Chapter 3
Waking up with a start I touch my eyes as they are stinging from last night and feel rather swollen. Realising I went to bed and left Kai on the sofa, I feel my heart begin to race in my chest knowing I have to face him after last night. Climbing out of bed I pull on a pair of bottoms as I just went to bed in a T-shirt. Tiptoeing out of my bedroom into my sitting room I feel nervous and excited if I'm honest with myself. I really like Kai and have always wanted to be with him as his boyfriend.
Reaching the sitting room I notice he is gone from the sofa. I look towards the door and see the chain is removed. I feel my stomach sink knowing he just woke up and left without a goodbye. I wrap my arms around myself feeling my bottom lip quiver as I turn around and head back into my bedroom to get ready for the auditions.
Wiping the tear that has fallen down my face I take a deep breath and let it out. Turning on the radio to an up beat song I open my wardrobe and pull out some clothes I can dance in and get my bag ready for the day ahead. I need to stop letting Kai use me the way he has been and I need to stop being so weak to his advances. Grabbing a towel and an extra pair of clothes and my dance shoes I zip up my bag and grab my keys. Heading out the door I zip up my coat as the temperature has slightly dropped and there is a cold chill in the air. Delighted, I brought my scarf and wrapped it around my neck twice and tucked it into my coat as I walked along the street to the building where the auditions are being held.
Arriving at the building so many others are running inside catching up with friends as I step inside. "Hey Kyungsoo you made it '' I head over to some of the other dancers auditioning today. I have danced with these before in the previous show I did so it was nice to be back with them again.Taking off my coat and scarf and changing my shoes into my dance shoes I quickly zip up my bag and rush to the stage where the auditions are taking place. Getting My number from the girls at the desk I wait as the director of the new show begins to talk and introduce himself. I pay close attention to what he is saying when all of a sudden I feel hands on my hip making me blush and turn slightly to see who it is without being caught. "Hey sexy, miss me?" I heard Kai's deep voice rumble through my body making me remember his touch last night. I shake my head and listen to the director trying not to get upset at him leaving this morning without saying goodbye. Once the director makes it clear what he wants we are put into groups by our numbers and are told to stay on the stage and if you don't have the number he calls get off stage.
Being number 12 I am called to the stage along with six other dancers as the music is played and we watch the choreographer dance the piece she wants us to dance. Paying close attention to her every move I can't help but see Kai moving just off the stage to my left, all smiles and flirting. Sighing out I feel rage build inside me as it is now our turn to dance the piece. The music starts and I can feel the adrenalin inside me rise. I start to dance with everything I have got. The anger of Kai flirting with others while sleeping with me last night is making me dance with so much hate. The music ends and we all catch our breaths. Suddenly everyone starts to clap as I look in the direction seeing the famous Lee Taemin walk on stage and stand beside the director. "Wow that was amazing, you all danced with such hate and anger I love it. It's what this show needs well done" the director says while walking in front of the people standing on stage and telling them whether they are in or not. I start to get really nervous and know I have blown my changes all because of Kai being a player and upsetting me. "You're in'' the director says as he stands in front of me. I want to cry and scream but I hold it back with all I have as I turn to the dancers beside me and the girl I danced with in the other show looks at me excited as she got in also. We get told to leave the stage and head back to the girls at the desk those who have been picked to leave numbers etc. Once off the stage me and the girl celebrate and hug while screaming with excitement. "Kyungsoo we did it, I looked at you and saw so much hate and anger in you that your dancing changed" she smiles as we head back to our bags to get towels to wipe the sweat off us. "I don't know what got into me" I lie knowing full well it was playboy Kai that got me angry.
"Fancy watching the others?" she smiles as she links her arm with mine while we head over to the side of the stage to watch. Looking on stage I see Kai up front flirting with the choreographer as I feel a lump start to build in my throat. The director and Taemin are now sitting on chairs facing the stage watching as they begin to dance. Kai of course starts off good with the others and not a second later he is all over the stage doing his own dance. I look towards the director and see him annoyed as Taemin gets up and leaves. The director comes back to the stage and screams his head off. "If you're gonna be in my show you dance how I goddamn told you to dance this isn't a solo" he turns to look at Kai. "Everyone off stage leave your numbers with the girls at the desk and we will be in contact" he says before storming off.
