(T'sB:2nd semester: 13) I'm in love and I'm proud!
Your pov:
I woke up and look at my phone its Valentines day.
I actually didn't have anything to do today and it was Sunday so no school.
Soo I got no plans, no school, no school work and sean is busy. Yay...
I just decide to get up and try on some outfits for the concert.
Great way to spend valentines right?
Sean's pov:
I just got done editing a video.
I then receive a skype call.
It was Nate.
"Hello?" I said.
"Sup dude," Nate responded
"Hey, what's up?"
"Oh um just got done recording a session for the song have you got done with your part yet?"
"Yea I sent it over not too long ago."
"Sweet I can't wait to hear it!"
"I can't wait for the song to be released."
"I know (y/n) will be psyched!"
I stayed silent.
"Dude you haven't told her about your youtube channel?!"
"No." I hang my head down in shame.
"You have to tell her sometime you have 13 million subscribers, dude!"
"I know but I'm afraid of how she'll react."
" if she loves you she will accept it this is the ultimate test to see how much she loves you."
" you're right what are you guys doing for valentines day?"
"Well since we have to rehearse for the show we aren't really celebrating but I did order an edible arrangement and a bouquet of flowers that will be arriving behind stage in her dressing room though."
"Yea what about you guys?"
Your pov:
"No...no!!!!!almost there oh shit wooo so close!!and BAAM FIVE STARS HAH YEA!!"
I cheer.
Ok so maybe I got sidetracked and decided to play some GTA 5. I get bored easily don't judge me I haven't had a free day in what feels like forever!
Then I hear a knock on the door.
I was baffled for a second but I got off my bed put some pants lying around on and rushed to the door whoever it was continued knocking.
"I'm coming give me a minute." I opened the door and there was sean." sean?hey, I thought you had a teachers meeting or something."
He brought me close and gave me a kiss"Actually I don't and I want to take you somewhere."
"Where?" I ask smiling.
"That's for me to know and you to find out."
"Ok is there anything you think ill need?"
He looks around as if to think."hmmm no just bring your sexy body into the car hurry ill
Be waiting." he gave me one last kiss before getting into his car.
"Ok." I smile and put on some shorts and a crop top and grab my phone then make sure everything's secure and in order before getting into the car with sean.
I was super excited to see where we were going!
Sean blasted music while we were going down a highway windows down, music blasting, wind in my hair it was an amazing feeling to just get lost in the moment and forget everything that stresses you.
I just smiled the whole time.
"So have you thought about what I asked?" Sean asked.
"Moving in?"
"I'm still thinking its something big for me for us really and-"
"Hey hey, babe its ok you can think about it for as long as you need to." He said smiling at me
Soon we arrive at the beach!!!
I squeal with happiness.
Sean chuckled at my child like excitement.
"Come on let's go." He got out of the car.
"But babe I don't have a bathing suit." I got out as well.
"I got you covered." He took my hand and we walked to a gift shop which also sold bathing suits.
I looked around for something while Sean looked around as well for I don't know what.
Soon I found something. But I didn't bring any money.
"Sean," I called out.
He appeared behind me." yes?"
"I found something but I don't have money."
"Great cause I'm paying for everything anyway."
"Aww." I kiss his cheek. We walk up to the register so he could pay afterwards we went out of the shop and down to the beach first I got changed in the nearest bathroom
Here's your outfit child:
Then I came out.
Sean whistled."hello sexy I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you somebody might try and take you away." He said pulling me close.
I giggle and smile as he kisses my lips then my neck. He stops and we finally walk towards the water sean lays down a towel and I pull my crop top off and kick off my sandals.
Hand in hand we run into the water,
I shriek." it's cold!!" I complain.
Sean chuckles.
We splash and around in the water for a bit then we gather our stuff and walk along the pier and talk.
It was perfect hand in hand we went. Sometimes he would wrap his hand around my waist.
"(Y/n).." Sean said so suddenly in a nervous tone.
"I have something I need to tell you."
My heart began to pound"you-you're not breaking up with me are you?" I asked worriedly.
"God no I love you soo much!"
"Ok," I say relieved.
"But (y/n) teaching isn't my only job."
"Wait are you like?"I looked around before I whispered." a criminal?"
"No." He chuckles."(y/n) I do youtube."
"I mean I have like 13 million subscribers."
"Big numbers wow sean I don't care you're doing what you love for as long as it's not replacing me don't care and ill support you in it"
"Really?!" Sean asked surprise
"Yes!in fact, what's your youtube channel?"
I take out my phone and put in on a memo." I'll check it out later I promise." I give a kiss on the cheek.
"I was scared to death of what you would think."
"It's just something you do in your spare time right? As long as it doesn't change you I don't care."
"I've actually been considering doing it full time."
"Like as in??."
"Yea quitting my job as a teacher I mean its been fun but I cant deal with it anymore its gotten boring."
"Well if it's what makes you happy it makes me happy that means I get to see you more too!!"
"So when do you plan on leaving"
"After you graduate."
"Great I can't stand new teachers!!"
Afterwards, we ate sean gave me a rose and then we went home.
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