Taehyung was sitting on his seat, silently pretending that he was listening to Mr. Jung, who was currently scribbling on the whole whiteboard with mathematical forms, solutions and examples.
He let out a quiet sigh, just copying what the teacher was saying, as well as writing. Everytime he did that, he always spared a peek to his boyfriend, who was on the other side of the room.
He watched him being completely focused and thinking pretty hard as he nagged onto his pen, probably experimenting with a problem's solution. A light smile adorned Tae's lips.
All that really mattered to him at the current moment was the fact that Jungkook would tell him what's wrong. He'd open up to him, just like he usually did, he'd tell him his problems, he'd trust Taehyung. And this was enough motivation for the latter to give him time, to wait these three days. He didn't mind.
But little did he know, that he didn't had to wait any longer than... this.
Because suddenly, the door to the classroom opened, automatically gaining curious looks as to who didn't even bother to knock politely. Mr. Jung stopped writing on the whiteboard, and looked back to the door, surprised.
Because there, an older lady with round, red glasses and brownish hair with gray strands tucked into a messy bun, the principal herself, was standing there with crossed arms. And right behind her, two other students, as well as two policemen.
The shock was too big for the classmates to even whisper to each other about the incredibly surprising situation, and instead, they preferred to quietly watch the live-show. Both Taehyung and Jungkook however, seemed more surprised when actually recognizing Yoongi and Jimin as the students behind the principal.
"—Oh, hello!" Mr. Jung greeted and bowed politely a little, a tensed, forced smile on his lips. "How can I help you?" he asked, only receiving death-glares from the woman as she walked in more, letting the policemen behind her walk in too. Yoongi and Jimin had to wait in front of the room.
A clearing of a throat from a policeman followed. "We'd need to talk with a student called Jeon Jungkook," the muscular, tanned policeman with defined cheekbones spoke, looking around the class. "It'll be quick."
"A-ah, I see! Alright," Mr. Jung let out a nervous chuckle, painfully perceiving the, for him, catastrophic situation as to where this was highly-possibly leading. "Jungkook, please stand up!" he said, awkwardly smiling.
With that, all the eyes in the classroom were now glued to the student that was nervously raising himself up from the seat, head low as he didn't like how he was the center of attention. Literally.
"Come out with us, please." The second policeman spoke, being as tall as the first one, but having whiter skin, a moustache and round glasses. Jungkook let out a faded yes, now walking to the policemen, wondering what the fuck was going on right now.
That's when Taehyung couldn't stand it anymore. He raised himself up from his seat, making Jungkook stop in motion just as he was about to leave the classroom, followed by the principal & policemen. "C-can I come with him? Please?" he rather begged, looking with hope at the policeman. Whatever it was, he wanted to support Jungkook and stay at his side, hoping that this would make him feel at ease.
The principal ignored that and simply walked out, dragging Jungkook with him who was wide-eyed looking at Tae, as if screaming an insecure yes. The last policeman to leave the classroom shook his head, being the only one to respond to the tensed male.
"No, just Jungkook. It'll take just a minute or two." the tanned policeman answered with a nod, and then left, closing the door as he did so. And as if someone pushed a button, the class started murmuring to each other, sharing their puzzled thoughts.
Taehyung slowly sat down on his seat again, fingernails digging into his table. The feelable worry in his chest was heavy as he was thinking about what was possibly going on. Then, he raised his eyes at the teacher, frowning when seeing that... he was praying.
It didn't take long, just as the policeman said, a minute or two. As that passed, the door to the class opened rougher than before, an angry woman with glasses stomping inside, as well as the policemen from before, walking ahead, straight to the teacher. The murmurs of the class immediately died down, watching with terrified eyes as to what was going to happen right now.
It happened in an blink of an eye when Hoseok was pushed against the wall roughly after being turned around, a gasp leaving his lips. The policeman swiftly started checking if he had any potential weapons with him, while the other one with the glasses started getting out handcuffs, wrapping them tightly behind his back afterwards.
"Mr. Jung," Mrs. principal spoke loudly and angrily through the puzzled classroom, glaring at the teacher who was having his eyes widened at the act, cat getting his tongue.
