(T'sB:2nd semester: 8) Inner battles...
Warning: this chapter contains depressing content if you have or are presently dealing with depression please wait or go to the next chapter.
Your pov:
He was clean cut but all of his hair was gone.
I didn't know what to feel about his sudden appearance... I had so many emotions.
Happiness, sadness, anger what else do you feel when your comes back after 3 years?!
"Hey, kiddo." He said smiling his voice was normal like I remembered as a child.
"Um uhh, well come in I guess," I say letting him by.
He looks around."A Very nice home you've got here." He says.
"Um, thanks look I'm gonna go get properly dressed," I say walking to my room.
He smiles. "Ok kiddo."
I go into my room to see Sean is still sleeping. I hope it stays that way till my dad leaves.
I put on Sean's sweatpants and walked out.
I had soo many questions running through my head.
"Soooo uh dad...first off how did you find out where I live?" I asked confused.
"I went to your social worker and asked her where you las lived she gave me this address i just had hope to find you here and I did." He says smiling.
I give him a weak smile.
"You look so much like your mother."
"I'm sorry if this comes off rude but why are you here? why do you decide after three years to show your face to me?" I asked.
"I just wanted to make sure I really did make the right decision for my daughter."
"I'm not really your daughter."
"Biologically you are."
"Ok so why are you here really?"
"I want to catch up with you get to know you more I know I didn't play much of a role in your life but I want to try and change that."
"Where have you been all this time?"
"In America."
I felt heat boil inside of me but I quickly calm down.
"Do you think maybe after you go to work we can talk?"
"I don't have a job I'm still in high school but I have a studio so I guess I can call that work but yea whatever," I say.
"Great." He says smiling. He got up and gave me a hug but I refused to hug back."I guess I had that coming." He said.
He showed himself to the door then went out.
I pinched myself repeatedly. Hoping I'm hallucinating.
But I'm not...
I went into the bedroom and sat up on my bed holding my knees.
"Who was that?" Sean asked in a sleepy voice.
"...it was uh....m-my dad," I say.
Sean automatically sat up and turned on the lamp.
"Yea it was my dad he looked shiny and newish he looked old and bald."
"Are you ok?"
"What did he want?"
"He wanted to play catch up with me so I told him after school."
"Maybe I should be here."
No!" I yelled.
That shocked sean.
"I'm sorry just I don't want him to know about you I want to tell him about my life in school about my studio and let him leave."
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yes, now let's go back to sleep," I say kissing his cheek.
I take off my pants and slide underneath the covers. Sean cuts off the lamp and wraps his arm around me.
He fell asleep but I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried to close my eyes.
Soon my alarm rung and we got up and got dressed:
Afterwards, as always we got to school separately, of course, to keep speculations at a low.
Then after school, we go to my dance studio to practice glee. Soon after that I went to my house and waited for my dad to show up.
Soon enough he did,
I anxiously opened the door and there he was wearing one of his old baseball caps, old blue jeans, a red shirt with an unbuttoned blue flannel over it, holding a brown bag.
"Hey, kiddo."
"Hey, dad." I let him in.
"I brought Chinese I asked for them to put no vegetables in the lo mein like you lied it remember?" He asked smiling.
I smile back weakly almost on the verge of tears. "Yea I remember and you would always say that when I turn 14 the vegetable monster would come and get me for not eating the vegetables to scare me into eating at least one carrot."
"Have you seen the monster yet?" He joked.
Quick flashes of abuse come at me." no." I say giving him a weak smile.
We sit down and I cut on the tv and we eat.
"Sooo why have you been in America for soo long?" I asked.
"Well I was in America cause well my addiction led me there and I realized I need to stop so I went to rehab and got clean. After a year of getting my life back together, I got a plane ticket and flew here."
"Good to hear."
"What about you kiddo how has your life been?"
"It's been fine I've been thrown around a bit but after you signed the papers life got better i guess"
Soon talking to him became easier and I found myself laughing at some of his jokes sometimes he would bring up old times from Halloween or Christmas sometimes easter it made me laugh.
Soon after laughing at one of his jokes when I looked back at him his smile disappeared.
"Whats wrong?" I asked,"I laughed at your dad jokes why da long face."
He took my plate from my hands."(y/n) honey, I didn't come here to just reconnect...i came here because I've made some bad decisions in life that may affect you...I've been keeping secrets for a long time and my time is running out." He said.
I looked at him with a very heartbroken but confused look.
"What do you mean your time is running out?"
"I mean kiddo I was diagnosed with lung cancer last year and that's why I'm here to clean my pallet before I leave this earth."
I felt tears stream down my face. He brought me close and I took in his scent he smelt like fresh cotton air freshener again. Which made me cry more.
"Hey, kiddo don't cry please..you're gonna make this harder to say."
He wiped my tears away.
"How can I not cry here I am thinking that I can finally spend more time with my dad but he tells me he has lung cancer?"
"Because you're a tough girl." He said smiling " remember daddy's little soldier."
I wipe my face." so what did you want to tell me?" I asked,
"Let me start from the beginning. On June 22,19XX Little (full name) was born."
"I know that part dad I was the light of you and mom's light I was your little bundle of joy." Say.
