Anthony stayed with her most of the night, and he allowed his fingers to bury themselves in her hair as he whispered promises into her ear.
Just minutes after being fully stripped and washed, she laid in a peaceful afterglow in his arms. He had brought a damp towel over her, cleaning her naked form until a blush covered her entire body. Anthony smiled at her shyness. He allowed her some modesty as he stripped to clean himself as well.
They settled in bed, naked and warm under the covers. Her head rested on his chest and her hand draped across his waist as she told him how she had spent the entire day in fear that he didn't want her.
Anthony lifted the covers and showed her his hardness, which despite its recent release still begged for her attention.
"If this is not evidence enough, my inability to bed anyone after you've arrived in my life will finally settle your doubts."
She smiled, a womanly contented smile that knew full well she was wanted and lusted after. "Why don't you just make love to me?"
He kissed her forehead, "Soon, my sweet. Very soon, after we've married."
"I had no idea you were so proper."
Anthony combed her hair with his fingers as he urged her to rest. "You will soon realize only after a minute of being married to me just how improper I can be."
Long after she slept, he laid in bed watching her, staring at her peaceful features as he dwelled on his dumb luck. Mr. Collins made a mistake, and in his opinion, it was the very best of mistakes that could ever have happened to him. That night as Anthony closed his eyes from happiness, he had the most contented slumber in his life.
By daybreak, he dropped a kiss on her forehead and moved to leave the room before the maids lighted the grate for kitchen work.
"Anthony?" She stirred, mumbling in her sleep as her hand sought for him.
"Yes, my love?" He quickly reached her side, clutching his coat in his other hand. "Go back to sleep."
Her brows creased, eyes still shut. "Where are you going?"
"Back to my room before anyone discovers that I haven't left your room."
He took the ring from his coat pocket. He had bought it from shopping into town with Charlotte. He smiled inwardly, remembering how Sarah Jane had been so jealous of that trip. Damn him for being a man who appreciated how much she was green with envy upon seeing him with another. He had no doubts that she wanted him all to herself.
The black velvet box was lined with intricate gold flowers. He had bought a sparkling diamond, round, and cut many different ways and secured by an intricate weave of gold bands. Its clarity had reminded him of her tears, but its depth and seemingly endless glitter had reminded him of her heart.
"Are you asleep?" he whispered, taking her left hand in his.
Anthony smiled as he remembered how he chose the ring, it looked fairly plain and simple at first but the more he looked at it, the more he was convinced that its design was more special than anything that he had ever seen.
Just like his Lady Sarah Jane.
"No." She murmured, and snuggled up to his warmth, eyes still closed.
Grinning like every lovesick married fool he had hastily accused, he slipped the ring on her fourth finger, and relished the feeling of joy spreading in his chest.
"Mmm." Her eyes blinked open at the cold metal on her finger. "When did you buy this?"
He laughed, "You accused me of shopping..."
She buried her head in the pillow, bringing her hand close to her mouth under the covers. "I should have never been jealous." Her words muffled on the cushion.
"No," He agreed.
"But you're mine." She said, revealing one eye from the pillow. "Mine alone." Her head went back to the pillow, the ringed finger close to her cheek. "I should have bought you a ring too."
Trust Sarah Jane to think of the most unconventional things.
He laughed again, "I shall see you later."
Anthony kissed her brow before he left the room, chuckling softly as he heard the bedclothes shuffle behind him. He stole a glance and saw Lady Sarah Jane, seated upright as she stared at the rock on her finger.
By breakfast, everyone had been downstairs except for Sarah Jane. Lady Killsworth took her tea and eyed Anthony suspiciously, her mind visibly worked to think of what to ask him of last night's events.
It was clear what her son's intentions were, but Sarah Jane was not always dead set about her son. She wanted a Season and she flirted madly with other gentlemen, why would Anthony want a woman who settled for him?
She and Lady Huntington were forced to have tea and whiskey with Mr. Collins last night, for the man refused to leave without Sarah Jane. After Lady Huntington pointed out that Killsworth had the mind to make Sarah Jane his wife, however, Mr. Collins seemed to relax and was relieved of his worries. Both ladies took this as an opportune time to bully the information out of him—every last detail that they were scarcely privy to while Anthony hovered and manipulated the situation severely behind their knowledge.
They were finally fully informed and Lady Killsworth did not know where to start with Anthony. She was deeply infuriated by him but she can't seem to place his mood this morning.
