Y'all I just noticed that I already used Seokjin as a doctor in the story lmaoo
Let's all pretend Seokjin is like the doctor who has a son called Jin that is attending High school, lmao I'm sorry for that fail ):
Anyways, hope u enjoy!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Taehyung was currently sitting in his math lessons, the voice of Mr. Jung and his scribbling on the whiteboard just being some background music to him as he was dazing off, staring down onto his opened textbook and some unfinished formulas written down on it.
It was raining. Heavy clouds were adorning the canopy, leaving the world looking all dull and grayish due to today's weather. Drops of water kept hitting the windows, only to then flow down quickly like a waterfall. But the weather suited Taehyung's emotions perfectly. He was pensive and worried.
But most of all, he was confused.
Since his conversation with Yoongi yesterday, he couldn't focus at all. the black-haired male's words kept on spinning around in his head, like a never-ending carousel.
"You claim to be his boyfriend, but you don't know a thing."
Don't know what? Taehyung thought. So he's hiding something for sure. But what is it? And why won't he tell me?
"You better go ask him yourself instead of being here and treating me like some dumb fucking love rival. You two absolutely need to talk."
Does he... does he have a problem with me? Is it perhaps related to our relationship? Is he unhappy? Is something bothering him about me, but he's too scared to tell me? Or maybe it's just some personal problem? In his private life, like family?
"Let's just say that he opened up to me. And I'm telling you, things are not good. But I promised not to tell anyone. So you better move your ass to him right fucking now, and listen, talk. The sooner, the better."
He opened up to him...? Taehyung asked himself a million, unanswered questions, furrowing his eyebrows. But why? They probably barely know each other! Or is he that desperate that he needs someone to talk to? What IS happening with my Kook?
"Kim Taehyung, could you tell me the solution of problem three?" Mr. Jung asked, ready to scribble the correct answer said by the student onto the board while staring at the problem in the textbook he was holding in his other hand.
However Taehyung said nothing. He remained silent, causing the classmates and the teacher to slowly turn around to look at him, Jungkook included.
"Taehyung?" Mr. Jung asked, looking at him with enlarged eyes, expecting an answer. Yet nothing again, Taehyung was too drowned in his thoughts, it was useless.
Some classmates started murmuring to each other, while Mr. Jung just sighed. "Alright, Jungkook will answer, then." he said, making the said boy flinch in his seat, looking wide-eyed at the teacher. "W-what?" he murmured.
"Give me the solution of this problem, Jungkookie." he said, smiling friendlily at him, again holding the chalk up to write. Jungkook gulped, looked down at his textbook and shyly answered. He did it quietly, but it was loud enough for the teacher to hear, scribbling the correct answer with a proud smile onto the whiteboard.
"Good job, Jungkookie! I see that you are feeling better, eh?" he said, a sunshine grin plastered on his face which radiated empathy and softness. Little did everybody besides Jungkook in the room know, that his smile was only a fake fasade.
Some classmates started murmuring in suspicion about the nickname the math teacher was giving his student.
"You think they're close?"
"Maybe Jungkook is just depressed, or has personal problems, and Mr. Jung is helping him out.. at least it looks like that's the case!"
"Yeah, think so too. He's such a great teacher!"
"Definitely, it's good to know that you can tell him about your personal stuff. Mr. Jung truly is an angel..."
Murmurs like this made Jungkook feel sick. No, no, no! he thought to himself, eyes getting watery. It's not like this! It's not like this at all! He's- he's terrible, he's rough, he touches me without permission, a-and that ugly smirk on his face while disrespecting me, I hate—
"Jungkookie? A-are you crying?" Hoseok suddenly exclaimed louder in surprise and gasped. His eyes widened in worry as he quickly put the textbook down, his and the whole class's attention being all on Jungkook now, making him feel even more uncomfortable than he was already feeling.
"What? N-no, i-it's nothing," he quickly spoke, hiding his teary face into the opened textbook, ears turning red from embarrassment. But that wasn't enough for Mr. Jung to shake the topic off. "No no, I can clearly see that... 'it' ... is coming back..." he said, looking sadly at him and crossing his arms.