"You are now officially fired from this school due to sexual harassment on a student, which was proven and admitted by the student himself, as well as by eye-witnesses. I won't tolerate you at this school any longer than this, and you'll bear serious consequences for what you did."
Tons of deeply surprised gasps filled the classroom, and it took a while until all the classmates fully progressed that information. The frozen man seemed as if his ghost suddenly left his body. All he could do was progress how he was being arrested, and it all happened so fast that, all the wide-eyed, shaking male could say to his defense, was mere, definitely unconvincing blabbering of no's. Realizing that, the students were now looking at him, horrified.
"He doesn't have any weapons with him," the first policeman spoke to the other, gaining a nod. He continued speaking, this time turned to the principal. "We'll be taking him with us now."
The principal huffed at that but nodded, shooting last daggers at the pedophile that was now being forcefully dragged out of the classroom, the innocent students still not believing what they've just heard.
"I sincerely hope you will rott in your cell." the principal spoke as Hoseok passed her. However he didn't even bother to look at her, since as time passed by, he just stared forward with a dark expression on his face, knowing too well that his fake attitude and all the good, solid reputation he had, was crushed in within not even three whole minutes. They were about to leave the room.
But as Taehyung sat there, progressing everything he has heard slowly, it made a click inside his head, loud and clear enough to make him snap.
Forcefully, he stood up, his chair being thrown back at the impact. He ignored the fact that everyone in the room, including the policemen, stopped their tracks, right in front of the door, turning back to Taehyung. His feet moved on their own as he hurried right after them, not minding that the principal was in his way, eyes red and furious as if he could kill, focusing the one and only that has hurt his Jungkook.
He was about to throw a punch at the culprit as he passed the principal swiftly, if not the woman that grabbed his arm just in time and stopped him from his aggressive act, classmates gasping as they thought the punch would really land.
"Trust me. I'd love to do the same," the principal spoke dryly, slowly putting Tae's raised arm down. "But this will only get yourself in trouble. Don't. do that."
Taehyung didn't respond but snatched his arm away, breathing heavily as he stared at the ex-teacher, imagining how he'd violently make him pay, gritting his teeth, not liking how.. how nonchalantly Hoseok was staring back. As if he didn't feel any guilt. Any. Just a blank stare. And this just made Taehyung's insides want to hurt him more.
The policemen stayed silent for a while, then nodded, as the situation was handled well by the principal. "We'll be going then," the man in glasses spoke, Hoseok still looking back at Taehyung without any clearly readable expression, until they left and disappeared from his sight.
The class was now silently staring at the principal and Taehyung, who turned to the woman after trying to calm down.
"Where is he."
"Right outside of the classroom, he called for you. Better go to him now" the woman said, and Tae nodded, immediately hurrying out of the classroom, leaving the principal with the students alone.
As soon as Tae walked out, his eyes were immediately searching for the boy, for his boy. His mind and soul were filled with Jungkook, with worry, with anxiety.
He didn't need to search long, as soon as his eyes landed on a boy ranting in front of two other known males, he immediately stormed over, practically running to him.
Arms were wrapped around Jungkook tightly, squeezing him as he turned to hug him, completely ignoring Yoongi and Jimin. Jungkook gasped.
"Oh my god- baby," Taehyung whispered, voice breaking as he was holding him tightly. "I'm so so so fucking sorry that I didn't realize anything sooner- fuck, w-why didn't you tell me?" he asked softly, burying his face into Jungkook's neck.
"T-Tae," Jungkook stuttered out, tears dwelling in his eyes and heart breaking at how broken his boyfriend himself sounded.
"I am so sorry, I-If I knew, I swear I would have done something, a-anything, I-I would have n-never even allowed him t-to—" it was at the point where Taehyung was tearing up himself, guilt overcoming his mind completely.
"Tae please calm down, I-I'm fine" Jungkook stuttered out, softly hugging back, fingers trailing on the back of the crying male to console him. Finally, after some time, Taehyung put himself together, sniffed, and looked up back at Jungkook with red, guilt filled eyes.
"Baby, I-I'm so sorry, a-are you okay? Are y-you okay n-now?" he asked, taking a better look at Jungkook, as if he'd be trying to look out for details he wasn't paying attention to before, anything that'd hint him feeling uneasy.
