(4) Confidence boot camp!
Your pov:
I wake up and get ready as always.
I realized I cant make these girls dance a dance when they aren't confident that they can do the moves.
I have to give them a boost.
You cant give a child a pot and expect them t go in the kitchen and cook you have to help them teach them to give them a hand.
Soo now I'm gonna take these girls under my wings and some inspirational shit like that.
I get dressed:
go to school and got straight to the chorus room.
"Sup bitches!"
"When will you watch your mouth?" Mr.Mcloughlin ask.
"When you watch yours," I say smirking.
"Sooo did you ask the principal about taking the kidders off campus?"
"You know you're a kid too."
"Nuh-uh, I'm 19." I object.
"I actually thought you were 18."
"Well, you actually thought wrong. Anyways I thought about what you said last night and I really think I know what will give these girls the kick of confidence in just 4 days but do understand this mr.mcloughlin that in order for me to do that you're gonna have to step back from being the teacher and your gonna have to let me work my methods," I say
"You're not gonna hurt anybody are you?"
"God no I'm just gonna be yelling and cursing a bit ill keep the yelling to a minimum though I promise," I say.
"But not the cursing?"
"Come on cut me some slack it may be after school programs but its also in a public setting he gym yet alone my studio."
"Fine, but ill be there to supervise."
I put my hands up in surrender. "Nice lil chit chat see you after school," I say walking away.
"Is your outfit in dress code?"
I laugh. "Everything I've ever worn had never been in dress code. Were you watching my ass or something?" I joke.
"It was a joke Mcloughlin chill," I say walking out.
I went to school as always.and then I went to the gym.
And all the students were there.
"Ahh hello class my name's (y/n) and ill be your instructor forget about mr.mcloughlin today I'm your teacher he's just supervising us so just think of him as a cock block so hot guys don't walk in and hit on us." I joke.
They all smirk.
"Soo I know you all know me as that bitch from apartment 23 who looks like an angel but is a complete devil. But today I'm gonna be your so-called bitchy instructor because I'm gonna tell you this when it comes to school see school as a running gag but when it comes to dancing.....I'm serious in the end I expect nothing less than perfect. I know that you so called shy girls probably go home and practice sexualizing in your mirror. You know quiet in the streets sexy in the sheets I like that but here's the thing you guys picked a song where confidence and sexy is key and the dance I want you to do is exactly that here's the catch you guys aren't gonna be comfortable doing what I tell you to do. So we are gonna start slow.but I'm also gonna tell you this I'm gonna be a hard ass on you... so if you don't think you can stand me pushing you to your full potential meaning every day I will be expecting you to push yourself you won't be doing girl pushups no we are gonna do actually push-ups you will be expected to be fit and ready so if you don't think you can handle the intensity get out now."
And guess who leaves of all amy...
"Congrats guys you are officially part of the survey corps." I joke.
They all laugh a bit.
"Soo today we aren't gonna do much those push-ups I was talking about not gonna do that it was a test cause trust me after this you're going home sore I wanted to see which of you couldn't stand pain anyways today we will be dancing to my all-time favorite artist Ariana we aren't gonna do much sexualizing today just a bit to get you guys comfortable. Heres what we'll be doing."
"You guys think you can do that?" I asked panting.
Nobody speaks.
"Ok no, I cant do this you want to win right?"
"Yea of course," Alex says.
"Then you need to have to try. I know you are shy but if you wanna win you cant be you're gonna be in front of a shit load of people and acting shy isn't gonna get you that trophy ill never understand why you are so insecure you are all beautiful young ladies. Not lesbian or anything but its true I mightve had called you nerds or geeks but never ever once did I say you are ugly...you cant let society tell you whats good and bad whats hot and whats, not people say all the time I look emo as fuck but thats doesnt stop e fron wearing my all black every single day this is your chance to say fuck society in fact yea fuck society because god didnt create ugly or buddah or shiva or zeus or damn whoever you believe yours god(s) for those who serve many god didnt create ugly only things of beauty so im gonna ask again do you think you can do that dance?!"
"Yea." I hear them say,
"Great!!" I say.
We do the dance and then they all go home.
"Don't worry about remembering that dance guys we will be working on the real thing tomorrow remember you are all beautiful!" I say to them.
I then fall into my chair and relax.
"You'd actually make a good teacher you know?" Mr.Mcloughlin said sitting next to me.
"Oh hell no," I reply. "Mr.Mcloughlin that's your thing I don't think I can handle those brats especially knowing there are probably 1000 other hell raisers like me no thanks."
"You know we aren't in class anymore you can call me sean."
"Ugh, I can't believe I'm on a first name basis with the music teacher not only that I'm basically teaching glee club and I'm actually enjoying it."
"That actually doesn't sound too bad to me." He says smiling.
"Of course not." I playfully punch his arm and laugh he laughs as well.
"Is it safe to say glee is..."
I knew what he was gonna say. "Don't you dare say it."
"Changing you for the better?"
"Oh my god."
"Come on admit it."
"Fuck you."
"One day you'll admit it."
"In your fucking dreams."
"No in fucking reality."
"You know what I'll say it again fuck you."
"What time?" he says sarcastically.
"Oooh gross!!" I say. Jokingly.
"So have you ate lunch?"
"Oh no nope screw you I'm going home I have homework to do," I say.
"Woah you're actually gonna do that?"
"Oh shut up you green haired prick!!" I joke.
