Intro: Georgina enters the ruined Academy...
{Intro cutscene}
Georgina was sat on her wooden grey bed with dark blue Space themed bed sheets and pillow case. Outside her window, we can see the beautiful pink and orange tinted clear blue sky, as the sun sets, and descends behind a grassy hill. We can see Georgie's dark blue curtains are open. We can see her walls are painted white behind her bed. Georgie was scrolling through her dark blue glittery and sparkly phone. Georgie had long blonde hair that was in a plait that went slightly over her Left shoulder Elsa style. In place of a bobble she had a sky blue butterfly hair clip. She had two thick strands of golden blonde hair going down either side of her forehead and ending above her eyebrows. She had piercing icy blue eyes. She had peachy white skin and rosy cheeks. She had two dark blue star earrings. She was wearing a dark blue cotton cardigan with three clear buttons that started above the end of the cardigan, and ended below the collar. The end of her cardigan kind of split into two if you know what I mean. She had a golden chain necklace around her neck. Underneath the cardigan, it appeared she had on a sky blue tucked in shirt. She had a silver square ring with engraved lines on her Left hand's ring finger. She also wore dark blue ripped jeans. She had long dark blue acrylic nails. Her feet were hidden under her bed covers.
Suddenly, she recieved an incoming call from her brother, Casey and her ringtone went off. She hastily answered it, and put him on loudspeaker.
"Georgina? Georgie, can you hear me?" Casey's panicked voice asked.
"Loud and clear, bro." Georgie said, the tone of her voice: Annoyance.
"Sis, you have to help me. I'm trapped in Detention in my Secondary school." Casey said quickly and quietly, almost whispering.
"Help you? Trapped in Detention? How can you be trapped in Detention. I thought they let you out at 4 O'clock. And, why are you whispering? I can barely here you." Georgie replied, sounding confused.
"Shh. Be quiet. There's no time to explain. Just enter through the Year 8 Enterance. I'll explain more once you arrive. I promise." He was now whispering, then he was silent.
"Casey? Case!? Are you there!?" She shouted. "Ugh, the things I do for my older brother." She muttered, face-palming a little...
{It cuts to her climbing some rubble blocking the Year 8 Enterance. The music playing in the background is the same as the Ruin intro cutscene.}
She leaped onto the top, and walked a little to the edge of it. Faint sunlight seeped through. She was now wearing sky blue Converse trainers with white bottoms. She cupped her hands around her mouth, megaphone style, and called:
"Casey! Casey!? You there!? Because, I'm here!"
Casey did not answer. She sighed. Then, she jumped down the pile of little pebbles and massive rocks, her necklace jingling as she did so. We can now see that she has a dark blue backpack on her back.
"Could you be a bit more quieter please?" Casey suddenly asked on the call. She pulled put her phone with her Right hand and stared at it.
{The perspective switched to first person}
"I'm here. What now?" She said and asked. In front of her were two double glass doors, outside of the doors, she could see: Short pale green grass, a few trees, a huge red brick hollow circle, with multiple layers, and the East Wing of the Academy building made with red brick. The walls were red brick inside the Enterance too. To the Left of her were two double wooden doors with two dark blue handles. On the Left side of the doors was a black rectangular slot that looked like it was for a key card. On the bottom Right side of her (very close to the glass doors.) was an excact copy of the wooden doors. Behind her, she could see the rubble she had climbed had been blocking what had once been a doorway.
She also noticed the wooden doors to the Right of her, had two things at either side of them. The Left side: An excact replica of the slot next to the other wooden doors. The Right side: A grey rectangle with a rectangle glass casing.
"You see that grey rectangle looking thing?" Casey asked.
"Yeah." She answered.
"Well, that's a kind of Security System. You have to open it, and put an electronic device into it, it will then charge the doors and allow them to open and let you in to the PE corridor. I suspect the headmaster installed this to stop me from escaping." Casey said.
"Why would the headmaster want to keep you in here? That doesn't make any sense." Georgie questioned Case and said.
"Trust me, it does. But... I don't have any time to explain right now. I'm putting you on hold, but before I do. Please look for my English teacher, Evelyn. She should be on the English corridor, second floor, classroom: B3." Casey's voice dropped to a whisper again, then he went completely silent.
"Casey? Casey? Casey!?" She asked, shouting the third time she said his name. "You there!?" She asked. "Sigh, of course not." She groaned.
"You're lucky I even brought a spare electronic." She muttered. She walked up to the case.
(Game instructions: Hold circle.) *The player held circle.* As they did, Georgie opened up the case and placed in a lime phone. She then closed it. It attatched immediately.
"Courtesy of our brother." She muttered. On either side of the case, a power meter started to go up. Red meters lighting up, then amber, then yellow, then green. The wooden doors in front of her, then swung open into the corridor. "Woah! Cool." She sounded impressed. She ran into the corridor. Faint sunlight lit up the corridor. The Left wall was painted blue, and the Right wall was painted white. On the Left wall, were multiple broken and shattered displays. Pictures and shattered glass scattered across the floor. She turned to her Left, and a huge pile of rubble was blocking a short hallway. There was NO way she could climb that. She entered another set of wooden doors in front of her. She found herself in a huge beige hall. The floor having multiple coloured lines. Halfway across the hall, the other half of the hall was blocked by another huge pile off rubble, and under that a huge red curtain that had fallen. Above the huge pile of rubble, was a huge hole in the white ceiling, faint sunlight spilled through it, barely lighting up the room.
Georgie pulled out her phone. "Casey, are you there?" She asked.
"Yeah." He whispered back.
"I'm in the Sports Hall. What now?" She said and asked.
"Search under the fallen curtains. There should be a Detention Pass. I need that to get out of Detention." Casey whispered. Then, he went silent again.
"Casey... Case, what happened here? Everything's... Ruined." She said. He did not answer her. She sighed. She approached the pile of rubble, putting the phone back in her pocket.
(Hold circle to search.) *The player held circle.* She reached under the curtain with her Right hand, and felt something with her fingers. She pulled it out and looked at it. It was a black rectangular thin card. On it were the white capital words: DETENTION PASS.
"I got it. What now?" She decided to copy Casey and started whispering.
"Thanks for whispering. In every room, there's a rusted metal pipe. It's justtt big enough for us to pass small items to one another. Unfortunately, the one in the Sports Hall is on the other side of the pile of rubble, which there's no way you will be able to get through..." He paused, probably thinking. "Use the one in A26, it's through the Left set of doors in the Creative Corridor." He finally finished, whispering.
"Got it. Anything else?" Georgie whispered. Casey was silent for a few seconds.
"Yes... Two things, actually. One, please help my PSHE teacher. Don't question this, you'll understand when you see her in A26, but pull out all of the discs in the back of her head, except the green one. And, two... When I escape, please meet me in the Headmaster's office, because it's sort of a safe room, as long as we have the Office Key, we should be safe from the enemy." Casey whispered.
"Enemy? Discs? Casey, why the Hell would your PSHE teacher have discs in the back of her head? And, enemy? I thought it was just us two here." Georgie sounded worried.
Casey was silent, yet again. She exited the Hall.
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