"Yes but let me finish, she was born and gave her new mother and father great joy. But her mother wasn't alive long enough to get a chance to even give her new baby girl a name."
My heart broke in two it didn't take long for me to understand what he meant.
"So the father became a widower taking care of a baby girl moved to a new house when one day he meets this nice lady who offered to help babysit as she noticed the father struggling to move in and take care of the baby. Soon they hit it off and little (y/n) grew up know the nice lady as her mother because her father couldn't bring himself to tell his daughter her real mother died giving birth to her."by this time he was crying too."when she was two years old her father and step mother got into a huge fight the father stormed out of the house and had and affair with the neighbour and a few days later the neighbor had found outs she was pregnant she promised to keep the baby under wraps for as long as he came and signed the birth certificate and soon she became best friends with her little brother without knowing it."
Then it hit me.
I was playing with the neighbors little baby James.
He was soo cute and adorable.
I felt my heart break even more.
"And from their, I think she knows the story." He says crying.
Soo many thoughts I have a little brother, the person I believed to be my mom isn't my real mom, my real mom is dead. Where do I begin with emotions?
Hurt, guilt, anger sadness, frustration?
I stumbled over words to say."I cant-how could you-and then....just get out.get out!"
"I understand why so I won't argue but if you ever have questions here's my number and my hotel room."
Soo much to take in but soo little time to let it soak.
Over the days it all just go so overwhelming. I knew that James was my little brother cause I could do the math.
James was 17 I'm 19 we were two years apart I recognized his eyes the minute I saw them. But I could never figure out why.
But seeing my dad had brought back sooo much.
You would've thought that I have gotten over my past. But I never did...
I blocked it for as long as I can remember music being the wall between me and my horrible past the memories of constant darkness, abuse, sadness tears all of it! I've kept it locked away in a corner of my mind that I've kept in a vault covered in the cement of songs to keep me from breaking.
The minute I saw my fathers face it all fell apart.
The reason I suffered for six years going from horrible place to even worse.
But that doesn't stop me from beating on myself the most.
Sean's pov:
Ever since her dad showed up it's like she's been on auto-pilot going through the motions.
She can tell me 'im fine' but I would know otherwise. But I don't push her. She can tell me when on her own time.
February 10,20XX
Your pov:
Here I am in my bedroom again wide awake.
Cause voices and the flashbacks won't stop.
You worthless piece of shit.*wham!* I fell to the floor
All your worth is the check I get every month for your stupid ass!
Die in a hole you little bitch you're not wanted here!
All my foster sister gang up on me and beat me for not sharing my food.
And the voices go on like a broken record.
I cry and cry until I can no longer take the voices and the memories coming at me like a flood.
I run into my bathroom and fill my hand with Tylenol without hesitation I take almost all of,
But the voices would stop I wanted to end it as soon as possible. So I ran to the bridge soon I got there when I was getting ready to get on the ledge I could no longer move my arms I felt sleepy soon I fell to the ground.
Sean's pov:
I went to (y/n)' house but she wasn't there.I called her but she wasn't picking up so I got in my car and drove to her studio where I know she would be if she wanted to get away. When I was about to cross the bridge I notice a girl unconscious on the bridge.
That's when it hit me.
"Oh god no!" I got out of my car and looked at her I didn't want to believe it was her but I saw her face. I rushed to her side and notice the tear tracks on her face. I take her pulse
." please please please please." I beg I feel her pulse. I pick her up and put her in the car,
"Oh god why!?please hold on babe please don't leave hold on for me!" I speed through the lights I didn't care if I got a ticket. I just don't want her to leave me soon I arrive a the hospital.
"Please come help quickly I think she overdosed!!" Nurses came quickly and took her away on a gurney. Doctors held me back and told me they will call me back if things go to plan.
I sat in a chair tapping m foot rapidly crying my eyes out I didn't want to think about but I thought about.....what if she didn't make it out of this alive.
But soon a nurse came.
"Caretaker of (y/n) (l/n)."
I automatically stand up and rush I've to the nurse." how is she!?" I asked in frantic,
"She doing just fine she just needs to rest it appears to be a suicide attempt are you her father?"
"No, I'm her teacher I was on the way home from work when I saw her on lying unconscious on the bridge."
"Can you contact her father?"
"Her parents are out of the picture."
"Soo who is she living with?"
"She lives alone shes 19."
"Ok, you are allowed to see her but she's asleep we had to pump all of the medicine out of her stomach."
"Ok, what room is she in?!"
I rush down the halls and soon I find her room I go in and see her asleep her heart was steady. I sit on her bed and kiss her forehead,
"Please don't do this to me again I can't lose you..."
Soon visiting hours were over I went to her house and went to her house I picked her lock to get inside and get her stuff I find her phone and see the phone number on the coffee table that said.
I'd be wrong if I didn't let him know his daughter was in the hospital...
Guys tom. Is Halloween first off I might not be updating that's why this chapter will be extra long. And 2nd of all is I want all of you to stay safe. stay away from vans, stay away from clowns, stay away from haunted houses that aren't out in the open with other people and don take dares.....NONE OF THEM!!
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