Original TMF Update?
I realized that this story took off at a very quick pace. It was only ever meant to be a short series (3 parts in total) everything happened too quickly. There was no real bond formed in front of our eyes, and a majority of it was done 'off screen.' It was just straight up - Sex sex sex. Not like that was a bad thing, but it got me thinking of how differently I could have approached this story.
I do not want to revise the story and change anything because the story in it's current form is so beloved. I see no point in rewriting certain things, and I don't want to take away from the current version of this story, however I do want to improve it in some way. This got me to thinking 'how?' After battling myself back and forth, I've come up with an idea.
Here's my idea, and this is where I need opinions.
I want to rewrite the story from Mark's perspective. This would in no way change any of the story's plot but rather be told through Mark's eye's in it's own book.
We'd get to see the first day of school when he make's the date plan with Ms. Felton
We'd get inside Mark's head and see how he really felt about all the teasing.
We'd get to feel how Mark truly felt for 'YN' the entire time.
We'd get to see the process of Mark falling in love with 'YN.'
We'd get to see how difficult it was for Mark to have to deny 'YN' up until the final chapter.
We'd also get to see some 'deleted scenes' in a sense of... I will write out chapters that never happened during the first. Just to give them more bonding time, and grow their relationship.
This would in no way change anything about the main story. However I'm scared that doing this will somehow take away from the original. It also provides you, the reader with extra story line that you never got to see the first time around.
However, when speaking to my friend Ebony she brought up a very good point as to why this may not be a good idea.
She feels that by adding a new POV it would make the flow of the original story a little awkward. She thinks the feelings would be changed and the sympathy would no longer be focused on the reader but rather on Mark because well this would be Mark's side of the story. She also thinks it would potentially jeopardize the entire mood of the story.
I personally thought this was a great idea at first, but after speaking to Ebony I'm not so sure. I completely understand where she is coming from though but I want to take into account what you guys would want. I want to give so much more to this story (as the original- TMF2 is not involved) without taking away from it.
Any and all opinions would be much appreciated. I know I'll have a majority of your support regardless if I choose to do this or not. I also know that even if I did do it and you individually didn't want to see this happen, you can simply choose not to read it. I just want to get a feel for what a majority of you think.
I've already asked 3 friends. 2 say do it, 1 says no. So, as you can tell, I'm conflicted. Your opinion can be a a simple yes or no or it can be a detailed reply with why you chose the answer you did. I'd really appreciate some detailed answers. You can leave your opinion below in the comment section or feel free to inbox me.
I'll leave this poll up for a few days to gather some feedback. PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER TO VOTE AS THIS WILL BE DELETED AS SOON AS I END THE POLL.
Thank you for those of you who choose to participate in this poll. It's MUCH appreciated.
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