Meet the Team
I walked over to the fridge and opened it up, taking a peek at the contents inside. Let's see... there was Heavy's sandwich... Scout's mackerel... Medic's baboon heart (not for consumption; he made that clear)... aha! Demo's scrumpy!
I pulled 2 bottles out of the fridge and headed back towards the living room, where my favorite Scottish cyclops was leaning back on the couch, watching TV. He turned towards me when he heard me come back in. He smiled when he saw what I was holding.
"Aha! Tank ya, lad!" he said as he took one of the bottles from my hand and popped it open.
"No problem, son," I replied as I opened my own bottle and sat next to him.
"Cheers, mate!" he told me as he leaned his bottle towards me.
"Cheers!" I replied as I clinked my bottle into his. We then took a sip of our drinks. Well, I took a sip; he chugged it.
"Yo! We havin' a party I wasn't invited to?"
I turned to the doorway and saw our Boston-raised runner with a smug look.
"Not at all, Scout," I replied. "Help yourself to some beer in the fridge!"
"But doon't be drinkin' it all!" Demo commented as he moved his bottle away from his mouth. "Miss Pauling said we doon't get anutha supply refill 'til da end of da month!"
"Yeah, yeah; I got it, pally," Scout scoffed as he went to the fridge.
I took another swig of my beer and took off my hard hat.
"Whew," I sighed as I lifted up my goggles. "Busy day today, wasn't it?"
"Aye, that's an understatement, laddie. But at least we stopped BLU from taking our property!"
"Ain't that the truth."
I then heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open up.
"Got enough jarate for tomorrow, Sniper?" I asked without looking away from the TV.
"Ha! Got enough for the WEEK, if used properly," the familiar Australian accent replied as footsteps walked towards the fridge.
I took another sip, but spat some of it out in shock when the cushion next to me suddenly went down a bit! I turned and saw our big, lovable, bald Russian friend take a bite out of his sandwich.
"We did good work today, Team!" Heavy told us all as he swallowed his bite of food.
"Ha! You maggots could have done so much better!" a Midwestern American voice commented.
"Yeah?" Scout piped up as he walked back into the room, opening his beer. "Like taking your advice of launching a nuke onto the arena?"
"Sure, we all would die," Soldier argued, "but so would the entire BLU team! Plus, we would all die as heroes!"
"Yeah, sure, pal. I'm sure God would give us each a medal!"
"Damn right, He would!"
"Aye! Keep it doon, laddies! I can't hear the bloody TV!" Demo snapped as he turned up the volume.
"YOU keep it down!" a German accent called out from down the hall. "I'm trying to focus on my verk!"
"Doc, you've been working on reanimating that BLU Scout's corpse since the battle!" I replied with a louder voice. "Why don't you take a break for now?"
"No can do, my hard-hatted friend! At ze most, he can give us valuable information on ze BLUs! At ze least, he could make a nice brainless housemaid!"
"Hm. Perhaps maybe then OUR Scout's dirty undergarments could be cleaned up," a suave masked Frenchman commented as he walked from the kitchen to his sleeping quarters.
"Go to Hell, Spy," Scout scoffed as he took a swig of his beer.
"Oh, my; haven't heard you say that one before," Spy remarked as he opened up his cigarette case and closed the door.
"Ah, who needs him? Let's just enjoy our victory!"
"Sounds good to me!" Heavy replied as he finished the last of his snack.
That's when I gave a big yawn.
"Sorry, boys, but I'm beat! I think I might turn in early."
"Ah, c'mon, ya wankah!" Sniper begged as he walked out of the kitchen holding a beer, as well. "Don't be a party poopah!"
"Sorry, but I want to try and get up early tomorrow; I got me a new little gadget I've been meaning to start building for a while!"
"Ah, whatever. Your loss," Scout told me. "The rest of us, let's celebrate the right way: CONGA PARTY!"
Everyone cheered as those who were sitting, excluding me, stood up and got into a line, where they proceeded to start a conga line across the room. I chuckled, grabbed my hat, and stood up, myself, before walking to my sleeping quarters.
Along the way, I passed an open doorway. I took a quick look inside and saw a person in a bulky flame-retardant suit and fire mask already in bed. He was squeezing a stuffed pink unicorn and was curled up like an infant. I gave a small smile and closed Pyro's door.
With that, I finally made it to my room, where I closed my own door and got out of my overalls and red shirt, leaving me in just my white undershirt and boxers. I stretched, laid in my bed, and closed my eyes.
I wasn't joking when I said I had a new invention to work on. And if I can pull it off, then it can revolutionize the way we do battle forever! Now THAT'S worth getting a medal for! But for now, I need a good night's rest.
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