Chapter 13: I Love You, Goodbye (XXX)
(This chapter was suppose to have a smut scene but Wattpad made me remove it, so if you want to read the scene, please google search 'Teasing Mr. Fischbach- Deleted Scene (Smut) it's posted over on AO3 under my username there which is Cutieplier {yes, with an IE in the name})
"Wake up beautiful. Come on, get up," was repeated into my ear followed by a tingling sensation drifting across my stomach. I thought I was dreaming hearing those words but eventually, I opened my eyes and was greeted by Mr. Fischbach's scruffy face resting against my pillow only an inch or two away from me.
I looked down to see his fingertips, gently dancing across my abdomen and thought that must have been the tingling sensation I was feeling. He inched in closer to me and kissed my cheek. "Well, good morning gorgeous." I tilted my head to him and blushed in response.
No matter how many times he called me beautiful, sexy or gorgeous I could never get sick of hearing it. What meant the most was the sincerity that was very evident in his voice every time he spoke those words. It was so easy for him to make me believe he meant them, and it certainly brought on a warm uplifting feeling.
The fact that he was laying beside me with his glasses on told me he's already been up for a while now. I learned over the weekend that he never puts on his glasses until he's going to get out of bed, and he doesn't take them off unless he's going to sleep. Not that it really had any significance. I just found myself even more attracted to him when he wears his glasses. He just looks a hell of a lot more sophisticated, and I like that.
Today waking up, everything felt different, both in a good and bad way. Good because being in love is a wonderful feeling and reminding myself of how magical the previous night was, just genuinely made me happy. However bad, because no matter how much I wanted things to be different- I knew they couldn't be.
I began staring up at the ceiling and then return to closing my eyes. Not because I was still tired but because I knew it had gotten to the point where I had, to be honest with him, and tell him how I felt which I absolutely was dreading. Although a part of me wondered if it were possible he was beginning to feel the same. I had to ask myself why would he wine and dine me in the ambiance of a candle, or dance with me under the moonlit sky if it didn't mean something for him too?
As I laid in bed and stretched out, I thought about how I never imagined Teasing Mr. Fischbach would transition from lust to love but, now that it had everything for me had changed. I was seeing us in an entirely new light. It was no longer just about sex but rather my heart and as much as I thought I'd be okay with this being a casual thing I could no longer ignore what my heart was telling me. Regardless if my feelings were being reciprocated or not, I needed to talk to him and figure things out. I opened my eyes again when I felt him take a hold of my hand.
I watched in awe as he gently lifted my hand up to his lips beginning to softly kiss my fingertips before interlocking our fingers together. "Did you have fun this weekend?" Fun would be an understatement. This weekend was incredibly beautiful, and I was so upset that I would have to go home in a few hours. I cuddled up close to him, rolling him over onto his back and laid my head on his bare chest. "Hmmm," I murmured with a smile, even though he couldn't see it.
We laid in bed for what seemed like all morning and, into the noon hour. We shared story after story and made a million silly jokes that always lead to at least one of us laughing hysterically. The entire time, he had his arm wrapped around me, twirling my hair around in his fingers and my head remained on his chest. As I laid there, my head was resting against his beating heart and his heart beat sounded as if it were almost in sync with my own.
It'd be kind of hard to try and describe the feeling that brought on. I wanted nothing more than to stay in this somber moment with him forever as I've felt this was the closest we've ever been. Even if he didn't feel it, I sure did and that's the moment I decided I should tell him.
I pulled myself away from him and, sat up in bed. Just staring off into space, trying to find the courage. It's not an easy thing to admit that you've fallen in love with somebody, especially when you're the first to do it. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach and I wanted to puke because a part of me knew, this was a one-sided love.
I took a deep breath in and swallowed my pride, turning my attention back to him. I don't think I have ever been more scared or nervous in my life, and just as I opened my mouth to speak I stopped myself when he sprung up."I'm gonna go take a shower, I think you should come join me," he purred, shuffling himself off the bed and dragging me up with him.
He did, after all, make me a promise that I 'wouldn't be able to stand on my own' come Sunday. At the time, sex wasn't entirely the furthest thing from my mind but, it certainly wasn't the first. Although I knew I was on the top of his literal 'to do list' today, sorta speak. Instead, I thought it best to maybe have this talk with him when the time was right, perhaps on the way home.
