Soul glanced at Loc and Grace as they travelled towards Stanford. "Seriously though, your parents let you come?"
Loc shrugged. "We left a note."
"You're kidding?" Soul asked, worried.
Grace smiled and reassured her, "It was a very nice note. I drew a flower on it."
Ty laughed. "Relax, Soul. This'll be fun!"
Loc nodded in agreement. "Besides, we're here now."
The town of Stanford, on the far side of the Kryose mountains, lay sprawled in the valley below. Fine oak cottages stood out against the white landscape. Smoke spewed into the air as Pokémon huddled around fires, defending against the biting cold.
Soul shivered as she remembered the freezing temperatures and snowy trek. "It's so cold," she hissed between clenched lips.
Ty grinned and winked at her. "My offer still stands."
Soul's face fell and she slapped the flirtatious Buizel before marching away with Grace in tow, preventing the Chikorita from asking any questions.
Ty shrugged. "Ah well, maybe next time."
Loc chuckled. "Don't hold your breath."
The Buizel offered Loc a questioning eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? Not like you're doing any better pal."
Loc's smile fell. "What do you mean?"
"You aren't free of the friendzone."
"Your point?" Loc asked, confused.
Ty groaned and pointed accusingly at Loc. "You're in the friendzone. I'm in the friendzone. We're both stuck.
Understanding crossed Loc's face and the Totodile grinned. "Grace and I are good. We're friends and that's it. She's got my back and I've got hers. I'm happy with that."
Loc started walking after Grace and Soul, leaving Ty to catch up.
"Wait," the Buizel said, now walking alongside Loc. "You don't want a relationship with her."
Loc seemed to think for a moment. "I've never thought about it before now. So, I guess not. No, I'm good."
"But she's cute!" Ty cried.
Loc stopped and eyed the Buizel. "So?"
Ty's hands flailed hopelessly as he tried to understand what he was hearing. "She's cute!"
Shaking his head, Loc sighed. "And beneath that?"
"Who is she inside? The bubbly personality. The constant affection and nagging and shouting. Why? What makes her tick? Who is she?"
Ty laughed, throwing his hands in the air. "I don't know!"
That made Loc scoff. "I don't know Soul very well, but I think she has too much self-respect to date you because you think she's cute or that she fights good."
Totodile turned and continued to Stanford, leaving the Buizel standing all alone, and not for the first time.
Ty clenched his fists. "I know that," he whispered to himself, "but how do I tell her the truth?" He stood a moment, wondering what she would think or say or do? What would happen if she knew?
It wasn't until a light snow settled on his nose that he sighed and once again placed the mask over his heart. Wearing it had been uncomfortable at first, but he'd had practice. Now, it felt familiar and safe. Though, it didn't fit quite right.
Stanford prison had been hewn from walls of icy rock. Each cell was only small and thick iron bars separated criminals from freedom. The air was frigid, still, and smelled of rust.
A Beartic stood guard at the prison entrance and checked Soul's guild badge before allowing them admittance. Beartic spoke with gruff weariness and pointed down a long row of cells. The team only needed walk a short distance before they arrived at the cell holding Sneasel.
Sneasel's back was turned and she was dragging a long claw through an icy wall. Soul cleared her throat and the criminal turned, a scowl on her face. Though, when she recognised Loc and Grace a grin split her face.
"Ah, what do we have here? Hello again, handsome," Sneasel teased, smirking.
Loc nodded and remained silent.
"Aw, what's wrong? Sneasel got your tongue?" She snickered to herself and tapped a claw lightly on the bars.
Soul stepped forward and stared down Sneasel. "We're looking for a Jigglypuff. What do you know?"
Sneasel's head lolled over until she was staring at Soul. She sized-up Soul before pumping her brows suggestively. Soul recoiled and Sneasel snickered again.
"I'll snitch, but what's in it for me?" Sneasel said, eyeing Soul.
Ty frowned. "You'll betray them, just like that?"
Sneasel shrugged. "I don't care 'bout him."
Soul nodded. "Tell us what you know about the Jigglypuff and I'll see to it that your sentence is reduced."
Sneasel nodded, her interest was piqued. "Okay, how's this work? The more I give the more I get?"
"Pretty much," Soul conceded.
"Alright then. Your thief is a male Jigglypuff. He has a base somewhere in the Kryose Mountain range. It's a cave this side of the hills. Somewhere along the Kyzer river. That's all I know."
Soul nodded. "Right. If your intel proves good, I'll have your sentence reduced."
Sneasel grinned and tapped the bars again. "And if you don't, I'll slit your throat."
"Fair enough," Soul agreed.
Turning on her heel, Soul led the group away from the prison. Loc made to follow them but a sultry voice caught his ear.
"Handsome, once I'm out, I'll come find you. Show you a good time," Sneasel winked.
Loc deadpanned. "No thank you, I'm spoken for."
As Loc hurried to catch up with the others, he thought to himself. Spoken for? That wasn't true. So, why did it feel right? It's not Grace, that he was sure of, but then, who was the figure who danced at the edges of his mind? Who was it that teased and grinned and flirted, but never stopped fighting? Who was it that needed him?
Grace's voice interrupted Loc's thoughts and he decided to distract himself with the conversation.
"Soul, can you actually do that reduced sentence thingy?" Chikorita asked.
Soul grinned. "Sure can. I am a Gold Rank explorer after all."
Grace's eyes lit up and her smile stretched from one ear to the other. "Wow! Ty, are you an explorer too?"
Soul scoffed. "Ty is a hobo with attachment issues."
"Oh, yeah?" The playful tone in Ty's voice worried Soul and the Snivy knew she had messed up. "If I'm a hobo, why am I at home with you?"
Soul blushed a fierce, sudden scarlet and she glared at the Buizel. "Unlike the many criminals I've arrested, I know how to get away with murder. Last warning."
Ty held both paws over his heart and giggled girlishly. "You would really kill for me?"
Soul hissed. "Grace, tie me down."
Snivy leapt at Ty's throat. Grace only narrowly got her vines wrapped around Soul, barely stopping her from killing the Buizel.
Ty giggled again and booped Soul's nose. "That's hot."
Loc deadpanned. "There is something seriously wrong with you."
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