Jungkook frowned, and peeked from above the textbook to Hoseok. What is he saying? Is he making something up right now? But why?
"I see. I am sorry for pushing you too much... how about you come to the faculty room again, later? I can listen to what happened, als always. Remember, I am there for you." Hoseok smiled gently, receiving glares from Jungkook.
This bastard.. He really is making everyone here think that I'm telling him my problems, and that this pedophile is supporting me! What a fucking liar! This way, no one would ever believe me about him harassing me!!
"Oh my god, so our theory is right!"
"So he really has depressions?... poor guy."
"I'm happy he has Mr. Jung by his side, I bet he's a great listener."
Hoseok smiled sincerely at Jungkook once again, before turning to the class. "Of course guys, if you are having a problem too, you can always come to me! See me as your friend that listens to your problems."
"Yeees~" the class said in unison, excluding two guys. One that was sending silent death glares at the teacher, and the other staring right at Jungkook, like throughout this whole spectacle just now.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The bell has rung for lunchtime, making all the students leave the loud classroom with their food & group of friends. The teacher was still sitting on his chair, concentratedly writing some stuff down as always. As Taehyung stood up, he noticed that Jungkook was actually the first one to run out of the classroom, his seat being completely empty.
His eyes twitched at that sight, holding a rather sad expression. What he heard before made him think. Does everyone around us know about Jungkook's problem? First Yoongi, and now a teacher? Why won't you talk to me, Jungkook?
He instinctively turned his head to the teacher, staring at how he was silently writing stuff down into a different textbook. He frowned.
So he knows, huh?
With that in mind, Taehyung walked up to Mr. Jung after everyone besides the two of them left. The teacher who has recently colored his hair red looked up, blinking. "Oh, Taehyung!" he greeted, the smile on his lips rarely leaving his face, as Tae was slowly making his way towards him. "What brings you to m—"
A strong slam onto the table with both hands cut off the teacher, at the same time surprising him as Taehyung leant to him a little, half glaring.
"Mr. Jung," he spoke dryly, keeping eye contact with the puzzled teacher. "I need you to tell me what is wrong with Jungkook."
Silence was followed by innocent blinking. It took Hoseok a while before he looked lower a little, a cut off chuckle, as well as a sigh was leaving his lips with a gentle smile. "I see that you are worried for your friend, Taehyung. But- apparently, I promised him to not tell anybody. He has his trust in me."
The vein that was popping out of his neck and the jaw he was clenching were clear signs enough for his raising anger, yet the teacher of mathematics was completely composed, smiling warmly. "I do understand that you just want to help him. But don't worry! I'm in charge of that."
"Teacher," the tall male started again, eyes darkening. "I don't think you can do that job as well as I could."
"Then... how come he didn't tell you about it? If you can support him better than me...? No offense of course!" Hoseok laughed cheerfully, slowly letting his laughter die down by the awkward silence in the room, and how sternly his student was staring at him, not being in the mood to laugh at all.
Hoseok cleared his throat, noticing that no matter how kind he'd be, Taehyung would still be cold and distanced. He sighed. "Listen Taehyung, I really can't tell you. Why don't you try asking him yourself?"
"If he won't tell me, I'll figure this out by myself. No matter what it is. And if it's someone bugging him," Taehyung whispered in a dangerous tone, leaning closer to his teachers face to stare directly at him, to signalize what of a dangerous opponent he was being, "I swear I won't show any mercy. You have my word, Mr. Jung." he spoke.
"Of course, of course! I believe you. Let's get that guy!" Hoseok smiled encouragingly. However Taehyung raised an eyebrow at his words.
"Which guy?"
"...Huh?" Hoseok laughed. "What do you mean?"
"You just said, let's get that guy. Which guy? So there's some dipshit threatening him?" he breathed a little heavier, glaring at his teach. He was oblivious to the fact that the latter just cursed at himself mentally for his mistake there. "Oh... right, I'm not supposed to say anything. I'm sorry Taehyung, this conversation is over," he said, quickly standing up and getting his stuff.