At this point, I wasn't turned on in the least and really didn't want to have a shower together anymore. It was a good idea at first, but the time we spent over the weekend has really made me see it differently. For him, it may just be meaningless sex. Whereas now, for me at least I'd consider it making love, although many probably wouldn't see a difference between the two but, I did.
Hesitant to follow him into the bathroom I pulled away from his grasp, and abruptly stopped in my tracks. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" It was comforting to see that he knew me well enough to be able to tell when something is on my mind. Despite having been asked, now certainly wouldn't be the right time to tell him, so I bit my tongue instead. "N-nothing, sir I just uh.."
I was struggling to find an excuse, and before I could come up with anything that seemed legitimate he had me shoved up against the wall, just outside of the bathroom door. He placed both his hands on the wall, one on both sides of my shoulders and looked me dead in the eye. He began to lick his lips slowly and stared at me as if he were a predator and I was the prey he was getting ready to pounce on.
(Insert wild smut scene that Wattpad forced me to remove here.)
I remained in the shower for another couple of minutes just to wash up. I could use it after what just happened. That by far exceeded the expectations of his promise made on Friday night and left my body feeling as if I was floating on a cloud. As I shut off the faucet and went to open the shower doors, I noticed the hand prints I left upon the fogged up glass and that was when it hit me.
Yes, the sex is completely incredible but it's not just about mutual gratification anymore. The longer I stared at the hand prints, the more and more it came to light as to what needed to happen next. I felt sick over it, but it needed to be done. My mind had finally reverted back to my previous thought process, and I was absolutely terrified.
The whole rest of the day we spent together was simply perfect, like always. However, as much as I tried to enjoy myself I found my mind always somehow wandered back to 'He needs to know how I feel.' I can't deny that despite that, I enjoyed what little time I had left with Mr. Fischbach before I had to go home. However every time I thought about the possibility that it was all just meaningless sex for him, it was completely heart wrenching.
As the clock on his kitchen wall chimed, we both peeked up from the kitchen table to see it strike 9:00pm. Mr. Fischbach let out a sigh as he rose to his feet, and walked to his kitchen counter picking up his car keys. "We both have to be up early. What do you say I get you home before you turn into a pumpkin." His sweet joyful laughter at his own joke filled the room, and I could only force myself to chuckle. Meanwhile, deep down I was dreading the car ride home.
I picked up my bag from off the chair beside me and threw it over my shoulder preparing myself for the night to finally come to and end. More than anything I wish it didn't have to. I wished we could go back in time and relive the magic that was this weekend. However, even the best of things eventually have to come to an end. With a heavy heart, I followed his lead, slipping on my shoes and then out to the car. The night sky sure suited the mood to how I was feeling. It looked like a storm was rolling in, and just as well because I felt as if I was battling my own personal storm.
The whole ride home was quiet. He attempted to make conversation but, I could barely bring myself to look at him, let alone converse. All I wanted to do was have him park the car, so I could snuggle up close to him, give him such a passionate kiss it would leave him breathless like he so often did to me and tell him I've fallen in love with him, in hopes maybe he'd feel the same.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. I already knew what he thought, but I remained hopeful that maybe just maybe, the time we spent over the weekend somehow changed his mind. The closer we got to home, the sicker I felt. I wanted so desperately to cling to my fantasies and pretend that the issue at hand didn't exist. However, I could no longer ignore what my heart was telling me, no matter how hard I tried. As we turned onto Everstone. Dr, it was a sign when I began to hear the pitter-patter of the raindrops bouncing off of the windows. Each drop was like a tiny blade, taking away chunks of my very being. I felt lost.
Finally, the car had stopped and parked outside of a house just a few doors down and, Mr. Fischbach shut off the ignition. I just glared out the passenger side window, knowing the moment I step out of this car- for better or worse things wouldn't be the same and the anxiety that gave me was incomprehensible.
I clung to my bag which sat on my lap as if I was clinging for my life. There were no words I could come up with to describe the emotional impact that was taking its toll on me. As I stared out my window and watched the rain outside fall, it seemed as if the sky was weeping for me. I remained silent, trying to think of a good way to approach the situation but found no matter which way I could go about it, it was going to be difficult.