I get up and go home.
I think about our conversation all the way home.
God he such an amazing guy.
Oh, shit I'm crushing on the music teacher?!
After studying I went home and went to sleep.
I was wearing a sexy black dress:
I was on stage the setting being a jazz club nothing but strobe lights no one was in the audience but Mr.Mcloughlin?
I start to sing. (Song in the media.)
Oh, yeah
Don't need permission
Made my decision to test my limits
'Cause it's my business, God as my witness
Start what I finished
Don't need no hold up
Taking control of this kind of moment
I'm locked and loaded
Completely focused, my mind is open
All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God
Don't ya stop, boy
Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
Nothing to prove and
I'm bulletproof and
Know what I'm doing
The way we're movin' like introducing
Us to a new thing
I wanna savor, save it for later
The taste of flavor, 'cause I'm a taker
'Cause I'm a giver, it's only nature
I live for danger
All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God
Don't ya stop, boy
Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath, like that
You know how I'm feeling inside
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath, like that
You know how I'm feeling inside
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
Somethin' 'bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you
All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath like that
You know how I'm feeling inside
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
All girls wanna be like that
Bad girls underneath like that
You know how I'm feeling inside
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
(somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you)
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you boy
(somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you)
By the end of the song, I don't know how it all happened but I was on his lap his hands around my waist and we were making out
I woke up panting.
"Holy shit I just had a wet dream about my teacher what the fuck!!?!"
I get up and go to the bathroom and splash myself with water.
God whats going on with me.
Sean's pov:
I go home and can't help but think of (y/n) its weird how all of the girls were doing the same thing but I feel like she did it sexier than everyone in there.
I soon find out...
I have a fucking boner...
Why must she be soo damn attractive?!
====a week later.=======
Your pov:
This is your outfit:
We finished the dance.
Once we were done we all hollered.
"Woooooh!! Good job guys!!" I say clapping, "remember the sing-offs are a week away as of tomorrow we will all be going to the mall to pick out our outfits keep practicing guys we got this in the bag!!" I say.
They all cheer and as they leave high five me.
As always it's just me and Mr.McLoughlin in the end,
I've come to admit that I have feelings for him but I remember he there's no way in hell he actually likes me back.
I'm just here to make his club better its all business.
Even though it hurts to admit its true.
He's just using me...
After all, this is over I'll return to being hell-raiser of the school and he will be teaching music with a trophy to his name.
Even though we've been hanging out lately after dance we would work out or we'd just talk for a bit.
It means nothing he's just being nice for his sake.
The world is cruel in this world its hunter or hunted.
Fighter or farmer.
It's sad but true.
"I can't believe sing-offs are only a week away and we are more than ready!" Sean says.
"I know right," I say smiling.
"That's all thanks to you so thanks." He replied smiling.
"Whatever Sean," I say.
He laughs. "Soo do you want to work out for a bit?"
"I would love that I'm really tired and sore I'm just gonna head home," I say.
"Oh ok be safe."
"Sure father," I say sarcastically.
I then leave and walk home as always. The gym is a bit farther from my house but i still walk.
While walking I hear thunder,
"Shit come on im only two minutes into my walk home I have 10 more to go!" I whine.
Then soon enough it starts pouring!
Sean's pov:
I was driving home when I saw a girl walking in the rain on the sidewalk.
But it didn't take long for me to know who it was. I slow the car down beside her and open the door.
"Come on get in!!" I yell over the rain.
Your pov:
I squint to get a better look at the driver. It was sean.
"No thanks, I'm good my house is only 10 minutes away!!" I say.
"That's too far you'll get sick!!"
"No, I won't!"
"Look I'm not gonna let a young lady walk home in the rain with no more than a book over her head so I'm not leaving until you get in!!"
I sigh. "Stubborn bastard," I mutter then get in. "Thanks," I say.
"Thanks for getting in." I joked. "It's like trying to convince someone not to jump off a building with you."
"Oh good to know!!" I say sarcastically.
He laughs and I smile. "So where is your house?"
"2450 Enrico drive," I say.
"Wow its funny to think you live one neighborhood away from me." He says.
"No fucking way!!" I say.
"Yes, fucking way crazy shit huh?"
"Pretty much."
"Soo have you eaten yet?"
"No, actually I'll find something hopefully if I even feel like cooking," I say.
"How about we stop by McDonalds or something?"
"Wow not only are you giving me a ride but you're offering me food can I officially call you a friend?" I ask jokily.
"No, I can call you my pet though."
"Fuck no!!"
"What you don't like being called teacher's pet?"
"Fuck no"
"Why don't you want to be called teacher's pet?"
"Because I'm not a pet I'm a badass!!"
"Ok, so teachers badass?"
"No, you're a badass's pet."
"Oh come on fuck that!" He says laughing.
We go through the McDonalds drive through and ordered some food and continued home.
Soon we arrived.
"Holy shit the storm is getting worse can i come in?" Sean asked
Woah buy me dinner first! Wait....shit...he did
"Sure but youre sleeping on the couch!" I say.
He laughs "of course."
We make a mad dash into my house.
"Well shit, I'm wet as fuck."
Sean's pov:
I lock her door and look up at her drying her damp hair with a towel I watch as the water droplets slowly fall down her face.
She looked so hot.
I've been able to hold back all this time.......
I don't know if I can now.
Hint hint smut will be in the next chapter.
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