Chapter 7: Worked Up
I couldn't stop myself from yawning. Looking over at my alarm clock seeing it was going on 11pm, and I had school the next morning I finally decided it was time for bed. I closed my notebook and the material I was currently looking through, setting it off to the side of my computer desk. I let out yet another yawn and stretched before turning off my bedroom light and stripping off my bra and jeans flinging them to the floor, before crawling into bed with nothing but my t-shirt and panties as usual. After a long and stress filled day, it felt fantastic to finally be able to call it a night. Draping the blankets over myself, I reached down beside my nightstand and put my phone on charge before nuzzling my face into my soft fluffy pillow.
I laid there for a moment, setting the alarm on my phone to go off at 7:00 the next morning and set my phone down on my night stand. Taking one last look at my phone before closing my eyes, I sighed and realized there was no point staying awake any longer waiting on a call that he clearly didn't find important enough to make anyway. 'What's crazy is, even after all this, I'd still bend to his every whim. Why does this have to be so complicated!' With nothing but a string of convoluted emotions, I rolled over, got comfortable and fought desperately to turn off my brain long enough to fall asleep.
I began slipping in and out of consciousness until finally, my mind managed to take a grasp on reality long enough to wake up. I groaned, and stretched pulling the blankets off of my body and crawled out of bed. My mouth was intensely dry, and I needed to grab a drink quickly so, I staggered through my room and out into the dark hallway to the bathroom. I ran the faucet and bent over my bathroom sink, cupping my hands together I took a sip of the cool refreshing water. Just as I reached to turn the faucet off, I was startled when I heard my cell phone ringing.
Immediately my heart was sent thundering against my rib cage with each sound that echoed out into my silent hallway. Not wanting the obnoxious ringing to wake either of my parents I rushed back to my room, to catch my phone going on the last loop of its ringtone before it went to voice mail. I picked my phone up from off my table and seen it was a number I was unfamiliar with, and at this time of night, there was only one person who'd be calling. I was rather indecisive when it came to answering the call, as I knew who it was so I sat myself down on the edge of my bed and took a deep breath.
"Hello?"-"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Although I was in a groggy state there was no mistaking the sexy, deep, raspy voice on the other end was Mr. Fischbach. Instantaneously the sickening feeling was back. I took another sharp inhale and a hard swallow and leaned back onto my bed. "No. I'm awake." On the other end of the phone was a still and awkward silence. The only sign of life was the faint breathing that could be heard.
"You're the one who wanted to talk to me, so... talk. Like for fuck sake stop wasting my time. Haven't you done that enough already?" I quickly felt remorse for snapping at him like that but being both tired and bitter were not exactly a good mix. "Is that what you think I'm trying to do? Waste your time? I don't know if you've noticed but I'm just as invested in this as you are." I began to gnaw on the inside of my cheek as a means to keep myself from saying something in which I knew I'd regret. Instead, I laid there quietly, staring up into pitch blackness at my bedroom ceiling, listen to him continue to explain.
"I know what you heard and I owe you an explanation so here it is. Melissa and I had this date planned since the first day of school. There was never anything but innocent flirting between us that started last year and we had decided that this year, we should see where it could go." That was exactly what I didn't want to hear, and with those words, he might as well have ripped my very heart out of my chest because that's what it felt like. I thought I could handle this being a casual thing, but as it turns out I was wrong. As my eyes began to swell with tears I curled the corner of my blanket up and wedged it into my mouth in an attempt to muffle my crying while he continued to talk.
"As I said earlier if you want to be done with this that's fine and I'll respect that and we can continue along a professional path. I wasn't trying to hurt you. I didn't want to hurt you. I'll leave you alone, but please understand; Melissa and I are not exclusive. In fact other than a physical attraction there's really nothing there. If it were socially acceptable to make you and I official, I would do that without a doubt because you're sweet, funny, smart and sexy. I don't know about you but this has quickly become about so much more than just sex for me. You know I can get into a lot of shit for this, but you're the one I'm willing to risk it over."
After listening to him give this heartfelt explanation I wanted to cry even harder than I already was. At this point, I no longer knew what I wanted, and already feeling this strongly after only a few weeks, was scary. However, on the same note, I also understood where he was coming from. I ripped the blanket from out of my mouth and swiped my fingers across my eyes and cheeks to whip away my tears.
"I understand we can't exactly be together in the way I would like, but I don't think I'm wrong to want you to myself. I just think if I really meant as much to you as you claim, Ms. Felton wouldn't be in the picture. I just don't want to get hurt. I just.. I-I don't know. " -- "I'd go ape seeing some guy all over you. You're all mine and I'm gonna cancel with Melissa, okay? I don't need to see her when I have you. You do mean a lot to me, and I don't know how but I swear I'll prove it one day. Until then, why stop a good thing? You trust me, right?" I smiled wide as if he could see me, and let out a bit of a chuckle.
The sincerity in his voice when he said that was both very convincing, and somewhat of a comfort. As scared as I was for the path that may lie ahead, I did trust him. Anyone can make me laugh or smile, but it takes someone really special to be able to make me laugh when I already have tears in my eyes. I liked what we have going and although we can't be exclusive, I didn't want it to end. He pushed me in more ways than I thought possible. I never thought when beginning to tease Mr. Fischbach I'd be this emotionally involved so quickly, and although that in itself was terrifying the adrenaline was overpowering.
"I trust you, Sir." -"Oooh you called me Sir. You know what that does to me." I knew very well what that did for him. That was the exact reason why I did it. Everything had settled down, and we had come to an understanding, so there really was no reason to stop a good thing. "What if I said I was laying here in just a t-shirt and panties? What would that do for you?"-"Well I don't know. What if I said you've already got me hard just thinking about it?"
The next several minutes were spent teasing each other back and forth. Talking dirty, specifically trying to see who would break first. Little did he know I was hanging on his every word and the more raunchy he got, the hotter it made me."So what exactly is my naughty little school girl doing right now?" At the moment, I wasn't doing anything except highly considering playing with myself. My nipples had already become fully erect, and the tingling sensation forming in my lower region was becoming too intense to ignore.
Holding my phone with my right hand, I used my left and ran it down the length of my body slowly, until finally halting at the lining of my underwear. "Nothing. Just wishing I had your body, right here with me. Wishing I could feel your skin close up against mine. Wishing I could kiss you, touch you, taste you... feel you. What are you doing, Sir?" There were some intensely heavy breathing and a few slight groans made from his end of the phone before he finally responded. "Thinking about having your pretty little mouth wrapped around me again."
Hearing that, I managed to crack a smile and quickly rethought my original plan. With Mr. Fischbach always being the dominate one, I've lost the ability to tease, as usually, he's the one who makes's me so weak to the point I could no longer stand it. As much as I wanted to get off with him right then and there, I knew it would be a lot more pleasurable of an experience if we waited until we were together again. "Why don't I give you something to really think about, tomorrow. As worked up as I am, we both have to be up early."
Another groan was heard, but this time, it sounded more like it was due to frustration. "Are you for fucking real right now, come on!" Having him beg me like that didn't suit him, but I liked it. My blank expression quickly turned into a devilish smirk, seeing I practically had him on his knees for me like it uses to be. "I'll make it up to you, I promise. Good night, Sir."
Without giving him a chance to respond, I hung up the phone and rested it back on the table only to have it immediately buzz with an alert of a text message from that same unfamiliar number reading; "You fucking tease."
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