a/n : enjoy this chapter c;
third person pov (oh look at that, finally)
she blinked her eyes umpteen times and took a glance at the small red clock hanged on the wall of the living room.
8.33 am.
that's what it said.
she was suppose to wear uniform, go to school and take exams. but no. she wore plain outfits, getting ready to go and leave.
eventhough it was a big day, she felt sad too. everytime she thinks of that, she would bit her lips and breathed heavily. calming herself down. and she actually hate being in that condition.
a cup of coffee was been placed on the table by her brother. he was cocking his eyebrow.
"it is still early, why are you being sad? here, drink this coffee i made." jongin said to her and took a sip of his coffee.
eventhough hyojin is a female who should be doing cleaning and cooking, she didn't. all of the chores was been done by jongin which hyojin always find it odd. she always asked jongin if he is originally a girl or he is a transgender but at the end, she will get scolded by asking such questions.
in conclusion, jongin has this motherly personality in him and hyojin is his child.
"i'm not sad, i'm just.." she stopped. she was unable to find words that can finish her sentence.
"moving away isn't a bad thing. we move to learn new things and to feel different. okay?" he said and she nods.
the sound of rain falling can be heard as the raindrops lands onto their window and it seems that she can't see much outside the house.
after a few deep thoughts, hyojin texted misun and sora about her leaving and ofcourse, they replied in less than a minute.
from : misunie
she laughed as she read the replies and text her back. misun must be really suprised and sad because her bestfriend is leaving.
from : misunie
YA HOE! how could you hyojin ;-; sora is already screaming beside me. jiwoon also knew about it and now he is frustrated. okay i hate u for leaving and by the way you are lucky as hell that you didnt sit for exam. chemistry papers was like a pain to all of us. hyojin i'm gonna MISS YOUUUUU
"hahahaha, i will miss you too misun." she giggled.
to : misunie
i know i know i am your favourite friend that you love so much and i'm flattered by thatxD by the way misun, we have technologies to connect us so you don't need to worry. i'll videocall you everytime you need me.
from : misunie
videocall is not enough bitch and HYOJIN AH WHO WILL ACCOMPANY ME TO THE CANTEEN WHEN I'M BORED this is sora
from : jiwoon
hyojin you're going to regret going there because you'll miss me for sure. PLUS WTF Y U DO DIS TO MEH
she giggled and even can't type properly as they spammed her with unappropriate messages for her to read. they threw their hatred to her and she get used to that.
but she only hope that sehun wouldn't know. because she don't want to see the look of his face knowing that she is going to leave.
"here's your ticket hyojin, keep it in your wallet or your bag." jongin said as he handed her the ticket.
"ICN to JFK." she said and jongin suddenly squealed. "oh i can't wait to go there. i could get new friends!" he smiled ear to ear and i chuckled.
"tsk, you don't even know how to speak in english and you want to make friends?" she dissed and he glared at her.
"language is not a barrier ya hoe.." he replied and she rolled her eyes.
"excuse you, you can't even use proper words for korean language when you are communicating with me. tsk, how shame." she said and he gave her a flick on the forehead.
"shut up." he said before returning back to the kitchen.
i want to be in america because of their food. yes that's all i'm thinking. food. delicious and scrumptious food. what the hell am i thinking.
they only got 2 hours left before they are going to leave and currently jongin is dressing himself and so was hyojin. after a few make-up, she went outside and sat at the porch while watching the rain.
'what if the flight delayed due to this weather? i can have time to meet my friends.' she thought to herself. she hoped for that but she watched the sky and she could see some blue and the grey clouds are starting to leave.
she exhaled her minty breath and closed her eyes for a while. her heart was beating fast when she felt worried, eventhough it's only a small matter.
she flinched as she heard the honk from a car. it was in a white and blue colour.
"jongin, taxi is here."
back at the school, all the students were having their exams. seungwan is currently at the famous obnoxious class. they are taking music exam and the class was quiet and wendy felt relief for the first time because everytime she enter the class, there will never be a moment where it will be silent. from the beginning until the end, it's always riotous.
she walked from the front to the back and watched them doing their exam so there would not be any cheating.
seungwan watches as jungkook answers the paper with full concentrate which is like the first time for her to see that. jungkook didn't spare a glance at her and he only focus on the paper.
but she shrugged the feelings away.
while at hyojin class, once, sehun entered the class because he was their math teacher since he became the permanent teacher there.
he eyed the class and all of them were ready to receive the math paper.
he stopped giving the paper as he watched hyojin's seat. it was empty and sehun turned to look around. "where is she?" he mumbled and the students didn't said anything since the time to answer the paper had started.
sehun without hesitating threw the leftover papers on the teacher's table and ran out the class. he knew where he had to go.
he stopped running as he arrived at the class, seungwan's class. he catched some breath for a while and the students were shocked with the presence of him but they continued what they are doing.
