Chapter 5
"Starting now," Avitaira said, "you will help me discover the true extent of your powers." The five supers looked a t each other.
"We start with what we know, and work from there." She turned to Greg, Derek, Galy, Chlera, and Deborah in turn.
"Shock. Telesom. Fleximal. Mindly. Elemental. You are the next heroes."
"Shock, you're up first!" Avitaira shouted after the silence.
"Huh? Me?" Greg asked wildly, looking around, checking if she meant Derek or-
"Yes, you! Suck up as much energy as you can!" Avitaira sounds almost exasperated.
"Just to warn you, I shut down our school." Greg bragged, his eyebrows raised. Avitaira shot him a look, and he did as she said. Soon, he couldn't lap any more energy up. Avitaira looked moderately impressed.
"Telesom! Move as many items as you can." Soon, in rapid succession, Derek pitches a desk, a chair, a mouse, a Galy, an Avitaira, and a Chlera into the air. Avitaira, though distinctly ruffled, is pretty happy and needs help off of an airborne desk.
"Fleximal. Use some of your abilities." Galy ran around the room, jumped and banged her head onto the ceiling, and finally, to everyone's amazement, flew straight into the wall.
"Well done, Fleximal. Once your head has healed, lift this table." Galy obliged, calling on ant strength. She lifted it, no problem.
"Mindly. What am I thinking of?"
" If I can fly."
Chlera sighed. "Now you want me to try."
"Yes, I do."
Chlera groaned, and climbed up onto a table. She leapt off of it, and landed flat on her face.
"We'll practice that one," Avitaira commented, her bright blue eyebrows raised in amusement.
"Elemental. Go!" Deborah caught the rock thrown at her, and shaped it into a unicorn. Next, she made a breeze and floated it over to the table.
Avitaira tossed her a box of matches, which caught on fire as soon as they landed in Deborah's hands.
Deborah screeched, and dropped the box, which promptly snuffed out.
Avitaira sighed. Then she grabbed a bucket of water, and quick as a wink, tossed it's contents at Deborah, who let out a shout again and blocked it...thus spraying the water at everyone but Deborah.
Avitaira smiled tiredly through her soaking locks.
" looks like we have my work cut out for me." Avitaira said slowly after the whole show was over. "Shock, you need to focus on getting more energy in. When you use it, it'll go incredibly quickly. Practice that."
Greg nodded, his face not showing any emotion.
"Telesom, you need to work on your control in general. Try moving small objects first, and don't let your emotions get the best of you."
Derek nodded, his brow furrowed.
"Fleximal, you'll need to find an open and secluded spot to practice. Otherwise, you've more or less got it down."
Galy grinned, her cheeks flushing.
"Mindly and Elemental, your problems were simple: you just need to believe in yourselves more."
Chlera and Deborah exchanged a look, and shrugged.
"We'll practice every day, and work our way up to these." Avitaira said, grabbing a chest and opening it. Inside was hundreds of pink, blue, yellow, green, and purple stones in varying shades. Avitaira closed it, and sighed. "One day. But for now, we must continue practice."
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