"Kai ruined it again" the girl still holding my arm says as she guides me away towards our bags. "Fancy getting some coffee?" she smiles. I think for a second knowing all I am gonna do is head home and do nothing till my band are on stage later. "Sure let's go" I smile back at her as she gets all giddy and pulls on her coat and hat as I do the same. Linking each other we head to the best coffee place down the street who gives you the most amazing pieces of chocolate on the side with your coffee that tastes like heaven.
"I can't believe we got in Kyungsoo, I really can't" she screams a little as we wait in line to order. "I can't believe it either, I'm so happy though I need the money" I watch as she looks at me nodding her head "Yeah same here" we finally order and take a seat. "I heard there is this other audition coming soon for a main part in a show, it's tap dancing though, I can't master that I look like a duck with feet that flap trying to put out a fire" she giggles making me laugh out at her crazy way of explaining things. "You should go try-out for it Kyungsoo, you know tap right?" I nod my head towards her. "It's been years since I done Tap dancing though, maybe after this show I will think about it, just remind me when ok" she smiles at me being still excited after getting in that I find myself laughing with her.
A few hours have passed and with some of the other dancers joining us and us having more coffee I finally decide to leave. "Kyungsoo don't go" they all say together as I grab my bag and coat. "I have to go home and get ready. I'm singing with my band tonight" I wave my goodbyes and head outside to the colder air. Wrapping my scarf tighter I put my bag over my shoulder and tuck my hands into my pockets as I take the bit of chocolate from my coffee out of my pocket and eat it. Feeling rather good inside I find myself falling in love with this tiny bit of chocolate attacking my taste buds in my mouth making me moan as I walk down the street. I don't care if I look weird to people I pass by; they have no idea what I have going on in my mouth with this chocolate heaven.
Walking up to my apartment door I unlock it and head to the bathroom. Turning on the shower I strip everything off and turn on some music before stepping into the shower. Grabbing my phone to see if there are any messages I see one from Chanyeol making sure I was coming tonight. Sending back a reply I hop in the shower and wash the day off me.
Arriving at the bar where my band and I are playing I see Chanyeol rush over towards me "So how did the audition go?" he looks all excited at me waiting for my reply. I try to tease him and not tell him yet but I fail. "I got in." I tell him as he shouts and lifts me up, spinning me around before putting me back on my feet. "Congratulations," he smiles as I feel really happy. "Why are we screaming?" Chen joins us as Chanyeol tells him my news and then with the biggest scream that I'm sure even anyone out in space just heard him he grabs me and hugs me tight. "Fucking hell Chen did you need to burst my eardrums damn you have some lungs I pity any man you get with" Chanyeol scolds him as Chen hugs me again. "When does it all start, the rehearsals?" Chen asks as I head towards where we store all our coats and bags. "I'm not sure yet, more people need to be chosen first" I get myself ready as Chen just nods before grabbing a microphone and attaching it to the mic stand.
The bar has started to fill up as we are just about ready to play. "Here's trouble" Chanyeol says, making me look ahead seeing Kai walk towards us in a pair of tight black jeans' black top and a leather jacket with his platinum blonde hair freshly washed. "Have you got a second?" he asks as I start to feel weak at the knees. "Sure" I move us away from the others as he stands in front of me. "Kyungsoo do you think I'll get in after the audition?" I am hurt he came all this way to ask me that and there I was thinking he was gonna say sorry about leaving the way he did this morning and not saying goodbye. "I don't know Kai, I guess we have to wait and see" I try to be upbeat with him but right now I don't want to be near him. "I'm sorry I have to go now" I turn to look at Chanyeol sitting on the stage messing with his guitar. "He fancies you," Kai says, making me turn to face him. "He what?" I frown at him not believing what I heard. "Yeah Dumbo there fancies you it's so obvious Kyungsoo, he watches you like a hawk especially when I am around maybe he is jealous of what we have '' he giggles as I look at him with disgust. How dare he say what we have like we are dating. "I need to go Kai '' I turn to move towards the stage. "Let me walk you home tonight" he says, making me feel weak again. "I'm not sure Kai'' he pulls me closer as I turn back to see Chanyeol look annoyed. "I really need to go Kai" I push his arms away from my waist." I'll pick you up from here after the show can't have you walking home alone" he smiles, kissing my cheek as I hear Chen over the microphone talking to the audience that we will be starting soon. I watch Kai run out the door as I try to gather myself. "He is using you" I turn to see Chanyeol grabbing a box from his bag beside me. "Excuse me?" I frown at him. "He is using you Kyungsoo but you're so nice you can't see it" he says before turning back to the stage. Chanyeol is right but maybe one day Kai will like me, the way I do him. Heading to the stage we start our show as I start singing.
