Love Is Blind
A/N: This part is based on a Netflix reality, called Love Is Blind. If you haven't watched the show, don't worry about it, the rules are gonna be explained in the beginning.
Taylor is a real estate in this one because why not?!
When I heard about this experiment, I knew it was for me. It was the opposite to what modern dating has become and I liked the idea of it. There's so many dating apps and most of them are based off of your physical appearance. It's not all about physical attraction, in the long run. It's who's holding your hand on your deathbed. I really want a woman who is going to love me for me. Not what I look like, but for who I am on the inside.
With that though in her head, Taylor entered the room, where were other 14 beautiful women. She decided to take part in a new experiment, which she was extremely excited about. She has been single for a long time. Of course, she went on several dates with several people but none of them felt like the one.
"Lordy lord, I'm so excited! Do you actually think this will work out for us?" her best friend, Selena walked right up to her, handing her a full glass of wine and took a sip of her own. She was the one who dragged Taylor into this but the blonde didn't mind it at all.
"Let's hope for the best!" and after that being said, the door of their new quarter flew open and stepped in the room the one and only Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Portia de Rossi.
"Hi there, how you guys doing?" they greeted everyone with a big grin on their faces.
"Freaking out a little bit!" one of the girls laughed, nervously playing with her ring on her finger.
"Yeah? Welcome" laughed the television host and continued. "I'm Ellen DeGeneres and this is my beautiful wife, Portia. Ladies, welcome to the blind love experiment. Here, you will choose someone to marry without ever seeing them."
"We live in such a disconnected and distracted world. Your value is often judged solely by the photo on a dating app. But everyone wants to be loved for who they are. Not for their looks, their race, their background or their income" started Portia and looked at Ellen to continue.
"Psychologists believe that emotional connection is the key to long-term material success, not physical attraction."
"So here, your relationships will begin by forging an intimate bond, with nothing to distract you" Taylor found it hilarious how they just finished each other. "Here's how it's gonna work. Over the next ten days, ladies, you're going to live in this side, and other 15 beautiful girls will live on the other side. You're going to speak to a stream of potential love interests" Portia started explaining the rules. "But here's the catch. Looks won't play a factor. We've taken away your devices. The only time you're going to interact is in one of the private pods. You're going to be separated by one thin wall. You won't ever get to see each other."
Taylor looked around in the quarter, tried to read the other opponents reactions. It sounded pretty strange to her, yet she was beyond excited.
"Ultimately, all decisions are yours. You can choose who you want to spend time with" continued Ellen with a slight smirk on her face. "Once you choose the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, you'll propose. If they accept, you'll finally get to see your fiancée for the very first time and you're going to leave here together as an engaged couple with a wedding date. You'll move in together, see your family and friends, and in just four weeks, you'll be at your wedding. This is arguably the biggest decision you'll ever make in life so I would say don't rush it. Take your time, ladies. Try to get to know as many girls as possible so you can make the best decision."
"Will you say 'I do' to the person that you've chosen right here, sight unseen? Or will physical realities in the real world sabotage you, and will you walk away from them forever?" Portia teased smirking, just like Ellen did minutes ago. "We all have to remember the central question: Is love truly blind?"
"We hope so.." the shorter woman added sarcastically.
Portia, not paying attention to her wife cleared her throat; "If you're ready to find the love of your life, then walk through those doors," she pointed towards an open door behind her back, "because the pods are now open."
Everyone squealed and rushed to the pods while Taylor and Selena stayed behind.
"I swear to god, they all act like they're 13 year old little girls, having a crush for the first time" the brunette rolled her eyes while the blond just laughed at her friend's sarcastic comment.
"Come on, it will be fun!" Taylor gently took Selena's hand in hers and the two girls started walking in the direction of the pods.
Basically I'm going to be blind dating all these woman. They have to rely on my personality. They can't say I'm pretty or nice, they can't say I have an amazing body or beautiful blue eyes. It's literally blind love. I'm 32 years old. I have high standards, big expectations and I'm very picky to say the least, but this time I need to be open-minded because I may not find someone based on the criteria that I've put in place for myself.