"what's wrong hun-ah?" seungwan whispered as she stared at him but his gaze changed to misun.
"misun, you are hyojin's friend. where is she?" he asked but misun seems a bit flustered. "uh ermm..she.." misun stucked at her words until sehun grabbed her shoulder. "why is she not here?" he asked again.
"mr. oh, didn't you know? hyojin is going to america." she said and his forehead wrinkled. "when is she going?" he asked.
misun looked at the clock and said, "one hour from now."
he looked at his wrist watch and it shows 9.40 am. "shit." he muttered.
▶ exo d.o - scream
he immediately ran out the class, at this moment he doesn't care about anything but hyojin. kim hyojin. the only name he got in his mind.
"sehun-ah!" seungwan yelled his name but he didn't bother to look back. he rushed to his car and start off his engine and drove away. seungwan only stared at him with her arms hanging down.
even other teachers were there with a questioning face as they heard the loud voice. seungwan parted her lips and walked back to her class.
sehun was driving in a very fast speed making his way to the airport which was very far and he hoped that he could make it. he hoped that he could meet her.
"hyojin, your coffee." jongin handed a coffee to her as they wait at one place. hyojin kept holding her hands, with the reason that she may be cold or nervous.
it seems to be a bit crowded at the airport. people waiting for their flight and people waiting for someone to come.
hyojin waited for their flight and she took out her earpods. listening to some songs so she will keep calm and so was jongin.
there were only a few minutes before their boarding time but hyojin still sitting at her seat meanwhile jongin was ready to go. hyojin will go later and he nods since she is used to travel.
9.30 am.
sehun finally arrive at the airport and now he is running around, trying to look for hyojin. despite the big airport, sehun uses his energy to find hyojin. there were a lot of waiting places.
he saw a girl with a blonde hair.
he approached her while yelling her name. "kim hyojin!" he screamed but he stopped his pace towards her.
"uh erm, sorry wrong person.." he muttered and bowed three times. the girl only smiled awkwardly. maybe she looked alike hyojin from the back which made sehun confused.
then he continued running through the airport and he even ask the information counter but too bad that they don't know about it. sehun didn't want to give up and he went to see the flight schedule.
incheon to new york [boarding]
he ran again to the place where people check their bags and it was filled with people which sehun had a hard time to find her despite the crowds and the baggage they brought.
"kim hyojin!" he yelled her name. only sounds of people bidding goodbye can be heard.
it's that how he is going to end up his days with hyojin? he was at the verge of giving up but he doesn't care. say him crazy, he doesn't give a damn of anything.
then sehun dropped his knees on the ground as like he was crying and some people stared at him with a question marks on their faces. he cried? no. he was desperate.
hyojin was sitting at the chairs with her legs crossed elegantly. she took another sip of her coffee and then she stood up while carrying her bag. she needs to go in earlier or else she will be stuck into a human traffic jam.
she heard a lot of chatter and some flashlight can be seen as they take pictures. 'why the heck are they doing this at airport?' she asked herself. she wondered what they are looking at, maybe a show or some people.
she was about to walk into the crowds since she was curious. who are they looking at?
her phone vibrated and her brother name's appeared on the screen.
from : jongin oppa
hyo, better board now or else you're going to get ditch.
"huh.." she sighed and placed her phone into her pockets. she walked out from the crowds and went to the security check section and went off to see jongin at their gate.
"here we go, goodbye korea." i said with a calming smile.
incheon to new york [departed]
the words that he saw on the flight schedule. sehun really can't do anything. he only sit on the ground, looked like a homeless person. his heart broke, because of all the things that happened.
she's no longer going to come back. she headed to a another new place. but sehun, had to continue his work in korea.
to be a teacher.
but he will promise himself that one day,
he will meet her.
a long chapter, i know :')
vote and comment <3
epilogue coming soon.
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