One day
Two days
One week
Two weeks
One month
Two months.
Two whole months. Jungkook didn't understand how he was still alive and coping with just a string of images that apparently assumed what was happening to Jimin, right this very moment.
Once he brought his mind off it, it came back in again. The torturous, painted pictures of seeing Jimin on the floor, unable to be strong from the beating.
Just looking at his room spoke Jimin.
The bed was saying Jimin, his lamp, his walls and piles of drawings being pinned on top of each other. Old ones with fancy aesthetic tattoo designs but now trampled with his detailed portraits of the little boy.
He still promised that the two would draw together. He promised to him that the two would drink strawberry milk every...every night he arrived from school.
But it wasn't working out. Jungkook has accepted the reality of rotting in his room, avoiding everyone. People on his side, fighting for Jimin but what was Jungkook doing. Was he taking action?
Jungkook felt useless.
Jungkook knew he was useless. Namjoon would check up on him and tried to assure him with comfort.
But it never worked.
His old clock that was slowly dying from the battery usage was ticking quietly. Although in Jungkook's mind, it was echoing every tick, harshly hitting his ear drums, giving him slight pains as he winced.
A knock on his bedroom door was heard. Choosing to ignore it, he turned his head, turned his body and faced the window.
Silently, the sound of the door creaks echoed in his room as a tall slim figure came in. With the sound of unrhythmic steps, clearly showing it was not just one person by the door, but two.
Jungkook turned his head, his eyes dull, with a strong blank expression with no part of emotion whatsoever. Namjoon was in front of the other figure, that was tall and slim including yet was a bit shorter in hight than Namjoon.
"Seokjin wanted to meet you. He's contacted the police about the abuse."
Jungkook remained silence but eventually coughed a word out as if speaking his native language was difficult to do, since he had the silent treatment for nearly two months.
"C-can i go...to him now," Jungkook's voice cracked constantly in that one question. Jungkook was on the edge. He just needed to look at the boy. Not in pictures. But in flesh and bone.
He needed to look at his moon crescent eyes that glossed every time he smiled. His cute little puffed cheeks that make you want to bite them. His delicate small hands that made you want to trap with your larger ones, keeping them warm. His lips were plumped and proud, the opposite of his, yet every time they kissed, they felt connected.
Things like that made Jungkook's mind in peace. Every piece of his wondering mind connected like a puzzle because of those god-like features. He felt calm and in place.
Seokjin smiled softly. "You may. The police are on their way. They found evidence on the abuse."
Jungkook jumped up, tripping all over his room, grabbing his chair to regain his posture. He ran to Seokjin, with thin tears sitting on his cheeks as he mumbled a thank you. Jungkook was surprised that his eyes could produce more tears because of the amount of cries he gone through.
Steadily running out of the house, Namjoon's hand stopped his actions. "Go refresh yourself. I'm sure Jimin wouldn't want to see you in this state."
Nearly slipping, Jungkook ran to the bathroom to clean himself and changed aswell, meeting the two outside his apartment.
Feet tapping, hands tapping, quick breathing was all Jungkook was doing in the journey. His ears suddenly heard a light echo of sirens and blue and red lights flashing on the neighbourhood homes. Namjoon pulled to a stop, making Jungkook jump out first where around five police cars parked up on the drive and front lawn.
"Five police cars?" Namjoon commented.
"I called them." Seokjin said, removing his sunglasses and folding them, letting it rest on his blazer pouch. Jungkook didnt wait for the two but ran into the house filled with police officers.
Two had brought out Jimin's mum out, handcuffed behind her back.
"I dont think we need that many police officers sir." Namjoon mentioned, catching up to Jungkook.
"Well you said it was important."
"She didnt murder the boy sir."
"Doesnt mean she doesnt deserve that many police. I asked for a few. And they came. They always bring many more because i called. Not some commoner." Seokjin spat.
"Thank you sir. For helping my friend."
Namjoon placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, who glared at the woman, standing behind the keep out tape.
"Well then you owe me." Seokjin replied, with a small smirk appearing on his god-like face.
He lifted up the tape and ran to the nearest officer, who was currently looking at pictures on a camera.
"Where is he?" Jungkook coughed out.
Silent, the police officer looked up and saw the stressed adult. "We cant find him. We are looking into it now." His head turned to Seokjin. "Mr Kim. Thanks for coming."
With a hum, the tall man grabbed his glasses, resting it on the bridge of his nose and grabbed the camera. "These are the evidence for the court scene?" Seokjin asked in a mono tone voice.
"Yes sir."
Their conversation echoed in the distance as Jungkook started to head out of the house and ran down the street, heading to the basement.
Heading into the citied area, more noise filled his ears as he ran faster to the basement. Jungkook didn't know why he was going, but for some reason, his mind felt the need to go there. As if it was pulling him to the destination.
Heading down the stairs, fumbling the keys in his fingers and opening the rose coloured door, noticing a familiar figure, sitting on the black couch, curled up into a bowl.
Every step took longer and slower to get to the boy with his breath shivering and hands trembling.
Blonde, messy hair hid the face of the bruised boy, cuddling his thin figure. Tears choked out with little sniffles leaving his nose.
Going down on his knees, Jungkook engulfed the boy, still shaking just as bad as the other boy and held him close.
Loudly, the cries increased and two hands locked like a puzzle with Jungkook's locks.
Jimin slipped off the couch and hugged Jungkook.
"I missed you."
"Me too."
Plus ive been planning to make two new books that im currently editing on plots and everything so that will be put soon.
Ill try to post more but this year is my exam year so im a little busy lol but ill try.
Thank you for your patience
And 2k!! The last time i posted, i didn't even reach 1k I'm shocked.
People might not think thats a lot but thats so much for me so I'm grateful.
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