Mr. Fischbach cleared his throat, and then I heard the clicking of his seat belt being unbuckled. His soft, warm hand ran along my shoulder, and then pushed my hair off to the side, and it was like my entire body went numb. My heart began to pound, and I took a tighter hold onto my bag.
"Can I see those beautiful eyes, please." My heart skipped a beat and then felt as if it all of a sudden came to a complete stop. There then became a ringing in my ears, and my face began to burn hot. There felt as if there was a lump in my throat and no matter how many times I tried to swallow it away, it only seemed to get bigger. Leaving me with an overall sickening sensation. If I had ever felt like I had an out of body experience, this was it.
Still too hesitant to look at him I kept my focus on what was going on outside. I only brought my focus to him when Mr. Fischbach pulled one of my hands away from my bag and held it tight. "I thought you seemed kind of distant this morning, and now you seem like an entirely different person. If there's something on your mind, you know you can always tell me anything, right?"
As much as it broke my heart to pieces, I gathered the strength to look at him and he stared at me as if he could see right through to my soul. Being in love is suppose to be a wondrous thing. They say there is no greater force on Earth however, I never imagined falling for him would be quite like this. Before this weekend, sure I would have said I was comfortable enough to tell Mr. Fischbach just about anything but now, I wasn't so sure. As I gazed into his eyes, I could feel my heart slowly being ripped to pieces. 'Why would I open up and let him in? I could have spared myself the emotional drama.'
"I need to know how you feel about me." Before I could even stop myself, my mouth muttered what my head was thinking. By this time, it was already too late to back down. There was a shakiness to my voice, mimicking the trembling of my hands, as I spoke those words. I watched how his expression changed to slightly confused and then came a light grin.
"I think you're an absolutely incredible woman. You make me laugh, and smile. You get just get me. Not to mention the sex is completely explosive, truly beyond exhilarating. I wouldn't change what we have, for anything. Why, what are you getting at?" He answered me with the most genuine of smiles, and with innocent eyes. He could have stopped after telling me how I make him smile or laugh but by adding the note about the sex, it seemed to be exactly what I had feared.
I pulled my hand away from his and pulled off my seat belt. He had one last chance to save me, and I prayed he could salvage the moment. I looked down at my feet, and instantly a single tear drop came to my eye, and slowly began to fall. "So that's all this is ever gonna be? ... I let you in and somehow along the way got lost. The more I opened up to you and allowed you to do the same I strayed from the path of lust. What I'm trying say is, I've fallen in love with you, Sir."
In that moment, the raindrops hitting the windshield were almost deafening, and I found myself beginning to break down. "I thought we had an understanding. I just don't know what to say." I thought we did too, and for a while, things were working out perfectly. I didn't mean to fall in love with Mr. Fischbach. I didn't think lust would turn into love, but for me it had. Hearing him say "I don't know what to say," only confirmed what I was afraid of all this time.
For him, it is just meaningless sex, and if that was the case I no longer wanted any part of it. I knew the next step that needed to be taken. With more tears now starting to fall, I opened the passenger side door and looked out into the rain as a moment of preparation. Mr. Fischbach softly ran his hand over my left thigh, in almost a means of comfort. "I-I'm sorry."-"Y-yeah, me too. Goodbye Sir," I whimpered as I leaned in giving him one final kiss goodbye, before grabbing my bag and stepping out into the rain closing the door behind me.
I was not going to put myself through this pain anymore. The heartbreak was already enough, but continuing this would just end up hurting me even more. As painful as it was, I knew I did what was best for me. I was prepared for it to hurt for a while but knew I couldn't force someone to feel something they didn't. I began my short walk to my house, and as I got midpoint, I heard a car door slam shut off in the distance. "(Y/N,) please would you just wait a minute!"
As much as I wanted to turn back, and killed me to walk away from him, it was too late. The damage was done. I continued to walk away, keeping my head hung without saying a word in response. When I had finally reached my driveway, I was startled to hear him shouting "God, fucking damn it," followed by a loud thud and then a shatter.
Before heading inside I took one final look back at Mr. Fischbach. He was keeled over the hood of his car, banging his fists on the wet metal. I focused my eyes, to see past the rain to find one of the headlights had been smashed in, and a pile of glass appeared to be resting by his feet. Standing in the heavy rain, it washed away my tears. Finally, I had brought my hand to my lips, blowing a kiss in his direction, and whispered "I love you, but goodbye" under my breath.
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