First Date
So there I was, innocently walking along enjoying my day when all of sudden...
Soul: Boo!
Me: Ah! Soul! Don't do that!
Soul: But it's so much fun! Hehehe
Me: Fine whatever, where's Kira and Twigs?
Kira: Behind you.
Me: Ah! Seriously?!
Twigs: Apparently
Me: Ugh, whatever now you're all here we have another dare.
Twigs: Shouldn't we wait for Kin and Evie?
Me: Well... yes and no. You see ThePokemons wants us to set them up on a date because, and this is a direct quote, 'they really need to get together!'
Soul: Hahaha yes, I really am related to this person.
Me: *sigh* and we're back to this, can we please just set them up already?
Soul: Right, listen up, here's the game plan...
Several hours later
Evie: Hey Kin have you seen anyone lately?
Kin: Nope
Soul: Hey guys!
Evie: Eek! Soul!
Soul: Heh, never gets old.
Kin: Soul? Where have you been all day? And where's everyone else?
Soul: We were preparing for your date.
Kin: I'm sorry what?
Evie: *blushes*
Soul: ThePokemons wants you two to go on a date.
Kin: Why?
Soul: Because you're cute together and you obviously like each other
Evie: *Blushes harder*
Soul: Alright, Kin you go with Twigs and the author, Evie you're coming with me and Kira. Alright team, let's do this thing!
30 minutes later
Kin pulled at the red tie around his neck, he wasn't used to wearing clothes and it felt weird, but he looked good. The tie was complemented by a black coat that fell to his knees.
Their date was taking place on the rooftop of Spinda's cafe, in the centre was a simple table, set for two. Lit candles were positioned on the low railings around the roof's edge. Kin stood by the edge of the roof and waited.
"Um, hi."
Kin turned at the sound of Evie's voice and his jaw dropped. She was looking at the ground, a purple bow sat beside her right ear and a matching purple skirt hung around her waist, a slight blush adorned her cheeks.
Kin blushed, he couldn't help it, she just looked too cute.
"Wow" he whispered. "You look... beautiful."
Evie looked at him in surprise, her mouth formed a small 'o' shape, but then she smiled and even the stars burned in jealously of her beauty.
"Thanks, you look... spiffing."
Kin laughed. "Yeah thanks."
They spent an awkward second just watching each other, Kin searched for things to do. "Oh, would you like to?" The gesture of pulling out a chair finished his unspoken question.
She smiled again as she approached him. She sat gracefully on the chair and he pushed her in. Taking his seat across from her they smiled at one another.
"So... interesting dare." chuckled Kin.
Evie laughed. "You're telling me, I mean, you and me... we..."
Kin chortled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I know what you mean... do you think we could ever-"
Evie and Kin both jumped and yelped as Soul popped up from seemingly nowhere.
"That's so cute, you both scare the same, that's got to be proof you're made for each other!"
Evie glared at Snivy, Kin rolled his eyes, if Soul noticed, she didn't care.
"Alright, dinner will be up soon, until then, I dunno, talk, dance, kiss, do whatever, I don't care."
Soul abruptly turned and walked from the rooftop, Kin and Evie shared an amused glance, then they remembered what was happening and immediately became embarrassed and self-conscious again.
After a while Kin took a deep breath before sliding from his seat and reaching out.
"Uh... would, would you like to dance?"
Evie laughed nervously. "We don't have any music."
"If I whistled a tune?"
"If I sang a melody?"
"If you sang I would dance to my heart's content."
Once again, Evie laughed nervously. She looked at him, he was smiling at her, he was serious. Evie hesitantly reached for his outstretched hand, reaching out he grabbed her paw with his own and pulled her from her chair.
Kin began whistling and dancing across the roof, Evie couldn't help but laugh, he drew closer and once again reached his paw out to her, she smiled and stood on her two hind legs. Her front paws on Kin's shoulders she used him for balance, he placed his paws on her waist. She hummed a tune to match his whistling and the two slowly danced under the stars.
Unused to walking on two paws Evie tripped, she stepped on her skirt and fell, her paws on Kin's shoulders she pulled him down, but as her body was about to hit the ground Kin pulled her up and he spun. Evie suddenly found herself in Kin's arms, he was carrying her bridal style, she wasn't really sure how it had happened, but she liked it.
Their eyes met and they both blushed, a moment later Evie smiled and snuggled into his chest. His arms were strong, he made her feel safe, his being cute was a nice bonus.
Kin didn't know what to do when his best-friend pulled closer into his chest. She began purring and he doubted she knew that she was doing it. Kin just smiled at her, here they were, just the two of them, a scruffy Riolu and beautiful Eevee.
Kin continued dancing, swirling in long elegant circles across the rooftop he whistled and she sang, their beautiful music rose into the night sky. From the staircase leading to the roof a sneaky Snivy was smiling at the pair.
"An arranged date, hopefully it won't have to be an arranged marriage."
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