(A/N: I'm just gonna use a different style to Taylor's and Y/N's sentences)
(Conversation number 1, Cara)
"Hello?" Taylor entered one of the empty pods and sat down on the couch in front of her. "Oh wow, these rooms are nice!" She whispered.
"Hi, welcome to my pod" a girl welcomed her on the other side. Between them was a paper-thin, blue, glassy wall but none of them could see the other.
"It's looks like a scene from Frozen" joked Taylor while she touched the thing in front of her.
"Can you see anything? I'm Cara, by the way.
"Not a single thing, no. I'm Taylor, nice to meet you."
The two found it pretty easy to talk with each other. That gave Taylor a big confidence boost. She was nervous of this being extremely awkward but she enjoyed it so far.
(Conversation number 2, Ashley)
"I'm going straight for the candy over here right now" the blondie smiled and stepped to the little table she had in the room and put two gummy bears in her mouth. A red and a white one, her two favorites. The table not just have gummy bears on it, she could also have some pretzels, chocolate, water and for her surprise, tiny bottles with alcohol in them.
"I might go for the vodka, to be honest. I LOVE to drink. I'm not an alcoholic but I love a good drink" the girl said and Taylor could hear her open one of the liquors. That's gonna be interesting, she thought.
(Conversation number 3, Kim)
"So, what are some of your biggest turn-offs?"
"Oh, my God. I hate, I hate, I hate being able to hear people breath."
(Conversation number 4, Camila)
"So, what are you looking for in a woman?"
"In shape and beautiful."
"Oh, that doesn't sound shallow at all."
(Conversation number 5, Kendall)
"If I had to guess, I'd say you're African-American."
"This is our first talking and you're already asking me what I look like? You're missing the whole point. What makes you think that?"
"Just your voice."
"Who cares what my complexion is? I'm a woman, all you need to worry about is that I don't have a penis."
(Conversation number 6, Y/N)
"AHHH, I'VE HAD ENOUUUGH" Taylor throw herself down on the couch when she entered the next pod.
"Hi?" She heard someone giggling on the other side of the blue wall.
"Hey, oh god, I didn't know you were in here! That's so embarrassing" the real estate covered her face with her hands and chuckled at herself while the other girl bursted into laughter.
"Wow, nice snort" Taylor teased when she heard the girl let out one.
"God damnit. I've got to stop doing that! I told myself I wasn't gonna do that until the second or third date" she kept on laughing.
"Well, it's cute, so... I'm Swift, by the way" she introduced herself.
"Is that your last name? I'm confused."
"Yes, that's my last name but my real close friends call me Taylor" she cracked a joke and heard the other girl laugh a little.
"I'm Y/N but a lot of my friends call me by my last name, Y/L/N. It's kind of an army thing, but they also did it in cheerleading."
"So, you're in the army?" Taylor asked surprised.
"I was. I enlisted in the Georgia Army Guard when I was 17. I did four years."
"Oh wow."
"Yeah, but decided it's just not for me. So I work as a neurosurgeon."
"Wow, I did not see that coming. You must be pretty smart."
"I wouldn't say that, I just know how to study" Y/N joked. "But you can find out yourself if I'm smart or not."
"I would love that."
"Me too" Taylor could hear in Y/N's voice that she was smiling.
"So tell me doc, where are you from?"
"I'm originally from England but we've moved to the States when I was five. My family lives in Georgia but I live in New York. What about you, Miss?"
"I'm from Nashville, Tennessee but I also live in New York."
"It's a shame we haven't met yet. I mean, I could not know that, I can't see your face" she giggled. "I don't think I've met anyone from Nashville before, to be honest."
"I'm the only one you'll ever need to meet from there" Taylor flirted a little, you know, just to see the other girl's reaction.
"Ah, so now you're flirting. You're hitting all the right spot, woman, I love flirting."
"In that case," Taylor had a big smirk on her face, even tho Y/N couldn't see it "you should believe that that's not the only right spot I can hit."