"You better also go and enjoy lunchtime while you can! See you around" He gently smiled, patted his shoulder twice while passing him and cheerfully walked out.
Taehyung slowly turned back to Hoseok, watching the way he was even whistling while leaving the classroom.
"How the fuck can he whistle and act this unbothered, knowing someone is threatening Kook...?" Taehyung whispered, staring after the teach.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"... and then Jin said that Namjoon's brain was sexy. I swear, I cringed so hard, like, can't he be more obvious about his crush?" Yoongi said a bit messily while chewing his bread, gulping down the food. Jimin just hummed, looking around as they were sitting in the cafeteria, Yoongi sitting across of Jimin.
"But it's not like it's bad, I mean, Namjoon is pretty obvious too. He thinks no one notices how he stares at Jin's abs in the lockers, or how he always steals glances when Jin is wiping the sweat off his forehead with his shirt. Like, he looks like he'd want to jump at him any moment," Yoongi said, and took another bite of his fat bread.
Another hum came from Jimin which was meant to show that he was listening to Yoongi, yet his eyes kept wandering around the cafeteria. Jimin seemed tensed, perhaps worried.
He had his leg over the other, wearing a long, blue-white striped jacket which hid his hands a little, jacket being opened, revealing his white t-shirt, black, ripped jeans and white puma shoes finishing off his look. Yoongi meanwhile wore one of his favorite black, oversized hoodies and simple, blue jeans with matt-black adidas shoes.
"You fine?" The male asked after he stared at Jimin for a while, noticing that he wasn't paying attention at all. Jimin hummed once again, making Yoongi sigh deeply and put his bread down onto the table, remain silent for a little.
"Looking out for him again, huh?" he said a bit too bitterly than he actually planned to. As expected, another uncaring, approving hum came from Jimin's mouth. Yoongi closed his eyes for a short moment and exhaled through his nose, composing his jealousy. When he finished, he opened them again.
"Jimin, I need your help." Yoongi whispered, and- to his surprise, Jimin finally turned his head to him, blinking his lashes. "You do?" he simply asked, receiving a nod as an answer.
"There's- there's a problem here in this school, and I'm... I'm not supposed to tell you, or anyone, anything. But I'm in an dead-end right now, and this guy really needs help, so, the thing is—"
A loud ringtone suddenly blurred into Yoongi's words, immediately catching Jimin's attention and making Yoongi grit his teeth. The timing was absolutely horrible, he thought. Nevertheless, Jimin fished out the phone out of his pocket, and looked at the display.
Yoongi sighed and looked away, not catching the small detail of Jimin' eyebrows twitching as he read who was calling him. "I need to get that real quick. Wait here" he said as he stood up, making Yoongi look at him. "Who's calling you, anyways?"
He asked, yet Jimin didn't respond and instead just rushed to the doors of the cafeteria, not wanting to pick up the call nearby all of these students. Yoongi frowned, but shrugged in the end, again taking a bite of his bread. I'll just ask him later, he thought.
His eyes started roaming around the white-walled and lively room, with lots of students around him & on other tables, just enjoying their lunch-time.
His dark-brownish orbs however stopped wandering around when they recognized a well too known presence sitting at one of the many round tables, just enjoying his drink, which looked like strawberry milk.
Yoongi blinked, and was just standing up, about to take a seat right next to him, but that's when he noticed how the cafeteria's doors opened, Taehyung walking in. With that, he slowly lowered himself back onto the seat, eyes watching the little scene that was about to happen.
Taehyung meanwhile looked around the cafeteria, seeming a little angry, frustrated. His dark eyes focused on searching, and when he spotted a boy drinking strawberry milk lonely at a table, he knew he found what he was looking for.
As soon as he arrived next to the peacefully drinking Jungkook, he slammed his hand down onto the table, which caused some students nearby to take a look at what happened. The boy flinched in surprise, looking up to the cause of his precious milk spilling a little onto the table.
Jungkook widened his eyes and when he recognized his boyfriend. "T.. Taehyung-" he murmured, watching how the boy he didn't talk to for a day took the next chair and pulled it closer to him, sitting down to directly face him. His expression was a serious one, which made Jungkook instinctively gulp.
