i sat down on my favourite white couch while arranging some book in my black bag, which i hate it so much. school was like a pain to me. with all the activities and homeworks they gave.
and today it just seems normal to me. normal thursday.
"hey girl move fast, you're gonna be late for school again." there was my brother with his white tee and a black blazer while sipping his coffee.
"shut up jongin." i glared and sticked my tongue out.
'what an annoying brother.' i thought to myself as i opened the fridge door and took out an apple juice box.
"well since you don't like my presence, i'm going." i flipped my hair as i walked pass him.
"be careful hoe." he said before i got out the door.
"i will, dick." i said and chuckled low.
"yo hyojin!" misun greeted just as i stepped into our class.
"hey got any food?" i asked as we sat across each other.
"you just came here and suddenly you asked for food from me. what do you think i am? a food store?" she huffed and i pouted.
"blame my brother because he wanted me to get out of the house and went to school quickly and all i could get was a juice box. see?" i said and showed her the empty juice box.
"yeah yeah whatever. i didn't ate anything too and that's fair for us." misun said and i sighed.
the bell rang and all of the students ran back to their seat and anticipating our math teacher for the first period. geez how i hate math but still i always get good grades for it.
some of us talked, played with paper airplanes, and even polishing our nails. let me tell you, our class are a snob and obnoxious type compared to other class.
as i tapped the table with my fingernails while reading my notebook, our math teacher arrived and i could hear some noises from the girl while i'm still focusing on it.
"good morning teacher." we all said in unison.
"thank you please sit down." a manly voice was heard and i startled. "huh?"
we all sat down and i looked at the teacher. it was a guy. our math teacher was supposed to be mdm jinhee but it's not.
to be honest, my gaze never stopped and he start talking.
"i'm your temporary math teacher, because mdm jinhee as you heard is having a baby and she will not be here in a about one to two months. i'm oh sehun. you can call me mr.oh." he said.
i was having a goosebump for a while and suddenly he stares at me and i avert them. i looked like a complete mess, while he looked good with the black outfit and the stylish hair.
"so let's start." he said and the class proceed like usual.
when the math class finished, we returned our workbook to him and i could see him a bit flustered.
"erm, who is the class monitor?" he asked and my pace to my own table stopped. "hyojin!" misun shouted and followed by the others.
"ah, hyojin. come and helped me." he said with a smile and i swear inside of me was exploding. i obeyed his order anyways and carry the 25 workbooks.
i followed him to his table which is quite far from the other teacher's table since he was new.
i placed the books on his table.
"thank you hyojin." he said and i bowed three times.
"wait-" he said and i turned around. he start off with a chuckle and i slowly smiled.
"you look pretty." he said and i mouthed 'thank you' to him. i exited the office with my face flushed in red.
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