"I just choked on air. Okay, see you later, Miss Swift" Y/N had a blush on her cheek when she got up and rushed out of the pod.
Her, liking Taylor's confidence and their whole conversation was an understatement. She was a believer of this experiment that's removing the confounding variables of ethnicity, race, background, and the big one being physical appearance. None of that mattered. Not to Y/N.
Day one was a lot to Taylor. Immediately, she knew that she and Camila wouldn't be a good fit and she would be so annoyed by the end of a date. Kendall was another where Taylor just knew that it' not going to work. She had people that she definitely didn't vibe with. She had people she definitely did vibe with, and then she had ten in the middle, that she had no idea. But one thing was sure, she was beyond excited to talk to Y/N again.
Y/N have been on a lot of online dates before. One time she went on a date with a guy who wore jean shorts. He doesn't have her style of dress, and she just assumed that it wouldn't go well because they didn't have the dress styles in common, which is such a silly thing to say, and it's so stupid.
It's not gonna help me find the love of my life. Who cares what the love of my life wears, right? At the end of the day, it matters how her personality fits with mine, she thought before entering today's first pod. But jean shorts... those were a no from her.
She sat down on the couch, making herself comfortable, ready to talk with strangers again. It was fun to her, meeting so many different women who are ready to get married. She was ready for a wife, and she know that her soon to be wife is out there looking for her too, and it was time for them to find each other and quit playing these games.
(Conversation number 1, Hayley)
"What do you do for a living?" Y/N was drawing random things in her notes while she waited for Hayley to reply.
"I love to punch drywall."
"Oh, God" the Y/H/C haired girl shook her head while laughing a little.
(Conversation number 2, Jade)
"I wish I looked like J Lo" heard the doctor when she got comfortable in the pod.
"Hello?" She got no reply.
"There's no place like home. Oh my god, I gotta pick my wedgies again."
(Conversation number 3, Victoria)
"I love buying clothes for my girls. What's your size?"
"What the fuck?" Y/N laughed out loud.
"Okay, serious question. If we were to be at a music festival, do you like being on a guy's nor girl's shoulders?"
"Yeah, you're up for the challenge? You can pick me up?" She wiggled her eyebrows but she knew exactly that the other girl, named Victoria couldn't see her.
"Yeah, but will I have trouble picking you up?"
"Actually, that comes off very superficial."
"I think it's important, I don't want to date a fat chick."
Victoria clearly didn't understand how Love Is Blind had to work. The whole point was about finding out who they are as people, not 'Can you carry me?'. Y/N was furious, her blood boiled in her veins. She wanted to respect everybody's opinion but how could she, when some people's opinion was just so terrible and wrong?!
(Conversation number 4, Taylor)
"Yo, it's Taylor. Who am I talking to this time?" Y/N heard the familiar voice and couldn't help but smile.
"Ahh, finally. I really wanted to get to know you more."
"Doctor!" Taylor squealed as she closed her notes, not feeling the urge to entertain herself with drawing anymore. Her conversations were mostly boring, so she had to do something. But she wanted to pay attention to Y/N. "Hey, I've never asked how old you were?"
"I'm 29."
"You're a baby."
"What? Don't tell me you're 50 or something."
"I'm 32" giggled the blondie.
"You really had me there, not gonna lie" Y/N let out a big, relived sigh.
They talked about anything and everything. They clicked instantly and both of them felt it. They were different but somehow still cut from the same cloth.
"Do you want kids, Swift?"
"Do I have kids?" Taylor asked back, misunderstanding the question.
"Do you want kids?" Y/N repeated the question a little louder.
"Oh, yeah, I do."
"Wait, do you have kids? That's a question, too" the younger girl asked, smiling a little.
"Not that I know of" they both let out a laugh. "Are you clumsy?"
"Generally, no. Lately, yes."
"What about in bed?" Taylor raised one of her eyebrows and smirked a little.
"Well, I ain't timid, that's for sure."
"I've never had sex" the blonde one joked, even though she liked Y/N's answer a lot. She wasn't a prude, she had needs and she knew exactly what she expects from her partner when it comes to having sex. She was very satisfied with the doctor's response.
