20 - Mean Girl
Wattpad's going a bit crazy so sorry if the formatting is weird.
Important plot and a little bit of #MAVI.
Chapter 20.
"You will receive an inspection within the next month. We will not give you anymore warning so be ready."
Kirstie and Tori were writing faster than ever before.
"We have been made aware of your current financial issues and need to check everything is running smoothly."
Kirstie knew this was going to happen.
"Because if it isn't... Miss.Maldonado, I'm sorry but we'll have to shut your school down."
The caller hung up leaving both women in a stunned silence.
They couldn't shut her school. The kids loved it, well as much as students could love school, and teachers were generally happy.
They'd already had to fire a lot of staff and she couldn't even think about everyone else losing their jobs because the school they work at no longer exists.
"Woah." Tori commented pushing her paper away.
Would they be ready for an inspection?
Would the school look good enough? Would it be running smoothly enough to stay open?
She needed a financial director to help her with budgeting but that would mean spending even more money. She needed every student on target and getting the best results.
And more importantly she needed every single teacher to be on their best behaviour.
The hallways were quiet and Avi was grateful for some peace.
His sleeping pattern had been ruined by the dreams of his enemy so he was running on basically no sleep that morning.
He started walking towards their shared room when he heard footsteps behind him. He thought it may have been a student by the speed of them but when he turned around he saw Mr.Hoying.
"Avi!" He shouted.
The math rooms were quite a bit away so he was out of breath and panting.
"Hi?" Avi stopped and waited for him to catch up.
Scott was soon back to normal and patted Avi's shoulder. Avi just gave him a weird look that said: 'what the hell is wrong with you?'
"How's my favourite music teacher?" He smiled keeping his hand on Avi's shoulder.
He used it to push him forwards down the hall towards the drama/music room.
"Good?" Avi had no idea what Mr.Hoying had taken that morning but it probably involved caffeine or some other drug.
Scott knew Mitch wasn't at school yet and took the opportunity to talk with Avi in their room.
"I was hoping we could get to know each other a bit."
"That's wild!"
The staff room was busier than usual. It was noisier too, probably down to one particularly loud conversation.
"I know man, he's crazy."
A firm pat on the back was given for his recent accomplishment.
"I still can't believe I did it. It was like one second I was with my friends and the next I was falling."
The retelling of a dare gone wrong had proved a conversation all three men could enjoy.
"Hey?" A voice called from behind them.
Kevin, Scott and Avi turned away from each other to look at the irritated teacher stood behind him with his arms folded and an intense glare on his face.
"Oh hi, Mitch." Scott replied happily biting into his sandwich he'd forgotten all about.
Mitch looked to his and Scott's usual seats which were now occupied by two other teachers.
"What's everyone doing here?" He asked refusing to sit down. His tone was cold and pointed.
Kevin didn't know much about Mitch apart from that he was best friends with Scott. He felt a little like he was intruding on their friendship.
"Scott looked a bit lonely all on his own."
Avi shrugged not wanting to tell the story of Scott begging him and Kevin to join him at lunch.
"That's because I was gonna sit with him."
And the sassiest award goes to Mr.Grassi.
Kevin looked even more uncomfortable and Avi frowned.
Scott hated arguments or any type of negativity for that matter so he rolled his eyes at his friend and turned back around.
"Stop being such a mean girl, they can sit with us." He whined earning a small laugh from Avi.
Mitch pushed his bag to the ground and sat in the only seat available, the one next to Avi.
"So bungee jumping?"
Kevin broke the ice like a chisel into a sculpture; with dedication and precision.
"When did you go, last week?"
The conversation arose again before any more awkwardness could ensue.
"Yeah. I'd never thought I'd actually go through with it."
Mitch picked up on the conversation quickly. Kevin went bungee jumping last week and Avi and Scott were shocked. He had to admit, Kevin definitely didn't look like the type of person to go bungee jumping.