The warmth creating around his heart caused a little smile to adorn on Jungkook's lips. "Yes Tae, Now I'm okay, really. It's all fine, I'm fine." he spoke softly as he consoled him, making Taehyung sigh in relief, and blink his tears away slowly, staring with a warm smile at his boyfriend.
And like this, there was a little, cozy silence between them, just being all lovey dovey with each other. Yoongi smiled a bit, but then frowned when he started hearing quiet mumbling. He peeked to to his side.
Jimin was there, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth hardly, glaring at the couple in front of them. His mouth was mumbling something, which was becoming louder and louder.
"Everything is in vain.... it wasn't supposed to end like this... you were supposed TO BE MINE!" he suddenly shouted out loud angrily. Taehyung and Jeongguk flinched at the loud sound, looking straight to the source of it.
"You weren't supposed to end up with that guy! You were supposed to end up with ME! No one else, but me! I- urgh!" he complained, ruffling his hair in annoyance and looking elsewhere. Taehyung froze for a second.
Slowly, he was letting go of Jungkook, and turned to Jimin, his eyes darkening as he was getting more and more suspicious. "What the fuck? What are you talking about right now?" he said, with a hint of a dangerous tone in his voice.
Yoongi and Jungkook were silently watching as Jimin exploded with frustration.
"I didn't make that fucking deal with Hoseok just for you to stay with that ugly little shit, alright?!" he retorted, glaring at Taehyung. Then, it made a click in Taehyung's mind. his eye twitched.
"Wait... are you saying that—"
"Yes! Yes, exactly! I'm the culprit behind everything!! I'm the one who made the teacher harass this piece of shit. And you know why? Because I wanted you to leave him. Because you're mine, only mine. But of course, my plans got ruined!" He laughed, sarcastically smiling, but then he started glaring when his eyes landed on Jeongguk, the furiosity overcoming him again. "and instead, you're here fucking hugging him a-and everything."
Taehyung lost it.
Within seconds, he rushed over with his whole chest to Jimin, and grabbed him by his collar tightly. "You fucking bitch," he hissed, darkened eyes dripping with venom and hatred. "I'll kill you."
Jimin was smiling brightly, even though he wasn't in the position to be laughing and smiling right now. He seemed crazy. "Try it!" He laughed into Taehyung's face, visibly amused. Then, he started fake-pouting. "But then, you'll get in trouble and won't be able to see your little bunny anymore... aww.."
The grip on his collar tightened. "Do not. Call him that." he threatened, yet Jimin couldn't help but smirk. "What?~" he said, tilting his head. "Little bunny?"
And before the situation could escalate even more by Taehyung throwing a punch into Jimin's face, Yoongi momentarily tore them apart from each other, pushing them away. "That's enough," he said sternly, and then looked to Tae. "Don't let him get to you."
Taehyung glared a Jimin a little more, indicating how lucky he was that Yoongi was there to save his ass. Then, he turned to Jungkook, who was staring at the whole situation all the time, already been informed about Jimin's doings.
"Babe," he whispered, and the boy looked at him. "Let's get our stuff and get the hell out of here. I need to talk with you," he said, wrapping an arm around the younger. Jungkook frowned. "I-is it something bad?"
"No, of course not, don't worry" he whispered with a reassuring smile, and the boy smiled in relief, nodding. Then, they walked off to the direction of their classroom. Yoongi and Jimin stood there, watching the two walk through the door. They themselves still had to wait for the principal to come and judge Jimin's consequences properly, along with a policeman that would eventually return after Hoseok was secured in the police car.
The black-haired one took a glance to his side again, watching Jimin's empty, yet somehow amused eyes staring after them. He knew that Jimin realized by now that he lost this unfair fight.
But what stabbed his heart for the last time was the fact that, Jimin didn't seem to care that he also lost someone else, which wasn't Taehyung,
But somebody that loved him once, with all of his heart.
Sorry for the long wait, but this part was really hard to write. I was always dissatisfied with how I wrote things and I was really anxious that it's just boringly written.
I hope you liked the chapter. Next one is the last one!
After that, there's a message I wanna tell my readers. So please stay tuned uwu
-Love, Mira💞
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