Mother and son greeted each other on the table. She hid her thoughts behind a tea cup and wondered if Anthony would ever tell her what's bothering him, or if she would have to force it out of him.
"How did Mr. Collins leave?" Anthony inquired, suddenly feeling ravenous as he took a good helping of bacon from the siding.
"After I've extracted all the information that has been concealed from me, and after informing him of your plans, I imagine he left using the same carriage he used as he came."
Anthony tried to detect what emotion his mother was harboring, but by her tone, it did not seem at all congruent with his own. He chose to ignore her, and focused on his plate instead.
"What did you do with our dear girl?" His mother tried to sound light, but failed.
He ignored her.
Anthony was a grown man of thirty, a titled peer and a worldly man. He didn't need to be granted permission from his mother if he wished to take a wife.
He was saved from making a comment as his betrothed entered the breakfast room.
"I had requested for your berry jam." He said attentively and took an empty plate for her while she joined him on the siding.
"Good morning, Lady Killsworth." Sarah Jane greeted his mother and then turned to him. "Thank you, my lord."
He quirked a brow at her as he noticed her use of formalities, but then decided not to tease her further on it.
Sarah Jane took a scone with her bare hand and deposited it on his plate. The gesture was so familiar that he also scooped food he knew she would like to her plate. Her fingers gripped a piece of excess bacon from hers and transferred it to his, and as she did this, he noticed the brilliant ring he had slipped her finger this morning.
Anthony then quickly discovered that he was definitely in a terribly high mood this morning. Not even his mother could ruin such a splendid morning indeed.
The breakfast passed in silence but the two were conversing with their eyes. Lady Killsworth could not take the pretenses any longer. They cannot act like a couple in love when they were ready to go at each other's throats last night!
There was something very peculiar about their situation and a mother only worries for her son's heart. He puts on a brave bravado but she knew how much his soul could brake if his love isn't returned.
She cleared her throat, hoping to get both of their attention as she pushed her plate to the side.
"Have you both had a lovely evening?"
Sarah Jane winced as she recalled how they had to remove the guests from the house prematurely. "I apologize for the unseemly news and trouble that I and Mr. Collins had brought to your party. I had no idea..."
"As I have heard." The aged Lady allowed, and then turned to her son, "I see you have wasted no time in securing her even when Mr. Collins had made it clear that he had wanted to take her away."
"What are you implying?" Anthony's mood was dangerously dipping erratically that he might as well become deranged by the end of the week.
"Lady Sarah Jane," ignoring his son, Lady Killsworth continued to spy on the ring as she stirred her chocolate casually as she spoke. "Were you informed before you were asked to marry my son, that the Killsworth name is the only one that he will ever have?"
Anthony's eyes widened, utterly confused with what his mother was trying to do. Didn't she want to see him happy? Didn't she love him even just a little?
"Yes." She nodded warily, looking down at the eggs on her plate.
Lady Killsworth laughed, a practiced sound of faked pleasantness and delight which sent eerie shivers down to Sarah Jane's toes.
"And then you know that we have Kinsmen Place and this humble London estate to our name? Kinsman Place is entailed to Killsworth, but this London estate is our own expense and property." Her smile was bitter as she engaged Sarah Jane in conversation. "There isn't more to it. Rosenberg isn't properly his, it never will be."
Startled beyond words, Sarah Jane could only nod.
"Mr. Collins had been so kind as to escort you to us but you are not in any means under our protection any longer. You are free."
"I am aware."
Lady Killsworth eyed her behind a cat-like grin, her claws were just about to come out, "I wonder, Sarah Jane, just how much do you know of his scandal with Lady Edward?"
Unsure of whether she should shake or nod her head, Sarah Jane remained silent.
"Enough!" Anthony said lowly as he downed his tea.
"Do you know why her parents refused my son?"
"I said that is enough!" Anthony's voice boomed through the empty house, stunning everyone in earshot.
Lady Killsworth remained unconvinced. "I am merely stating that she might not have been informed of all the facts, and this might be another sham of an engagement."
He wasn't fazed by that last cutting remark. Although being jolted was a sore subject, he had enough of this games.
Anthony moved to stand, but Sarah Jane held his hand on the table, beseeching him to remain seated beside her.
After a long silence, Sarah Jane pushed her plate away, her appetite dying down with the recent turn of events. "I do not know what you are trying to do, Lady Killsworth." Sarah Jane started, "I simply cannot... cannot,"
Her eyes slowly blinked as she kept her temper in check. "I cannot sit here, listening to you mocking Anthony for all the things he didn't do."
