Chicken nugget
'What's the closest thing you guys have to a chicken nugget?' Taylor asked the bartender, not minding the people around her.
It was a long, hard week and she just wanted to let loose a little. She wasn't a big drinker, not at all, not even close but when her best friend, Selena invited her to their favorite dive bar to have a few drinks she just couldn't say no.
A few drinks turned into a lot more than the girls expected. Taylor could feel the alcohol kick in. She was sweating, even though it was a Friday night in the middle of January, she was laughing a lot and she danced to the worst songs playing from the jukebox. She was having a great time.
You would think two famous singers would go to a fancy, high class place to have a poorly overpriced drink or two but truth to be told, sometimes it felt good to be away from the fame and glamour, away at a dive bar where no one really knew who they are. They were just two average friends sharing the latest gossips over an old fashioned and a simple gin tonic.
'Um, I'm sorry, I'm not sure I'm following you' the bartender guy looked at Taylor, more confused than ever.
'What's the closest drink you guys have to a chicken nugget?' the blond woman repeated herself and smiled politely at the guy in front of her, not realizing how ridiculous her question actually was.
'Um, I'm afraid we don't have anything close to that. Maybe try McDonald's on the other side of the street?'
'I'm having a really good time here. I wasn't planning to leave anytime soon but I'm craving chicken nuggets so bad. Are you sure you don't have anything that tastes a bit like chicken?'
'No, ma'am. We don't. But I'll make sure to pass that idea to my boss. Can I get you anything else?'
'I shouldn't be drinking more' Taylor sighed.
'We agree on that one' the guy chuckled. 'How about a Shirley Temple?' he smiled.
Y/N didn't hear the rest of the conversation. She laughed to herself, got up from the barstool and left the bar. She was sitting next to Taylor, listening to her conversation with the poor worker. But she found the chitchat hilarious and actually thought Taylor had a fair point. Nothing is better than McDonald's after a night out.
'How can I help you tonight?' she heard the cashier's voice.
'Hi. Can I please get a large fries and the biggest box of chicken nuggets to go?'
'Sure thing. Do you want any sauce?'
'Ketchup and Mayo, if you could' she smiled.
'Coming right up!'
After getting her order, Y/N walked back to the dive bar with the biggest smile on her face. She didn't really have a plan but she definitely wanted the blond woman to have the most perfect night of her life. Why? She didn't know. Maybe she just found Taylor's conversation with the bartender interesting, or maybe she thought the girl next to her was breathtakingly beautiful and wanted to get to know her.
To Y/N's surprise, the woman was still talking to the boy who seemed kind of bored and annoyed by their conversation. But Y/N couldn't blame him, not even a little bit. He deals with drunk people on the daily, it must be tiring.
The Y/H/C haired girl sat down next to Taylor and quietly listened to her colloquy with the man.
'And that's why I think I would be an amazing president. Vote for me, vote for everything' Taylor shrugged, taking a big sip of her Shirley Temple. Looks like she took the bartender's advice and decided not to drink anything else that night.
'Make them pay you what they would pay for a white man' Y/N joined their conversation.
'I'll make them pay more, but thank you, finally some gets it. But even if I'm not president, I just want to wear pink and tell them how I feel about politics.'
'You would be a big plonker if you didn't vote for her' Y/N looked at the guy and giggled.
'You would be a big plonker if you didn't vote for me' Taylor mimicked her with a fake British accent and laughed a little. 'I love how British people talk. It's ace, innit?' She giggled.
'I will just pretend I did not hear that' Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. 'I got you chicken nuggets, by the way.'
'You should take it as a compliment, I think British is sexy. And oh my God, you did what?'
'I overheard your conversation with this dude about craving chicken nuggets so I bought you some. I wanted to get some fries anyway.'
'Josh, I think I'm in love' Taylor turned to the bartender. 'I can't believe you got me food, that's so nice. Now I feel bad for making fun of your accent.'
'You're good, I can assure you, you were not the first and probably not the last either' Y/N smiled. 'Here' she handed Taylor a box full of chicken nuggets. 'I wasn't sure what sauce you wanted, so I got you Ketchup and Mayo, hope that's okay.'
'I'm seriously about to cry, I had the worst week of my life and this is one of the nicest things someone has ever done for me. Thank you so much.'
'You're welcome. Enjoy your food' Y/N stood up again, ready to call it a night for good this time.
'Wait, you can't go.'
'Why?' Y/N asked, laughing a little under her breath. She found it cute how disappointed the other girl looked.
'Because you're the most beautiful woman on Earth who just got me food. I want to get to know you and I sure as hell don't want you to leave' Taylor whined.
'You know what?' Y/N asked and lifted a pen that was lying on the bar. 'If you sobered up in the morning and you still think I'm the most beautiful woman on Earth, give me a call.'
Taylor looked at her box and smiled when she saw the mysterious girl's phone number and name on it.
'I'm Taylor.'
'It was nice to meet you' and with that, Y/N left, hoping Taylor will call her in the morning.
A/N: I saw Blondie on Friday in Vegas and I feel like I won in life, I could die happy now. The concert was amazing and Taylor was so gorgeous😭 I died dead.
but who's Taylor Swift anyway, ew.
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