiss.
Such a show was very unseemly and un-aristocratic for marrying members of the ton, but Anthony felt at ease.
For once he wasn't surrounded by gossip mongers, or if he were, the gossip that the town will be spreading shall be pleasant, and sweet, and everything that has to do with his new wife that most obviously loved him.
Not everyone could say that they have chosen a wife who adores her husband. He was clearly in luck and among the enviable of men.
A quaint and most appropriate mid-morning breakfast feast was laid out for their guests at Kinsman Place. Many neighbors who were both members of the gentry and the peerage were invited by his mother. Feeling extra generous, Anthony had set aside some funds to give merry to his tenants as well. He smiled as everyone settled with their plates; his wife silently removed her gloves beside him as she eyed the jam.
It only seemed fitting that they celebrated their marriage with a meal that they had thoroughly enjoyed together when they first met in this exact room.
Anthony bent his head, "Are you planning to prepare a scone with your bare hands?"
Sarah Jane quirked a brow, showing him exactly that he expected correctly. "How else do you expect me to put jam in a scone?"
He grinned at her and proceeded to poke his bacon. "You hurry then, Lady Killsworth. I shall want you in my bed in less than an hour,"
Her mouth formed an "O" in outrage, her eyes scanning around if anyone had appeared to hear him. When she observed that their guests had filled themselves with chatter and most impossible heard the outrageous thing he said, she settled back to the scone, a small wily smile settling on her mouth as she finished filling it with jam.
"Open your mouth, darling."
Smiling, he obliged her, rousing hoots from the men in the room. Anthony vaguely remembered who some of those were, but they were friends of his father who lived very near. His mother, who was now referred to as the dowager, had been able to invite them by the break of dawn. How she accomplished this task, he would never know. He could never understand what powers belied her mother.
"Excuse me,"
Anthony blinked, turning his head to the small voice behind Sarah Jane. Duchess Ravensdale stood proud, a satisfied grin on her face as she interposed between him and his wife.
He cleared his throat as it was obvious that Charlotte had come to gloat. "Your grace, it is an honor and a pleasure that you could attend our wedding."
"I wouldn't miss it for anything, anything at all."
Sarah Jane returned her warm smile and then spared Charlotte's husband, Ravensdale, a curious glance. He looked to be most improved since their last meeting. "I hope you are enjoying yourselves."
"Oh, immensely!" The duchess' eyes were twinkling, and Anthony rather feared for the woman's mind after hearing how she had orchestrated Ravensdale's plight. Drat this overly zealous woman, only Ravensdale would be the best match for her, all other men would cower.
"I should like to present Lady Killsworth with a gift."
"Oh, thank you." Sarah Jane immediately said, moving to stand, but the duchess held her hand, asking her to remain in place.
"I think you both shall open this. It is a present for you, my lady, but I think that the present might be mostly for Killsworth as well." The duchess held a box before her that had a big red bow, and as Anthony recognized the label on the box, he suddenly felt warm to the core.
"Don't open it here," Anthony whispered, gently removing Sarah Jane's hands as she tried to pull on the bow.
Sarah Jane raised a questioning glance at both of them but was only gifted by a proud smirk from the duchess. "It's from Madame de Courcey."
Sarah Jane's eyes widened from hearing that name.
That was the infamous name that had almost sent both their husbands to blows. Sarah Jane stood, quickly muttering her apologies and maneuvering around the guests in her way as she clutched the box to her chest.
"Wait! Ah... no, Sarah—" Anthony quickly followed as he ignored the duchess' solicitous "you won't be missed" comments behind his back. The crowd's chatter drew to a hush as they ascended the staircase.
"Wait!" Anthony hissed as his breathing grew ragged from tailing her.
"Come on, old man!" Sarah Jane taunted and turned left, only to be pulled back to Anthony's chest with a swift kiss on the lips.
"I moved our room." He said and dragged his eager wife to the right, crossing the hall in wide strides until they reached the largest room at the end. "You wanted the sunrise, my lady."
She grinned, a blush coloring her cheeks as she hid her head on his chest. He really was her perfect man.
He opened the door to reveal a neatly decorated room, all in white, beige, and the color of peace and sleep.
Anthony entered, taking the box from his wife as she looked around. Suddenly a wicked smile played on her lips, her eyes shining of deviltry. "Anthony..." her voice was small
He couldn't move his limbs due to desperate anticipation.
Both her hands braced the door frame, posing in a most provocative manner as she licked her lips. "I do remember you asking for an invitation to my room."
Anthony's eyes flicked in amusement. Yes, of course. Their first meeting couldn't have been more referenced by that kiss on the stairs and her barefoot feet on his carpeted halls. If he had more intelligence, which he had not, he would have noticed that he was already enraptured by her in that exact moment.
She walked to him, flicking the cover of the box, her hands purchasing thin and wispy clothing made of white lace and green moss satin.
It was at that moment that Sarah Jane understood why Ravensdale almost killed Anthony at the mention of de Courcey clothes... on his wife.
These weren't clothes, they barely covered anything.
"Do you like it?" His voice was low and husky.
Her eyes snapped to his face, watching him with eyes filled with pools of desire. "Do you like it?" She returned the question as her fingers went over the cloth tentatively.
Anthony's body burned a slow simmer with the excitement for what was to come. Of course, he likes it, he very well likes anything that was on her, even a burlap sack, as long as he can peel it away from her skin.
And he intended to do just that.
She laughed then, replacing the gift back in the box and setting it aside. Her arms encircled his neck, meeting his lips for a moment. "Anthony, do you like it?"
"I like you." He grinned and tugged her to the bed. "I like you here, in my bed."
She giggled, a laugh so free that it filled Anthony's heart with rapture.
And when they kissed, Anthony made sure she knew just how much he liked her.
Hello readers! I am grateful for each and every one of you who read and savored the journey that our Sarah Jane and Anthony had undertaken! I'm so happy to say that Teasing Your Wicked Heart has reached #3 at the Regency ranks!
Thank you. Your comments have inspired me, and I can't even begin to tell you how satisfying it is to finish a novel.
This will now undergo heavy editing, hopefully in time to be submitted to the Wattys.
I was also hoping to bounce off some of the more memorable characters in this novel. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Which story do you want to hear first? I'm almost ready to draft a *gasp* family tree!
A gift from me to you shall come tomorrow. I will be posting an epilogue! <3 love you all. Stay safe and stay home!
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