What is his mother's obsession with property and titles? Didn't she see that all Anthony longed for was to be loved unconditionally?
Calmly, Sarah Jane regained her composure, and resisted the boil of her blood. "Of course I have heard the gossip, I've been in too many balls and social engagements since I've arrived that it was impossible not to have known about the scandal with Lady Edward."
She then turned to stare at his mother, Sarah Jane knew that she was indebted to her for sponsoring a Season, but really, this was too much to bear. His own mother could not be this demeaning to him, and get away with it.
"I have heard a multitude of things. They said Anthony was a rake, leaving behind scads of women in his wake, which might have been one of the reasons why Lady Edward's parents disapproved of him."
Lady Killsworth nodded, urging her to continue, unaffected by her outburst. "Well he is, isn't he?"
"He was." Sarah Jane ground out.
In the many days she had spent in Lord Killsworth's presence, he had many opportunities to scandalize and seduce women of all ages, but he had chosen not to. She only had once suspected, but she believed him when he told her last night that he did not have an affair with her grace.
"What man hasn't tried to seduce a number of women? Coming here, that seems to be the point of London men is it not? Oh Lady Sarah Jane, you must take care of your virtue for many men are after it. Oh Lady Sarah Jane, do not tempt rakes for they will leave you a fallen woman."
Her color started to rise up to her cheeks now, her hand's grip already tightening its hold on Anthony's hand. "I cannot idly stand by your belittling, Lady Killsworth. Much of your accusations are unwarranted."
"Are they, I wonder?" She said so blithely and callously that Sarah Jane wanted to bite her nose off. But Lady Killsworth was unfazed, she continued, "her parents refused him not only for that reason, as you may well know."
Sarah Jane did know what she was referring to. "He is not a fortune hunter, for I have no fortune, yet he offered for me."
"Mr. Collins had explicitly informed me that you have 20,000 pounds as your promised dowry and inheritance upon your father's death." Lady Killsworth said, her hand reaching out to pour herself another cup of tea.
20,000 pounds?
Anthony blinked at the realization. Mr. Collins had mentioned to Anthony in his earlier letters that Lady Sarah Jane possessed a sizeable dowry, but 20,000 pounds is more than sizeable, it is insane! That meant that Sarah Jane was an heiress!
For the life of him, Anthony did not understand what was happening to the two women he loved the most. His mother was acting incorrigibly, and Sarah Jane's ruffled feathers were beginning to trouble him.
Stunned at both the mentioned dowry and Lady Killsworth's callous mention of money and dowries, Sarah Jane paused for a while to consider this.
"Well, I hadn't known I possessed such a fortune. If I did, then I should have had a scads of suitors in that drawing room day after day." Sarcasm dripped in her voice as she rolled her eyes, "of whom I absolutely and determinedly have had no interest in."
Anthony tugged her, asking her to stop. She would make herself upset if she continued any further.
Sarah Jane stood then, slowly and deliberately, and used a napkin to wipe her mouth, her fingers the only ones betraying the state of her nerves. "I won't stand by idly hearing your cruel accusations towards my affianced. I won't have it. Absolutely none of those rumors hold a shred of truth. His only fault was to have mistakenly choose a mean woman, and society had trampled upon him for it."
"And what of his gambling habit?" Lady Killsworth also stood, staring at the couple levelly, a small smile starting to creep up on the sides of her pink mouth.
Indignant, Sarah Jane couldn't resist stomping her foot.
"What gambling habit? I've never even seen him with cards!" She huffed, stealing a glance at the rendered mute man beside her. "Do not even begin to tell me that men do not gamble in their own houses because I've been watching him closely. He doesn't wander too long from the house."
With the mention of a gambling habit that everyone in the room knew he did not possess, Anthony knew in an instant that his mother had been testing Sarah Jane all along. Anthony was strict with his finances, steadfastly allocating them where it was needed in order to support his two meager estates and its hired service and tenants.
His mother was testing her, and Sarah Jane was right about ready to kill her.
He let out a nervous chuckle, women, he'll never understand them, but he was fated to love them so desperately.
Sarah Jane was irresistible when annoyed, and he longed to kiss her.
Lady Killsworth's eyes teared up, smiling, heart in her eyes, emotion welling up in her chest. "I cannot be any happier for the both of you. Oh! take care of her, Anthony, I implore you to take good care of her."
Sarah Jane was surprised of the sudden turn. She did not have brought time to process the situation when Anthony's hand snatched her face to land a solid kiss on her lips.
What on heaven's name was going on?
