Chapter 4
"Hey D.O, I was shouting didn't you hear me" Chanyeol appears alongside Kyungsoo driving his car while trying to keep his eye on the road. "Sorry Chanyeol I had my earphones in '' Kyungsoo looks up and down the sidewalk as he makes his way over to Chanyeol's car. "Where are you heading?I can drive you there if you like. It's freezing out" Chanyeol reaches an arm across the car opening the door as Kyungsoo climbs inside closing it. "Thank you " He smiles removing his gloves while rubbing his hands together feeling the warmth. "I was just going to the mall to buy something new" Kyungsoo looks at Chanyeol while they begin driving as the taller seems to be staring at him and not the road.
"Have I something on my face?" Kyungsoo blushes while touching his face, making the taller laugh. "No, your cheeks are just red from the cold" Chanyeol smirks, wanting to reach out and touch them so badly and hold him close to his body keeping him warm but knows he shouldn't.
"D.O I was wondering if maybe...........oh never mind" Chanyeol decides not to say anything and keeps quiet. "Hey what is it, please tell me" Kyungsoo shivers in the car as Chanyeol turns the heat up more. " I was thinking of asking you out on a date" Kyungsoo blushes more hearing the words but not believing it even though Kai has told him he noticed Chanyeol liked him. He really wants to but his heart belongs to Kai but the way Kai has been lately maybe there will never be a him and Kai and all they are good for is to be friends. "Yeah, ok I'd like that " Kyungsoo smiles making Chanyeol all excited "Really ok wow, where would you like to go, we have our band tonight so I was thinking maybe we can go for dinner tomorrow night and catch the show you have been looking forward to" Chanyeol smiles seeing Kyungsoo look at him so fast he nearly gives himself whiplash. "That show is sold out" Kyungsoo searches Chanyeol's face making the taller smile. "Reach into the glove box compartment at your knees and take out the envelope" Kyungsoo starts to get really excited but nervous also as he reaches in and takes the envelope out handing it to Chanyeol. "No you open it please" Chanyeol smiles the biggest smile as he glances at Kyungsoo now and again while continuing to drive.
Slowly pulling the tickets out Kyungsoo covers his mouth and starts to shake . "How did you get these?" Kyungsoo feels a lump in his throat making him rather emotional. "I had a friend get them for me, so would you like to go with me tomorrow ?" Chanyeol reaches his hand over to Kyungsoo's chin turning to face him as they stop at a stop light. "Hey what has you upset? " Chanyeol feels his heart break knowing Kyungsoo is upset over Kai and not just the tickets. "It's been a while since anyone did anything nice for me and I guess this weather is just getting me down" Kyungsoo wipes his tears as Chanyeol moves closer wiping a stray tear away. "Let's get to the mall and get a hot coco" Chanyeol starts to drive again as they now pull into the car park of the shopping mall.
Across town
Waking up in his bed stretching out his sore body Kai smiles to himself remembering last night. Pulling himself out of bed he can't help but smile knowing he spent the whole night talking with Taemin, the most wanted dancer in Seoul the best of the best Taemin has been known as.Tonight he has been invited back to Taemin's place since he is throwing a party. He can't believe his luck. Who would have thought a not so good dancer spending the night talking and now going to a party with this sort of celebrity.
Pulling his wardrobe open he searches it for clothes for tonight. He wants something sexy and dressy for the party. Who knows the type of people that will be there, maybe more celebrity people or maybe even directors will be there. He knows he will need to make an impression. Settling on wearing a black pants suit with a black shirt he knows he will stand out with his platinum hair.
"Yes I can't wait for tonight, Taemin and I together again talking then meeting all his friends. Oh god I can't wait" Kai grabs his towel and moves to the shower to freshen up for his day.
"What do you think of this one? It will look so good on you" Chanyeol holds up the black jumper making Kyungsoo giggle "Isn't that the same one you just showed me" Chanyeol looks at the jumper again and laughs "They are all black I'm so confused" Chanyeol puts the jumper back and decides to tease Kyungsoo. "How about a grey one for a change" he watches Kyungsoo frown at him before putting it back knowing not to push it.
"I don't know what to buy" Kyungsoo sits down on the little ledge feeling deflated that he can't seem to find anything.
"Funny seeing you here" Kyungsoo looks up seeing Kai smiling down at him. "Hey what are you doing here?" Kyungsoo stands up as Kai moves closer. "I need some new deodorant and a new razor. '' Kai smiles making Kyungsoo blush so easy. "Oh hi" Chanyeol returns holding three more jumpers for Kyungsoo to look at.