"That's unfortunate. NEEEXT!" Y/N yelled, making Taylor scoff playfully.
"I like you!" she stated without thinking, it caught both of them by surprise.
"I like you too! And I like your voice, you sound cute."
"Really? I was so scared. Like, what if I come in and everyone's like, 'That girl has such an unattractive voice.' But that's all I have right now."
They just giggled, not really saying a word. The silent between them was very comfortable, it was rare for them. They've never actually felt anything like this. It was so exciting, yet frustrating that they didn't know how the other looked like.
"So, when am I going to see you again?" Taylor asked when saw on the clock placed on the left side of the wall, that their time was over for today.
"See? More like hear, but I hope as soon as possible."
"Well, I'll talk to you soon, Y/N."
"Bye, Taylor."
The conversations with Y/N were so good, she didn't even realize where they were, Taylor completely lost track of time. She waited every single day just so she could talk to her. She still had a couple girls she haven't talked yet, but to be fair, she couldn't care less. She wanted Y/N, that wasn't even a question.
(Conversation number 1, Becca)
"I work in real estate" Taylor replied to the girl's question with a monotone tone in her voice.
"Do you sell a lot? 'Cause I feel like you have to be somewhat attractive to sell a lot."
"Is that a normal question to ask?" Taylor raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"You have to ask all the questions up front, okay?"
"Right, that's not what this is about."
(Conversation number 2, Elise)
"How old are you?"
"I'm 32" Taylor tried to sound enthusiastic.
"Well, I prefer dating younger but I guess I'll have to go with that."
"How old are you?"
"I'm 35." Blondie just rolled her eyes at the statement and threw her head back on the couch in frustration.
(Conversation number 3, Katy)
"I have a huge Instagram following. Obviously, I have, like, a lot of friends. Like, it's crazy. I think I'm really good at these pods because with my job, I have, like, 20 people in my car, like, at a time."
"You gotta be kidding me" Taylor whispered to herself.
(Conversation number 4, Y/N)
"So tell me, what's a Sunday Funday to you?"
"I like being active, a bottomless brunch. Just wait 'til you meet Wine Taylor."
"I can't wait to meet you in general. Which might be when all the couples will be introduced to each other, or maybe if you choose to marry me" Y/N whispered the last part of her sentence but Taylor could hear it perfectly clearly. She couldn't stop smiling, she was now sure that Y/N feels the same way about her.
(Conversation number 1, Brooke)
"Hey, this is Y/N. Who's this?"
"It's Brooke."
"Hey, Brooke!" Y/N sounded excited, a little too excited. She hasn't got the chance yet to talk to Brook, but she heard a lot about her from the other girls in her room, so she was curious.
"Why are you guys are all so excited to talk to me? I'm not trying to sound conceited, but it's like all you guys are going after me."
"Absolutely" chuckled the Y/H/C haired girl under her breath. When her friends told her that this girl's annoying and egomaniac, she thought they were just overreacting it. But clearly they weren't. She really sounds obnoxious.
"Anyways, what do you do on the weekends?"
"It depends, I usually hang out with my friends on Saturday. I like to do yoga."
"I would love somebody who'd work out with me, it's funny. I think sometimes girls or people get a little intimidated by how much I work out, that they might not be able to keep up."
"Oh, wow" Y/N added, not wanting to seem rude.
"Yeah. I actually excited to do this right now."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not really into online dating apps."
"How come?"
"I don't want to waste my time and my calories."
Holy shit. Y/N was trying to not visualize anyone in her head, because she's trying to understand; is this someone she can spend the rest of her life with, or is this someone that she can have maybe a good time with? And what she really need to do is find someone that is both. She has done so many things in her life that she wanted to do. She was the first person in her family to graduate college, she has a great career as a doctor, she has a condo, but one thing she has been missing is finding someone to share all that with. But Brooke is 1000% not that girl. But she knew exactly who could've been that one specific person.
(Conversation number 2, Taylor)
"Taylor" Y/N smiled immediately when she heard the girl's voice through the thin wall.
