Test after test, today was the final day of exams and the final day of being in school for Jimin.
Jimin now had to pick prepare for his chosen university and study arts. Something he always dreamed of.
Walking out of the exam, Jimin saw Taehyung pushing his hair locks that still had a tint of redness but was becoming more peach. Still wearing his favourite bandana that he was proud of, the school eventually ignored it knowing that Taehyung would never follow the policy and he never did.
Witnessing Jimin, silently sat with patience as the younger approached him, pulling him up with one swift move and smiled with excitement. Jimin, feeling embarrassed as ever kept hitting Taehyung to stop picking him up and put him down to safety.
Obliging, he popped him down and grabbed his things after saying goodbye to the other students that Taehyung would be seeing later on in university.
Dragging Jimin, pulling him across the hallway, outdoors and all the way to the tattoo parlour. Everyone has arranged a meet up and head towards the airport.
Small bells were heard from the opening of the door and Taehyung skipped through the door, going to Yoongi's office.
Seeing Jin and Namjoon currently waiting besides Jimin's father, Jimin greeted them and looked around to search for Jungkook.
Bells were heard once again, making Jimin whiplash and see the muscled boy he was so excited to cling to. Jungkook dragged in belongings around him. Two back packs, three suitcases and a camera bag what rested on the strap of his shoulder. His bucket hat covered his beautiful brown hair and eyes. His baggy shorts that stopped to above the knee. A nice royal blue shirt hanging loosely and Jimin knew Jungkook would suffer in the cold. Rushing to his boyfriend, Jimin grabbed some of the bags and moved up and down in excitement, dancing on his heels. Singing with delight, Jimin couldn't get more excited.
He was going abroad on holiday with his boyfriend. A dream he always wanted to do with him. Jungkook placed the things to the side, knowing that Jimin will tackle him so he brought the luggage to safety.
Arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist and Jimin began to walk around Jungkook who was standing still. Arms still wrapped but he circled around Jungkook's still body. Jimin giggled with delight as Jungkook adored him even more.
Stopping Jimin, Jungkook cupped his soft squishy cheeks and licked Jimin's lips before taking them and pressing them against his own.
Hands move to Jungkook's biceps and squeezed him to the point where it became a pinch and broke the kiss.
Turning over, they saw Namjoon, Jin and Jimin's father.
With an awkward smile from Jungkook, the couple broke contact and headed towards the three.
Yoongi walked out with a couple of things along with Taehyung grabbing his since he left his luggage here in the morning, unlike Jimin who asked Jungkook to pack for him because he forgot and had school.
Jimin never had an issue with communicating with his father because of he spoke fluent Korean. He could talk English but only up to the school level of English, which was not always useful. But Jungkook was the one who was much better at talking in fluent English after knowing Namjoon for a certain amount of times. Not once was he uncomfortable when speaking english to Jimin's father because all he wanted to do was impress the man.
After chaos and preparation, the crew was fully equip and ready to go to the airport. Once having arrived by the destination and sitting at the waiting area, Jimin and Jungkook wasted time playing thumb wars and clapping games seeing who could keep up when the speed increased. Jungkook was a man who always wanted to win but he did have to pretend to lose every now and then to not break Jimin's happiness. After all, Jimin was a sucker for praise and everyone knew that. Especially for Jungkook.
Time got closer to the boarding and Jimin became more tense. Having to speak in a language he was not good at to his family was going to be embarrassing in his eyes and awkward.
Jungkook offered to help him once they got there so he would be less stressed, which did help lift some weight off his shoulders.
Once arriving at their destination at Heathrow airport, the sudden gush of a wind slapped their faces on an early autumn morning. "Mother fuck-." Yoongi complained at the sudden smack but was smacked once again.
"Welcome to England!" Jimin's father cheered. "You gonna love it," he exclaimed sarcastically.
His father explained that they would be getting picked up by his wife which gave shivers down his spine. This was the woman that his father married after all. Could she be like his mother?
A sudden scream went off and everyone nearly snapped their necks when looking at the person. Jimin's father placed his luggage, giving a sense of welcome since he knew what was going to happen.
With a skip and a jump, a middle aged woman hugged his father squeezing his cheeks. "Thank god you are back. I was starting to fall off my bed cause you weren't there to prevent me from falling."
Jimin's eyes stared at the two seeing so much love they had. Something he never saw in marriages. "Now which one is your son?" She smiled her gummy smile as her hair swished from her ponytail and looked at the group. Once they saw each other she instantly recognised.
"Oh would you look at that! He looks just like you but only better and younger." Jimin smiled softly. Her arms spread wide and made hand signals telling Jimin to come in for a cuddle.
Trotting slowly to the woman, she instantly picked him up and squeezed him tight. "Oh dearie! You are so light! We need to fill you up just like your father!" She exclaimed, patting his father's non existent belly.
"And who are the others? Jimin's friends?" She asked, shaking hands with them all until a rush of wind went in again. "Oh sweet lord we better get inside the car. You can introduce me in there."
Grabbing ahold of Jimin and moving the dad to the side, she walked with big bubbly steps. Jimin honestly couldn't me any more shocked. She was completely opposite to his mother. Someone so warm and bubbly. Like a young child. With her large jumper and leggings, they weren't expecting a sudden limo parked right before them.
Ushering all of them inside, the driver moved the large luggage to the other car behind them. Seokjin, instantly feeling more comfortable since this was like his limo. "This is Jungkook. Jimin's boyfriend."
Her mouth shaped as an 'o' and nodded her head. "Would you look at that. Your son found love quicker than you have. It took you nearly thirty years to find me," she scoffed, flicking her hair.
A few smiles appeared at her humour and a loud sigh from his dad. "And look how built you are." She leaned forward, squeezing his biceps, giving a very flushed reaction to the boy. "Leave the poor boy alone Agnes."
Ignoring her husband, she continued focusing on Jungkook. "And what do you do?"
"I'm a tattoo artists." Jungkook replied proudly. Clapping her hands together, she lift her jumper to show her tattoo on her rib. "Oh I have a tatt-." Interrupted with Jimin's father, pushing her jumper down as he glared at her. "Oh stop being silly Chris!" She complained, sticking her tongue out.
Trying to cut off the jealous aura that his father gave, Jimin coughed softly as he poked his side. "I have one there too. Jungkook gave me it."
Showing it to Agnes, his flower, Seokjin panicked. "Wait what!?" He shouted furiously. "When was this? Recently?"
"Nearly a year ago," Jimin quietly replied.
"You were seventeen then! You weren't allowed. Did you lie your age!"
Shaking his head, he went silent completely. "He was a baby!" Jin decided to pick on Jungkook. Not trying to fight back, he knew he would never win.
"Well I'm an adult now. You can't baby me," Jimin pouted.
Once having arrived at the house, they weren't expecting a large red bricked house that had white framed windows and a red door that stood out more. Flower pots laid out of the pathway to the front door from the mini roundabout of the fountain that drizzled water that made a melodic tune with the crickets and wind whistling. One window was lit in dark orange room that probably came from a lamp. All windows had white curtains that only gave off shadows from inside the room.
"Seems like our eldest is awake."
"She never stops reading does she," Jimin's father complained.
Once having to head out of the limos and collecting the luggage from the other vehicle. Fingers laced in a tight squeeze as Jimin felt that tremble of fright. He was going to meet his step siblings.
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