"Wait are you both here together?" Kai looks at both of them, making Chanyeol smile. "Yeah I picked him up to go shopping" Chanyeol keeps smirking knowing by Kai's face he is pissing him off. "Right I see" Kai's voice starts to get deeper the more annoyed he is. "Chanyeol saw me on my way here and offered to drive me and help me out" Kyungsoo can sense the anger between the two trying to stop anything that may start.
"He won't like those you have in your arm there" Kai smirks at Chanyeol making the taller bite his tongue. "So how was your coffee last night?" Chanyeol smiles leaning his arm on the top of the rail in between them making Kai quickly look at Kyungsoo and back again. "What Coffee?" Kai moves closer to Chanyeol around the rail, nearly coming face to face. "Oh the coffee with Taemin I believe his name is" Chanyeol smirks seeing the horror now in Kai's eyes knowing he hit a sensitive spot. "You two have fun last night?" Chanyeol moves closer, closing the distance between them. "Shut your mouth" Kai says with a deep tone making Chanyeol laugh. "Is that why you didn't walk me home?" A soft sweet sound makes them both turn around.
Kyungsoo is now standing with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry it just happened, '' Kai says, making Kyungsoo step back a little. "I saw him get into a car with Taemin last night after I dropped you home I was going to tell you" Chanyeol starts to feel bad that he told Kyungsoo like this.
"Excuse me I want to be alone" Kyungsoo drops a white turtle neck jumper to the floor as he rushes out the door of the store. "You asshole" Kai grits his teeth while looking at Chanyeol pick up the jumper Kyungsoo just dropped. "No you're the asshole here Kai, you know full well how D.O is crazy about you and yet there you are flirting and God knows what else last night with Taemin. Was he good in the sack? '' Chaneyol starts to laugh and moves away to the cash desk as Kai grabs his arm and swings him around to face him.
"Oh I see, so you watch me and report back to D.O so I look like the bad guy is that it?" Kai moves closer to Chaneyol so their noses are nearly touching. "Either you do something or get the fuck out of my face" Chaneyol says with pure rage in his voice. "I wouldn't waste my time on you anyway" Kai moves away before leaving the store.
In the public bathrooms across the mall Kyungsoo is sitting on one of the toilets wiping his tears. 'Taemin and Kai why. Is it because my dancing isn't good, am I not good, am I not good in bed' Kyungsoo thinks to himself as he wipes his tears more. 'How can he sleep with Taemin and me' Kyungsoo pulls his legs up crying more as he hears someone enter the bathroom making him stop and try to be silent.
"D.O are you here?" He hears Chanyeol say making him just want to be alone. "Shit" Chanyeol says before he hears a sniff. "D.O is that you in there?" kyungsoo hears tapping on the stall he is in and decides to head out after being caught.
"Hey, I'm so sorry D.O I wanted to tell you differently not like that, I'm so sorry" Chanyeol holds out his arm as Kyungsoo moves closer wrapping his small arms around the taller's waist. "Why did it have to be Taemin?" Kyungsoo sniffs, making Chanyeol kiss the top of his head. "I have no idea what's going through his head D.O but let's get out of here and grab that coco '' Chanyeol moves grabbing some tissue and wetting it under the tap before wiping it over Kyungsoo's eyes.
"What's in the bag?" Kyungsoo smiles as Chanyeol continues to wipe his face for him. "Just a jumper I thought you might like" Chanyeol smiles as Kyungsoo takes the jumper out. "It's the one I was thinking of getting to break my dark clothing obsession"
"It will look good on you, now come on let's get out of here and go grab that coffee" Kyungsoo keeps hold of the bag making his way out of the bathroom linking Chanyeol's arm. "Please try not get upset over him D.O, I know its easier said then done for me as I know you really love him. just make sure he really is the person you want" Chanyeol smiles softly knowing he wants Kyungsoo for himself but he also won't get in the way of true love either no matter how hard he wants too.
Finally at home after shopping with Chanyeol and singing in his band Kyungsoo kicks off his shoes and head straight for bed. Laying in the darkness of his bedroom with the streetlight shining in his room he can't help but think did Kai sleep with Taemin last night while leaving him in the cold alone so late at night. Are they a couple now, how can he go on with his own show if Taemin is the lead and he is a background dancer. Laying there he comes to realise Kai rang him at three in the morning to cheek on him, was that because that's the time Kai left Taemin's at. So why did Kai care so much if anyone was in bed beside him. does he think he can go be with people and I will be here for him to fall back into bed with. No no no not anymore Kyungsoo decided he has had enough of being hurt by Kai. Starting tomorrow things are gonna change , tomorrow he tells Kai he either dates him or they continue as just friends nothing more.
❤️C ❤️
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