"Y/N! What a pleasant surprise. How is it going there? What are you thinking about?"
"I mean.. you right now, obviously. I always look forward to talking to you, but then I'm like, 'Oh no, she's gonna forget about me'."
"Why do you think that? I could never do that, I enjoy talking to you" the older girl frowned.
"Because I'm scared that every other date that you have will go better than ours" Y/N replied honestly, even surprising herself. "I'm an over-analyzer, I can't help it."
"Walk me through that" Taylor smiled. She was committed to calm Y/N's nerves down, whatever it takes. She wanted to know how the girl is feeling.
"There has been a long history of divorce in my family. There is no relationship I've witnessed that has been successful and that's gonna be my fear. Like, am I going to be following in the footsteps of everyone in my family? That's why I'm sceptic when it comes to connections. I was in a relationship with a girl who ended up making me feel insecure. Every time she was laying next to me in bed, she was scrolling through her phone and all I'd see were girls that were, you know, not me. And I would get so in my head about that."
"That's so fucked up. If you ask me, cheating is the most disgusting thing that someone can do to her partner. Either it is emotionally or physically."
"I agree, I could never do that to anybody, especially not with the one I love."
When Y/N was young, probably like sixth grade, she was walking home for school one day and this girl she has really liked decided to join. She was flirting with her and heard her turn around to her friends and say; 'This girl is fat'. It's weird because it was a long ago and Y/N was so young but now every single interaction she has with someone, she is so scared they'll say something like, 'Her arms look big, her stomach looks big'. She still always will look in the mirror and see that little girl. That's one of the many reasons to do this experiment. Are people gonna like her for who she is? She's hoping once they do get to know her, they'll going to think she's beautiful, regardless of what her weight might be.
"Growing up, I was a lot heavier." Y/N breathed out. "I lost 70 pounds, tho"
"70 ponds?" Taylor asked back, not really believing she heard it right.
"Wow" that's all the blonde girl could've said.
"I didn't even wanna tell you that. I don't like communicating it. I'm so scared people will be like 'What if she gets back to that?'. It's something I'm constantly insecure about."
"You don't have to worry about it. I like you, like a lot. Your look wouldn't change that, I guarantee you."
Y/N has to trust that Taylor will love her for who she is, because she has no idea what size the younger girl is. She doesn't know if she's still heavier, still overweight, she just knows that she has been heavier. So for someone to pull that story out of her within such a short period of time, it shows how comfortable Y/N is with her and how comfortable she makes her feel.
"You're too sweet, but we both know that it doesn't work like that. What if you're not attracted to me at all?"
"There's no way that could happen. What if you are not attracted to me?" Taylor asked back,
"Well, I usually don't like blond girls.." Silence fell between the two as the sentence left Y/N's mouth. "Oh my God, you're blonde, aren't you?" The doctor gasped and facepalmed herself.
"I'm not telling you. You might will see soon."
Six day in and I know who I want to be my future wife. I can't believe it. IT'S ONLY BEEN SIX DAYS! I have meals in my refrigerator longer than this, Taylor thought, nervously tucking on her dress. She was stressing. Why? She's going to propose to Y/N. She couldn't wait any longer.
"I have spend every second of this experiment focusing on finding my wife and I think I found her. I feel immense attraction to her, and I've never seen her before. I know Y/N is the one and I don't need to do more searching or talking. I'm ready, I'm so ready" she cheered for herself and with a confident push, she entered the pod, hopefully for the last time.
"Hello?" she heard her lover's voice, that's when she felt her adrenalin kick in.
"Hello!" she greeted Y/N back and let out a nervous chuckle.
"I'm happy to hear your voice."
"I'm very happy to hear your voice as well. Are you sitting down or are you standing up?" Taylor asked and Y/N could tell she was a lot shyer than she usually is.
"I'm sitting down."
"Do you want to approach the wall?"
"Yeah. Come up to the wall?"
And Y/N did just like that. She got up from the comfortable couch and walked to the wall, gently touching it.
