TE SOUNRME : THE FANTASY WORLD WE HAVE FALLEN IN. Copyright © All Rights Are Reserved.
This book was is fictional. Names, Places, and incidents are the imagination of the author or used in fiction. Any similarities to the actual person, living or dead, events or locales in entirely coincidental
no copy may be reproduced or will be transmitted in any form of techs or whatsoever.
I do not own the picture or videos and etc n yadayadayada...
I haven't written in quite some time now because well "slices of life" keep coming out every time of my studies and part-time work, it ain't pretty let me tell you I am nearly going through depression...ughh.. and my imagination going in and out for half of the time but I hope to get to write again, just for fun since I have to continue my course but let's hope I can catch up this time with my chapters.
Thank you for your support if read my other stories let's hope that I can continue, I just need log which files in my brain of imagination and creativity.
Let's hope 2021 is I guess less..issues?
hehehe jk jk oh and by the way....
This is my other book with many twists and turns.
try and see if it suits your taste or not, but it might be your unexpected story.
- Mariesya
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