New Invention
"Y'all ready?" I asked with a grin to my colleagues.
"This better be worth my time, Engie," Scout said with crossed arms. "I have stuff to do."
"Like try yet again to get Ms. Pauling to go on a date with you?" Spy asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Nah, I think I'm done with her," Scout replied with an embarrassed look. "I get the feeling she may not be into me that much."
"Laddie, I be drunk all wakin' hours and I cood see that!" Demo replied before taking another swig of beer.
"Focus, gentlemen!" I interrupted as I snapped my fingers a few times. "This new invention of mine could put us at a HUGE advantage over BLU!"
"Very well, mate," Sniper said with a slight nod. "Whatchu got?"
I smiled and turned to my workbench, where I picked up the device. I turned back around to the group and held it out in front of me. They all looked...confused, to say the least. I even saw Pyro tilt and scratch the top of his head.
"A wrench?" Heavy asked. "Dat is what we come out here for?"
"It's not just A wrench," I replied as I looked at it with a proud grin. "This little baby can help us get the upper hand on the battlefield!"
"How so?" Soldier asked. "Tell us or I will pin you to the wall and move the sun to shine directly into your eyes!"
"Calm down there, son," I replied. "I'll tell ya."
I then pointed to my left and my right, where my teleporter entrance and exit were set up.
"Now, a normal teleporter will simply teleport us from Point A to Point B," I explained. "However, with this new wrench, I can upgrade the teleporter to serve another function!"
"Which would be...?" Spy asked.
Suddenly, the teleporter exit flashed a bright light, causing everyone to look at it with confusion. When it stopped, all that could be seen on it was a bright red apple with a bite in it.
"Yo! Uh... where did that come from?" Scout asked with wide eyes.
I simply smiled as I pulled a red apple from my workbench and held it in front of them all. I then took a quick glance at my watch.
"3... 2... 1!" I counted aloud before I bit into the apple and tossed it into the teleporter entrance. A flash of light later, it was gone. Needless to say, everyone but me was confused.
"Would y'all believe me if I told you that the apple that came out of the exit and the one I threw into the entrance were the same exact apple?" I asked as I picked the fruit up from the exit.
"Zhat's impossible!" Medic argued. "You vere supposed to zrow it into ze entrance first and zen it comes out ze exit! Not ze uzer vay around!"
"Aha! You would think so," I argued, "except there's one difference between this teleporter and a normal one: this one is a TIME TRAVELING TELEPORTER!"
That certainly got everyone's attentions. They all started muttering to themselves and each other with confusion and surprise!
"How it works is simple," I continued as I picked the new wrench back up. "By hitting the teleporter with this darlin', it turns it into a teleporter that sends whatever goes inside of it to a predetermined amount of time in the past! In this case, around 10 seconds."
"Crikey!" Sniper gasped. "That's incredible, mate!"
"Thanks! I reckon we can use this to plan ahead for certain events! Take the apple, for instance. When it appeared, it had a bite in it. That told me that I needed to bite into the apple before teleporting it!"
"Yeah? And?" Scout asked.
"So let's suppose, for instance, Soldier sees a future version of himself come out of the teleporter and start shooting at an area where there's nothing there, but it turned out to be a BLU spy cloaking!"
"Wow!" Soldier gasped. "Future Me can see through cloaks?"
"Sorta, but not exactly; by seeing the future you shooting at the cloaked spy, you know you have to go through the teleporter entrance and shoot at that exact spot when you come out the other side, thus killing the BLU spy!"
"Why? Didn't the Future Me already kill the spy?"
"Yes, but Future You IS you! Which means you have to go back in time in order for you to have a future you in the first place!"
"'re making me head hurt," Demo moaned as he rubbed his forehead.
"The point is," I concluded, "if used properly, we can use this as a guide on how to kill the enemy before even WE know how we do it!"
"Hm... zounds like zis could be catastrophic if uzed incorrectly..." Medic said as he rubbed his chin. He then smiled his signature evil grin.
"I LOVE it!!" he concluded.
"It still needs tweakin' a bit," I admitted, "but after a few more tests, it should be up and runnin' smoothly!"
"Hey, good enough for me!" Scout said with a shrug. "We done here now?"
"Yeah, I suppose we are," I replied.
"Great! Now, who's hungry?"
"Me!" Heavy said with a raise of a hand. It didn't take long for the others to raise their hands, as well.
"Alright! Then it's time to cook us some Holy Mackerel!"
"Please tell me it's not the same one you used to beat that BLU Sniper to death..." Spy said with a suspicious stare.
"Alright, I'll tell you it's not. I'd be lyin', but I'll tell you!"
Spy groaned as he opened his cigarette case and grabbed a smoke.
"I'll pass," he murmured as he lit the stick.
"Your loss," Scout said with a shrug. "C'mon, fellas; let's eat!"
Everyone, myself included, cheered and went towards the kitchen.
I hope these new teleporters works the way I plan for them to. This could change how the game is played forever! Provided nothing goes wrong, of course.
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