"Okay, I'm here"
Taylor let out a big, worried sigh and started her confession; "Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, I feel so blessed to have you come into my life. I think I completely fell in love with you in the past 6 days. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. As sceptic as I was at the beginning of this experiment, it surprises me that it turned out this good for me, and hopefully for you as well. So, would you make me the happiest woman in these pods and will you marry me?"
The tears were streaming down on both of their cheeks, neither of them could stop smiling. Y/N tried to put herself together to give Taylor a coherent answer.
"Oh, my God. Yes! Of course I'll marry you, I'll be your wife."
"We're engaged" the real estate squealed.
"We're engaged" giggled Y/N on the other side of the wall. "You're such a beautiful person, I don't have to see you to say that. And you're my future wife."
"And you're my future wife."
"Holy shit!" The doctor laughed out loud as she covered her face with her hands.
"I guess, I'll see you tomorrow. Finally." Taylor whispered excitedly.
"See you. Finally."
Taylor's point of view:
I've never expected walking into this facility that I would find my wife and mean that, but here we are. I think I'm just a little nervous about seeing her for the first time, physically. I hope that her expectations aren't let down. I don't think they'll be, but you just never know when you add in the physical element, how that might change things. Everything has just been building up to this moment, to meet this woman who I feel like fell out of the sky. I feel like she was made in a factory, like, she was specifically put together for me. When we were in the pods, we don't have to think about how we look physically, because they can't see us, obviously. So right now, I'm like, 'Oh my god, what if a piece of my hair's sticking up, I can't have bad breath. What if I'm sweating?' I'm just anticipating the moment of getting to physically see her and I'm a nervous wreck. But I'm ready.
I was standing behind a closed door and Y/N did the same on the other side. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, almost like it's gonna burst out. One of the crew members counted down from three and I opened the door.
There she was, the most beautiful human being I've ever laid my eyes on. She had long, Y/H/C hair, mesmerizing Y/E/C eyes. Her body was perfect. She wore black high heels with black mom jeans and black crop top. She had her belly pierced and she had light make up on. Her fingers covered with rings. What's another one, right?
"Oh, my god! Taylor! I'm so excited to see you!" she giggled and took a deep breath before pulling me in a warm, welcoming hug. It just felt right.
"I'm so excited to see you too" I kissed the top of her head since she was shorter than me. "I'm never gonna let you go" I pulled her closer to me, if that was even possible.
"I hope not." She mumbled in my neck, slowly kissing it. The interaction made me froze. I immediately closed my eyes and felt goosebumps all over my skin. This woman's gonna be the death of me.
"I promise you. I can't wait to marry you."
"Let me look at you" she pushed me away a little, not removing her hands from around my neck. Mine was on her waist, slightly stroking it with my thumbs. "You're so beautiful" she whispered, put her forehead to mine and closed her eyes.
"You're so gorgeous. I can't believe how gorgeous you are" I smiled.
"You literally look like a princess" she laughed and my face turned into crimson red at her compliment.
"I've got one more thing to do!" I stated and removed my hand from her body, already missing touching her. I got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "So, after finally meeting in person, will you still marry me?"
"Of course I will" she knelt down in front of me, kissing my left cheek.
I pulled the ring on her finger, it fits her perfectly.
"Aw, how pretty" she smiled, looking at it.
We both got up and I embraced her into my arms again, not wanting to ever let her go. I breathed her scent in while she gently stroke my hair.
"I'm blonde" I laughed a little, remembering what she said about blonde girls.
"You are blonde" she laughed along. "You're the pretties blonde woman I've ever seen" she whispered, hinting kisses on my face.
It's a dream, being able to finally touch her and to know that I am not just in love with how gorgeous she is but the person that she is. Honestly, our journey is just the beginning. We have our emotional connection and now we're going to be whisked away on a beautiful, tropical, romantic vacation to Mexico. I just can't wait to sit with her on the beach, watch the sunset and sunrise, drink frozen drinks and take advantages of her.
It doesn't even seem like she's real, it seems so perfect and I couldn't be happier.
(A/N: I'm taking requests, loves, so feel free to message me or leave a comment here ‹3)
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