Intro: Georgie enters A26...
Georgie leaves the corridor, and enters the other set of wooden doors. She finds herself in a long black corridor, but the black paint on the walls were fading away. The tiled floor had cracks in it. She walked a little, then turned to her Left. A wooden door with a blue handle, and next to it a metal rectangle, and engraved on it: A26. Georgie opens the door and quietly shuts it behind her. Suddenly, something grabs her and she turns to face... Her?
The... robotic thing that had grabbed her was a horrible mess. Their face was an obsidian black 2D circle, with holes in it where eyes would be on a human. A horizontal line engraved where a humans mouth would be. These three things were currently lit up bright neon green. On the back of their Left hand was a white 2D circle face like the robotic thing's actual face. Instead of a line though was another huge hole, to make it seem as though the face was screaming. Faces like this were all over the... Thing's body. Except they all had different mouths. A smiley face, a frowny face with engraved tears going down it's face, a panicked face, another smiley face but with stars for eyes, and a frowny face with jagged teeth coming out the bottom of it. It's whole body was obsidian black. It wore black Nike trainers on it's... Feet? And their hands were human-esk, with four fingers and a thumb. At that moment, all the smiley faces were glowing bright neon green just like the... Thing's face. You could definitely tell it was an animatronic... A weird one at that.
{First person non-animated cutscene.}
It's Right hand was holding onto Georgie's Left wrist.
"AGH! WHAT ARE YOU!? LET GO!" She shrieked.
"New friend? New friend! Yay! I am SO happy!" It's voice was feminine and robotic, like a pathetic attempt at mimicking Siri. It threw her onto a table.
"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Georgie shrieked. Suddenly, the thing started clutching it's head with their hands and started screaming violently. Georgie got off the table and hopped into a wooden empty wardrobe, closing the doors. She pulled out her phone.
{You can't move.}
"Casey. Can you hear me?" Her panicked voice whispered.
"Yeah." He whispered back.
"Does your PSHE teacher just so happen to be a black animatronic gone insane?" She asked, whispering.
"That's the one." He sighed, still whispering. Suddenly, she heard feminine and robotic crying.
"Why is she..." Georgie started, but then she cut off. The animatronic opened the the wardrobe. Georgie leaped out, and dived under a long wooden desk at the back of the classroom. The animatronic started clutching their head again and screaming. Suddenly, their features on their face and the frowny faces that had been lit up bright neon baby blue before stopped glowing. The faces with teeth lit up bright neon red, as well as the features on the animatronic's face. Still clutching their head and screaming, they turned 60° to the Right, and showed the back of their head to Georgie. In the back of her head she saw a partly shattered red disc, sticking out of a silver metal pouch on the back of it's head.
Georgie gasped, "I see a red disc." She reported to Casey, still whispering. Suddenly, the animatronic stopped clutching their head and started stomping around the classroom, their footsteps heavy.
"OH, NEW FRIEND! COME OUT AND PLAY! I DARE YOU!" Their furious voice screamed.
"Great. Those discs controll her personality, but... They were slightly broken, and now her personality is haywire and out of control." Casey whispered.
"I can see that... Where's the pipe?" She asked.
"In the bottom of her desk." He whispered, then he went silent. She exited her hiding place, putting her phone away.
{You can now move again.}
She saw most of the wooden desks (that students probably used to sit at) had been flipped over or broken.
{Scary music starts to play from the first Teaching Terror game, alerting you that you have been found.}
Georgie turned around, and saw the animatronic charging at her, fists flailing.
{Jumpscare: She grabs Georgie by her Right wrist, and punches her in the face with her Left fist, while screeching}
{Game instruction pop up: Hiding spots can be found all over this abandoned academy. When you are in a hiding spot, the enemy can not get to you. Press circle to enter a nearby hiding spot.}
Georgie dove under the animatronic's desk.
{You cannot move again}
She looks above her, and sees the exit or entrance of a metal rusted pipe. A powerful air current was present. Georgie pulled out the Detention Pass, and let the current take the pass into the pipe. She then climbed back out from under the desk.
{You can move again.}
She turned around, and saw the animatronic's back facing her. She ran up to it.
{First person not animated cutscene.}
She yanked out the red disc out of the back of its head. She then threw it onto the floor, and stomped on it with her Right foot, shattering it into pieces. The animatronic turned around and groaned in pain, twitching. Then their face faced the floor, suddenly it sprang back up again to face Georgie. The angry faces on their body suddenly crumbled to dust, and the fear faces lit bright neon indigo, and the features on their actual face did the same.
"AGH! NEW FRIEND! DIE! DIE! DIE!" They screamed in terror. Georgie turned and ran in circles around the room.
{Fear mode jumpscare: The animatronic screams and throws Georgie against a wall.}
After a while, Georgie pulled out the purple and blue discs.
{First person not animated cutscene.}
The animatronic twitched and screamed once again, the frowny faces crumbling. The features on its face glowed neon bright hot pink, same with the starry eyed faces. It grabbed Georgie, and picked her up by the waist.
"Thank you. Thank you! I am forever in your debt!" They said, their voice full of love. They then chucked Georgie outside where the red brick circle was, they then closed the door behind them...
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