Chapter 8
A few days have past and Kai and I have spend 98% of the time in bed. I have never felt more loved then I have these past few days. He has made love to me so gentle that I actually cried after from being overcome with so much emotions. When we were not making love he was making sure I ate and wasn't in pain. He would run me a bath and let me have some alone time. I am really in love with him but I fear today.
Today is the day that we practice alone for the show before we join the rest of the dancers. I am dreading this day so much. If he gets the part to replace Taemins partner I know I will get jealous. It's the human thing to do right? He did sleep with him after all and wanted to be with him till he got turned down. Is that what I am, am I second best to him? . Deep down I hope I'm not but me being human will have these sort of feelings.
"Hey beautiful are you ready?" he shouts into me as I pull on my winter jumper. The weather has been so cold and the snow had fallen so hard its a struggle to get through it but we have to the show must go on as they say.
Leaving his bedroom I join him in the sitting room." Ready" I smile towards him as he pulls on his boots. "Come here you look too over dressed" he pulls me closer kissing my neck seductively. "Hey get off we need to get going" I playfully push him away making him pout.
"I know you're right let's get going" he passes me my boots he picked up for me one day when he went to my apartment and told me not to move from the bed which I was happy with as it gave me time to sleep a little without him kissing me over and over.
"Kai whatever happens today don't get mad at the dance teacher please" I pull on my boots before looking up at him nodding "I promise I will behave I want this part baby" he holds open my coat for me and helps me put it on as I button it up as he gets ready.
Reaching the practice hall he booked we change into our dance clothes and turn on the music. I take a deep breath as I have to pretend I'm Taemin. Getting into position he places his hands around my waist the way he is supposed to and I find myself getting jealous. He has to do this with Taemin and its pretty close.
We dance some more and we get that close it's like we are nearly having sex with the moves. I lose my concentration and fall to the floor.
"Baby let's take a break ok" he turns off the music and sits on the floor beside me. "Are you ok?" he touches my arm as I nod my head afraid to look up at him because if I do I will cry.
"I'm ok" I sniff giving it away as he reaches out touching my chin making me look up at him.
"Everything will be fine. I know I am asking so much of you to do this and to also see me with him like this but I promise you, you are all I want and love" He gently kisses my cheek kissing away my tears.
"Today is hard for me if you get to dance with him especially how raunchy this dance is. I know I will be jealous Kai"
"Let's go home then I won't try out for the part" he stands up holding out his hand making me shocked.
"No try out for the part please I know you can do it. I know it's what you want more in life so do it" I wipe a stray tear and kiss his cheek.
"I want you also in my life and I have that, now all I need is this part and for you to move in with me and then my world is perfect" he smiles making my jaw nearly hit the floor from what he just said.
"Move in?" I watch as he laughs and pulls me into his chest closer hugging me as he giggles "We can talk about that another day let's do one thing at a time" he kisses the top of my head before we get back to our practice.
" Ok this dancing is shit, what the hell is going on people we are opening in 2 months time and we still can't get the parts right. Take 5 while I have a cigarette" the director walks out of the hall making me nudge Kai in his side to go after him. He gives me a nervous grin as he rushes out to follow him leaving me nervous for him.
A good 20 minutes have passed and I am sweating worrying if I should have gone out to check on them. All the dancers in the hall are looking around worried as our dance teacher checks his watch over and over.
"OK sorry about that everyone, on your feet please" the director shouts as I stand up with the others as Kai finally rushes in the door and stands beside the director.
"Ok Taemin I want you to dance with Kai" I cover my mouth from letting out an excited scream as Kai just winks at me.
"What, are you kidding me?" Taemin stands in shock looking at the director
"It's my show I kid you not, now dance" the director signals for the music to be turned on and Kai gets into position placing his hands on Taemins waist. They start to dance and I really don't want to see it but I can't seem to close my eyes. Kai is amazing he is doing the dance properly just as we were taught and how we practiced it earlier.
"Amazing" the director shouts as the rest of us clap excited that finally we can get this show together.
"Again" he shouts as the music starts again and I watch Kai and every place his hand touches on Taemins body makes me jealous. Taemin spots me and smiles as if he is enjoying me suffering. I tried to hide it as best I can knowing I am close to tears.
The music stops and the crowd again cheers. "Ok perfect all be back here tomorrow around 4 o'clock as I need to think" the director leaves as we all head to our bags.
"How did I do baby?" Kai hungs me around my waist from behind kissing my neck. "You did amazing" I turn in his arms and kiss his lips as he pulls me closer to hug him. My eyes catch sight of Taemin looking at us and it's my turn to make him jealous. I squeeze Kai's ass making him bite his lip and throw me over his shoulder. "Excuse me all, me and my man need to get home quick" he grabs our things as we head outside laughing before he puts me back onto my feet.
"Put your coat on baby I can't have you getting sick" he holds it open for me and wraps it around me.
"What we doing tonight then?" I wait as he puts his coat on as I hold his bag for him.
"I was thinking my new man would like to maybe join me in the bath after all our dancing and then maybe a massage" he leans his arm across my shoulders as we leave the building.
"Your massages turn into sex" I giggle into his chest as he kisses my forehead.
"Well well well, I hope you don't go celebrating you won't get the part next to me" We both turn to see Taemin standing next to a Bentley about to climb into it.
"Let's go Kai" I try to turn him but he won't move
"Go run off home now and cry because you will never be a great dancer you're a backing dancer and always will be. I'm the star of this show not some wannabe, goodnight" Taemin climbs into the car and drives off as Kai finally turns
"Now as I was saying massage..... yes..... you do me first and then it's my turn to do you all night" he pulls me closer into him again making me wonder if he even registered what just happened.
"Kai aren't you gonna say anything about what just happend?"
"Nope I don't need to, I didn't scream at anyone in the street. Now let's get you out of the snow my little penguin" he holds out his arm for me to link as we make our way to his apartment.
The fact he didn't react is making me more worried then if he had of said something. Maybe he is being truthful maybe he wants to change and by everything I have seen today maybe he really has.
Let's see how long it will last though if he does get the part
To be continued....
❤️C ❤️
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