Book after book was stacked and placed in the backpack that Jimin carried around school.
Seeing Taehyung interact with other people wasn't a surprise and even people interacting with Jimin after the big time off he had. He must of expected the attention but he didn't want it. Taehyung then saw Jimin finish his packing and left the crowd around him, skipping to Jimin.
With a sigh, he nodded his head and walked ahead of Taehyung. Jimin knew he had to go to Jin to hear something related to his mother. But he couldn't avoid it since it was important.
Jungkook explained what Namjoon told him yesterday. In all honesty, Jimin wasn't looking forward to anything related toward his mother. It still gives him thoughts that are locked and secured in the back of his mind.
Taehyung forced his hand through Jimin's arm to link in order to cheer him up. "Jungkook will be there."
Jimin knew that of course but having to do this made him stressed. And not even Jungkook could get rid of the fear completely. It was going eventually with time. But it was still sensitive.
Taehyung then went off to see Yoongi who was waiting by the gates in the cliche harley davidson classic motorbike. Taehyung liked to show off. Especially show Yoongi off to the world.
Jungkook on the other hand was not on a motorbike, but was in his nice Mercedes Benz. A classy, calm looking rich yet calm car. Jungkook wasn't as risky so he only took the car when Jimin was around. His bike was for his own individual time. It annoyed Jimin being treated like a child but Jungkook just would not give in.
Seeing Jungkook stepping on his cigarette bud, opening his arms open to interlock Jimin's figure, they did just that.
Kisses were spread all over his head and face and then pulled into the car. "How was school?"
Staring at his fingers, tapping them on his lap, Jimin just shrugged. School wasn't the issue. It was where he was heading now.
What if they were going to release his mum? What if he had to be forced to live with her again? Thoughts like that lingered in his head and it gave him stress.
Jungkook's hand still patted his thigh for reassurance and Jimin just told him he was fine, when clearly he wasn't.
Arriving at Seokjin's appartment, Jungkook quickly moved his feet to Jimin's side of the car and opened the door for him. Cliché and as sappy as it is, Jungkook always did these small little things of appreiation and Jimin loved them.
"Shall we?" Jungkook posed as a posh person in his best British accent, open his arm out so Jimin could lock arms with. Looking at Jungkook, knowing he was trying to cheer him up, Jimin gave the softest giggle and hugged Jungkook's arm.
Maybe Jungkook did help him better than he thought. Pressing the apartment's front door buzzer, the receptionist opened the door and instantly let them through since they recognised Jimin.
"Hello Min! Off to see Mr Kim?"
Still holding on to Jungkook's arm, he made the tattoo boy go off balance as Jimin's clinginess got to the best of him and nodded his head.
They pressed the button to the elevator and instantly it went upstairs. Namjoon was waiting outside and welcomed the two. Jimin noticed how unusually serious he was and didn't give his normal welcome by patting Jimin's head.
Going into the living room, they noticed that Seokjin wasn't alone but some other gentleman with a clean push back of his blonde hair. From where Jimin was standing, that's all he could take note because he could only see the back of his head.
The discussion between the two men in suits didn't seem as serious as Namjoon was turning it out to be.
"Jimin sweetie!" Seokjin cooed at the sight of Jimin standing there innocently and unaware, in his uniform that still needed to be grown into a bit. It was a little too big still.
Seokjin grabbed Jimin's hand, patting the hand dearly with his other hand, showing his soft parental side to Jimin.
Everyone had a soft spot for Jimin. Jungkook and Namjoon watched the scene unfold in front of them. The difference was that Jungkook didn't know what was about to occur and for Namjoon, he knew.
The blonde man stood up with absolute joy to his face. Moving quickly to Jimin and cupping his cheeks. In shock, Jimin stood there awkwardly, unsure of why this man was suddenly cupping his face.
"You were just a small baby. And still so small now. Like a little child," cooing softly as he decided to wrap his arms around Jimin and gave him a bear hug.
Patting his back, Jimin shyly half-laughed and sat back down next to Seokjin. Jimin still had no clue as to why Seokjin wanted him to meet this foreign man but kept his mouth shut.
"It seems like you don't recognise me." Softly smiling, rubbing the back of his head. "Makes sense since that devil of your mother hid you from me."
A small tense of Jimin's body occured. Hearing the word 'mother' still made him feel like this. "Jimin, I'd like you to meet your father," Seokjin introduced.
Eyes widen when Jimin heard those words. This was the man he has been wanting to meet and question what happened. Why he left? Did he still love Jimin? Has he ever loved him? Why was he sending money? Did he find a better life?
Still silent, Jimin was in shock. What was he supposed to say? Tears prickled his eyes, turning into a sobbing mess. Jungkook came to Jimin, knowing he needed a hug.
Seokjin stood up for Jimin's father to sit next to him.
Rubbing Jimin's back, Jungkook was still in shock himself but had to stay strong for Jimin. "Jimin sweetie."
Cupping Jimin's cheeks again making a soft sound, Jimin sniffled shyly, feeling bad for not being able to control his emotions.
"You look just like me, your sexy, drop dead gorgeous father," he enlighten the mood, giving a wink. Usually you would expect to hear 'you look just like your mother.' But this was Jimin's over confident father.
After a while from tears and little jokes made from his dad. It was finally calm again.
"After hearing about your mother, I had to come see you in an instant. Everyday of my life I've been wanting to find the right moment to meet you."
Smiles beamed from Jimin, making his father lose control and squeeze him. Jungkook loved the fact that he had a loving father. A family waiting for him. "All your aunties and uncles and half brother is waiting to meet you."
Jimin bounced with joy, turning to Jungkook with happiness. "We know you have people here so you don't have to move to England. Just come back with me to visit the family! You can bring all your friends too!" He enthusiastically offered.
Jimin thought about it, giving his thinking look and turned to Jungkook. "You finishing school now so think of it as a big summer holiday. Do you want to go?"
Nodding his head fast, Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hand, shaking it.
"Then lets go to England!"
This book is close to reaching 100k and I'm amazed. Thank you sooooo much for the views and comments and votes!
They always make my day.
Im sorry for not updating as I believed i will since i am on holiday but ive been dragged around Europe so ive been busy. BUT I WILL TRY TO!
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