The end of the night
"That was a great show, we got some good tips" Chen handed us the money we earned from the owners of the pub as they carry out the equipment to Chanyeol's car. "OK guys I'm off I have a coffee date in the morning peace out" Chen shouts as he hurries out the door. "Who the hell says peace out anymore" I laugh as I turn back to see Chanyeol closing his guitar case. "Can I drive you home Kyungsoo it's rather late" he waits as I pull on my coat. "I'll be ok, Kai is gonna walk me home" I tell him as he huffs before hugging me. "You deserve better" he whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek. I know I do but maybe he will change I think to myself as Chanyeol leaves. Grabbing my bag I head out into the lightly falling snow as I see Chanyeol drive off. I look around to see Kai isn't here. I take my phone out of my pocket and am just about to call him when I close my phone. No he promised he will be here let's see if he arrives.
A half hour has passed and the snow is getting rather heavy. I decided to walk home as Kai clearly forgot. As I walk along the street I hear a car beep making me turn to see Chanyeol pull up beside me. "Get in the car" he says, making me sigh and hurry towards the car and climb in. "You're frozen" he touches my hand before turning on the heating in the car. "I'll be ok, where you waiting nearby?" I ask him as he pulls out into traffic. "I kinda had a feeling he wasn't gonna show and with it snowing I didn't think you would have waited so long so I decided enough was enough and decided to get you and bring you home". I smile on the inside knowing he waited but I also feel sad that Kai didn't stick to his promise.
"Thank you for dropping me home Chanyeol" I smile at him as he pulls up outside my apartment building. "You're welcome," he says before I get out of the car. Closing the door to his car I turn to see he has gotten out of the car also. Stepping onto the path he moves closer to me. "Come out on a date with me Kyungsoo" he looks down at me as the snow gets heavier making it hard for me to look up at him as he smiles and pulls us over towards my building standing under a ledge. "Well?" he asks again. "I'm not sure Chanyeol...." he cuts me off as I feel his lips on mine making me move back. "Goodnight Chanyeol" is all I tell him as I hurry inside my building and run up the stairs to my apartment closing the door behind me and catching my breath. "Oh crap" I touch my lips still feeling his soft touch. What the hell am I gonna do.
No pov
Chanyeol climbs back into his car knowing he has upset his friend but right now isn't the time to tell him how much of a hoe Kai is. Starting the car he drives to the local coffee place and parks across the road. Just as he is about to get out of the car he spots Kai and some other guy climbing into a big flash car the one you see Celebrities drive. "What the fuck" he shouts in his car as he grabs his phone and keys before jumping out of the car and rushing over towards the coffee place. Seeing Kai get out of the car and rush back into the coffee place returning with a brown bag as people outside are crowded around the car he just gets back into before pulling off. Chanyeol asks the person closest to him who they were there to see. "That is Taemin the best dancer in Korea. He is like God on stage and it looks like he has a boyfriend" the girl screams with excitement as Chanyeol can't believe what he just saw.
Heading inside the coffee place he hears everyone talking about what just happened as he approaches the girl behind the counter to pay for his coffee and he asks her what happened. "Some guy was waiting to have a coffee and Taemin the dancer came in and this guy starts flirting with him next thing they are both leaving together" she tells me with such excitement as I take my coffee thanking her as I leave.
Stepping out into the snow he wonders if he should tell Kyungsoo the man that was supposed to pick him up and walk him home left with another guy. He shakes his head and decides to head home and try to figure out how to tell Kyungsoo.
During the night
D.o p.o.v
Waking up to my phone buzzing like crazy across my bedside table I grab it and answer it.
"Hey Kyungsoo, it's me Kai"
"Why you ringing so late it's 3 in the morning"
"Just wondering, are you alone?"
"Yeah why?"
"Just making sure, ok I better go talk soon night night"
I hang up the phone confused at the call as I snuggle back down and fall asleep.
❤️C ❤️
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