"We need to talk," he simply said, staring at his boyfriend. "It's about your problem. I know there's something wrong with you, Kookie. And I'm not the only one that knows that."
Once again, Jungkook gulped his saliva down his dry throat, keeping the eye contact. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," he murmured, quickly looking down and wanting to clean the table, but unfortunately, he didn't have any tissues with him. "I'm fine."
"Drop that fucking act, Jungkook," Taehyung warned, tilting his head a little. "Just tell me what's wrong already. How come you can tell that one guy from the basketball team, and a teacher, but not me? Your best friend! and boyfriend!" he complained a little louder due to frustration.
"Tae..." Jungkook said sadly, looking at him in hope for compassion. "I-I can't tell you. I didn't tell anybody, no one! I don't know why Mr. Jung said all those stuff!" he insisted, but Taehyung only shook his head, scoffing. "You're still lying? Why?"
"I'm not lying."
"You are. Why is it so hard to tell me the truth? I would have already helped you if you did so."
"I said, I'm not lying!"
"Why the fuck you lying?"
"I'M. NOT. LYING !! " Jungkook shouted, making the cafeteria quiet down a bit. Taehyung blinked, didn't quite expect him to shout. Students nearby whispered to each other a little, wondering what kind of heated argument Taehyung and Jungkook were having. Jungkook, feeling uneasy by the curious, confused stares at him as he looked around, he quiet down quickly, and sighed.
"I'm not lying, Tae..." he repeated, much quieter than before while looking down. People nearby, seeing that nothing really was going on, nonchalantly continued on what they've been doing before.
"Then... what is it, Kookie? Why won't you tell me what is wrong with you?" Taehyung asked, also way calmer than before. And when Jungkook looked up to steal a glance at the composed boyfriend, he noticed how his expression faded into a sad one.
Gently, Taehyung's hand wandered to Jungkook's on his lap, giving it a tender squeeze. "Kookie. You know that you can tell me anything. Anything. And I will always help you. This will make things so much easier, trust me. I-I'm not even mad anymore because of two days ago, I realized that you're just really dealing with something big, and I want to help. Badly."
Jungkook's eyes softened at his words. "Taehyung..."
A smile lightened up Taehyung's expression. "I'm here for you, okay? How about- I'll give you time, and you'll tell me everything? Is that okay?" he reassured, carefully caressing the hand of the other.
Jungkook thought about it a little, and suddenly- he felt a sparkle inside of him. Something being born. Something warm that he didn't feel since the harassment has begun.
"Okay," Jungkook said, his happiness formed into a tender smile. "Give me- t-three days. How does that sound?" he asked, and Taehyung flashed a boxy grin. "That sounds just perfect, Kookie. I'm so happy you chose to trust me!" He giggled happily, scooting closer to his seat to hug him tightly, turning into a fluffball.
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at that act, adoring how happy his boyfriend looked. He wrapped his arms around Tae, caressing his back, clearly hearing how his own heart was beating fast. He decided that he wouldn't want to take Tae's happiness away.
He'd tell him everything, with the time passing by. For Tae's sake, and his own.
For their sake.
While the couple was happily reconciling again, Yoongi watched the scene curiously, finishing his bread, and another sandwich he had. Gulping down the last bite, the pale basketball-player simply smiled to himself, having no further thoughts anymore, his worries lessening.
Meanwhile, Jimin was walking back to the cafeteria, having a glare adorned onto his face after a quite triggering phone call with none other than Mr. Jung, who informed him about Taehyung being suspicious. Very suspicious. And that wasn't good at all.
In fact, it was so bad that Jimin needed to change his plans a little, fasten things up. And he was sure that, the moment he walked into the cafeteria and spotted his Taehyung cuddling with Jungkook, who even sat on his lap, all giggling and smiling to each other like that sick love couple they were & he hated, he knew he was drastically losing his patience.
Fortunately for Jungkook, it was about the time when Jimin started to stumble upon problematic rocks that threatened his downfall, as well as Hoseok's.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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