Chapter 4
Deborah shook away her surprise. "Well, I haven't discovered the true extent of my powers, but..." she cautiously walked to the water fountain, and hit the button. She let allowed a small amount of water to pass through, and she started to play with it. She made strange shapes with it, expanded it, shrank it, and gave her peers a miniature show. She threw it back upon the fountain and stepped back. "I don't understand it..."
"Pssst!" comes a whisper. They turn. A dark, hooded figure stands before them.
"Come with me!" it whispers. They'll later have no idea why, just like The Asteroid, they decided to go this way with this hooded figure, but it will have been, perhaps, the best decision they ever made.
They come to a small cave. "In!" shouts the figure. Once inside, they see high-tech equipment everywhere. There's also some items that just had to be magical. They turn to the figure. It lowers its hood. Her long, bright, light blue pigtails tumble out. "I am Avitaira. I need to tell you a story. Sit, sit."
Once, long ago, (As she told them,) There were five champions. One could absorb electricity and use its power. One had amazing intellect and knowledge. One could change its form and summon any creatures abilities at any time. Yet another could read other's minds. Still another could control the elements, and was henceforth the leader. They were Team Galaxy!
The traits were passed down, generation to generation. Some were added to the stock, some were lost; taken away. Then, one day, all crime ended and darkness was no more. The current champions placed the crystals that gave them powers and willed it to the place that needed it the most...
Megam, and five curious adolescents.
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