My writers block is so severe, you won't get a title, sorry:((((
This chapter was written with the help of:LostBoyDance26
I am EXTREMELY grateful for his help.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
If this book ULTIMATELY winds up being a cliffhanger; but hey it ended like season 12 a cliffhanger with the gang having a GOOD time. *wink*
in 4B:
Sheldon and Amy are filming a fun with flags episode. This episode is a pre-recorded one so that they can watch the episode later on with their friends and take note of their reactions.
Sheldon: Before we get started with today's episode. I have an important announcement to make. We are having a little boy called Leonard Cooper.
This is what he might look like. We ran our faces from multiple points in our life and this was the result.
Look at him, cute as a button!
Many nations have been born from scratch or the dissolution of other nations ....
Later on in 4A:
Sheldon: ( smiling ear to ear) Hello everyone come on in!
Leonard: Hi Sheldon, here I got you two baby bonnets, pink and blue. I didn't know if it would be a girl or a boy.
Penny: ( cheerful, open body language) Hi Sheldon, Hi Amy! Amy, I got you a copy of this parenting book that I really love
Amy: Thank you very much Penny, I will be sure to read it.
A few minutes later
Howard: Hi guys sorry we are late.
Howard: Well let's not count the afternoon traffic and Raj having forgotten to buy a present, so yeah, judge us all you like.
Raj: Hey, blame Amazon, they never delivered my original gift, so I need to do gift shopping the old-fashioned way, going to Walmart,
Amy: ( excited to see them) It's ok guys come right in
The men continued to talk, over at the kitchen counter, the women were having a good time.
Leonard: "Okay, now that everyone is here, we might as well start the party,"
When watching the episode:
Everyone gathers around. Sheldon explains that they pre-recorded the episode so he and Amy can study their reactions.
The video began with Sheldon saying a silly pun on the video.
Howard: Really Sheldon, baby puns,
Sheldon: Hey, that pun was the most scientific silly pun I could think of,
Leonard: What does a baby computer call his father? Data! Real genius Einstein,
The video continued and to everyone's surprise, it was revealed that Sheldon and Amy are going to have a baby boy and he is going to be called Leonard Cooper.
Everyone was over the moon, especially Leonard.
Leonard: You're going to name your child after me?
Sheldon: As the teenagers say these days, Well duh,
Leonard hugged Sheldon. The party continued with lots of celebration.
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