Lady Killsworth moved closer to the both of them, taking one of Anthony's hands in hers, smiling as happy tears rolled down her face. "I had always hoped that you find love in a woman as much as I deeply loved your father." She turned to Sarah Jane, "You do love him, don't you?"
"Of course I absolutely love him!" She nearly shouted, the intensity of her annoyance and confusion creating a blur of emotion in her. "Did you know she was testing me?" Furious that the man had the audacity to allow his mother to test her when she had... when she had done things with him last night.
"Absolutely not!" He denied it roughly, his chest spreading upon hearing her declaration. It felt wonderful to be loved in return, to be championed with utter trust and support that he wanted to kiss her feet and carry her to his room at the same time.
"I had to do this. He had no role in it." Lady Killsworth smiled apologetically. "You know how she had broken him. I couldn't allow him go through that again. I won't be able to bear it." She rubbed her son's shoulders in support. "He fought hard for you, I saw how much he didn't want to want you. But there he is, my son, always the very best of men."
Sarah Jane stared at the both of them, and then roughly released Anthony's hand.
"Is that what you're worried about? That I would jilt you like she had done? I had wanted you to ask me to marry you for such a long time. I feared you hadn't cared enough."
Anthony couldn't think of a response.
"That's the reason?" She asked bewildered. She was unable to form a cohesive sentence to convince him that she would not ever let him go. "I'm tired of fighting. It seems that if I'm not fighting with you, I'm fighting with your mother. Can't we have any peace? I love you and isn't that all that matters?"
Anthony nodded, kissing her again. He was about to say how much he loved her too, but Sarah Jane snatched her lips away, her hands gripping his forearms tightly that he wagered her nails would form red angry crescent marks on his skin.
"Is this why you act like you love me one time then like you hate me the next?" Furious, she tugged him to her. "Then, I demand that you compromise me this instant so you would be cleared of doubts."
Lady Killsworth spluttered, embarrassed at what she was hearing. She tried to reason with her, but Sarah Jane all but completely ignored her.
"I asked you to do it last night, and you said you wanted to wait until we married." She sighed.
"A good choice for both—" Lady Killsworth wanted to intercede.
"You want to be certain that I won't change my mind. Well, I won't. I need you to trust me that I won't."
"Anthony, I demand you to ravish me, any way you want, anywhere you want."
"What?" Mother and son said in unison.
"I love you and if this is the only thing holding you back from loving me and not doubting me, then come, do it. Heaven knows that I am the lady most willing," she pulled his hands to clasp her body, "I'm not afraid. Hold me." She said in one breath and she moved his hands to make him cup her breasts against her morning frock.
Embarrassment flooded Lady Killsworth's cheeks, its flush reaching the ends of her hair at being an audience to this amorous yet heated exchange. Barely an audible squeak was heard as she scurried and left the room with a resounding click for the couple's privacy.
At the sound of his mother's departure, Anthony smiled boyishly, "any way I want?" and he encircled his grip towards her back and pulled her to him. "Anywhere I want?" He kissed her slowly, a small kiss filled with unadulterated promise and lust.
"Do you have any idea of what you are asking for? Any idea of what your words do to me? Any idea at all?"
She swallowed, maybe she was swept up by her emotion, but if he would like to ravish her in the breakfast room, she was not going to protest. "I might have some." She responded, squeaking as his hands found her bottom.
"I shall make love to you, then." He grinned, descending to her neck, trailing a wet kiss towards her quickening pulse. "Tonight, I shall come to collect you from your room."
Her eyes opened, surprised. "Tonight?" She thought he was going to take her right here.
"This will be a very short engagement." He laughed at himself. In the way his breeches were straining, he would have her round with his child by the end of the week. "I vow to make you scream so loudly that our neighbors will not be able to look you in the eye when you come out in the morning."
She shivered, surely he knew that she just begged him to make love to her and be done with it. She hadn't meant to unlock this animal within him. Sarah Jane was beginning to get anxious.
"Are you worried?"
She shook her head, kissing his nose lightly. "I trust you."
Anthony chuckled darkly. "You should be worried." His hand moving to her front, down her stomach to cup the pit of her womanhood gently but securely in his hand. "I'm coming for you tonight."
He gave her one last deep kiss, pushing his tongue for a taste of her and then abruptly withdrew, walking away from her stunned body, rendering her unable to move from the myriad of sensations coursing through her veins.
A/N: hello! I hope this was a satisfying chapter for you because out of all the chapters of this book this is one of my favorites. ❤️
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