"I was quite calm actually, I didn't even need someone to push me." Kevin added.
"Woah, I was not like that when I went sky driving. I was so confident before and then I got up there and I honestly didn't think I was gonna do it."
Scott replied with his own tales of tackling death-defying heights.
"I've never done anything like that." Avi said in awe of them for doing something so crazy.
"Me neither, it's stupid. I don't get what you can like about falling to your death." Mitch crossed his arms making his point very clear.
Kevin still didn't like that he and Avi were making him that upset so was about to make up an excuse to leave. But Scott spoke first.
"It's the adrenaline rush." The blond described.
Kevin nodded in agreement but Avi and Mitch made weird faces.
"I get mine from doing other things." Mitch joked smirking at the group.
"Yeah?" Avi asked through a breath, teasing him like Mitch always does.
Mitch grinned and unfolded his arms.
Scott choked on his food.
The brunette opened his mouth to reply to Avi but was interupted by Scott's coughing.
Maybe Avi and Mitch didn't need much help to get together. They were already flirting like boyfriends without even knowing it.
"Where's Esther?" Kevin asked to stop anymore strange conversation.
Scott and Mitch looked around at the room but couldn't see her. Avi didn't even turn around.
"Probably with Darien, they're never apart." He replied rolling his eyes.
Scott and Mitch turned back towards the table and Kevin continued with his food.
"Are they together?" Mitch questioned.
He didn't know the history teacher was seeing Esther.
"Yeah, engaged and everything." Avi responded.
"Oh my god, when?" Scott stopped everything, excited for some news about marriage.
He was always excited for anything to do with marriages... or babies.
"Last year maybe? I don't know." Avi shrugged having no idea when Darien proposed.
Scott was disappointed to not hear the details of the engagement. He'd have to find Esther later.
"She's your sister." Mitch said, confused as to why Avi didn't care about his sibling.
"Exactly." Avi chuckled.
No one at the table could really relate to that. Kevin was involved with all of his siblings, Mitch was very close with his sister, and Scott turned into a literal puppy when he found out any news from his family.
Suddenly Avi thought of something to talk about.
"I forgot to ask, how's Alyssa." He asked looking at Kevin.
Avi felt a bit guilty he'd forgotten to ask before then but he'd had a lot going on in his own life. Most of which involved the man sat next to him.
"Better now, doctors said it was nothing." Kevin waved his hand in dismissal thinking back to that late night.
"That's good." Avi nodded stealing some of Kevin's food from his plate.
"What happened?" Scott asked Kevin, putting his hand to his chest at the mention of doctors.
Kevin smiled at his caring nature and began to talk.
"My fiancée is pregnant and was having some pains. That's why I've been gone for a couple of days." He explained to Mitch and Scott.
"Oh my god, that's amazing." Mitch clapped and then realised what he'd said.
"Not the pain bit but the pregnancy." He quickly added, blushing.
Avi hated that he found it cute. For God's sake hormones- control yourself.
"When's it due?" Scott asked happy the conversation was onto babies. He thought of his nephew and smiled even wider.
"Um, six ish months. I can't remember the exact date."
Kevin knew Alyssa would be mad he couldn't remember so he made a mental note to learn the date when he got home.
"Aw! Imagine little baby Kevins running around." Scott squealed happily.
Avi laughed at the thought. "With a little tie and briefcase." He said with a smile.
The other three laughed and Mitch was finally starting to feel calmer.
"Boy or girl?" Scott asked wanting to carry on the talk of babies.
He was going crazy with this baby shit. Maybe he'd have to visit Landon to shake it off.
"Excuse me. The question is 'what gender?'" Mitch said with his perfect eyebrows raised.
Scott rolled his eyes at him and replied. "It can't have a gender yet, it just has a sex."
Mitch looked away realising he was wrong. He hated being wrong, it wasn't normal.
There was a moment of silence before Avi voiced his question.
"What's the difference?"
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