Not proof read. Can't be bothered
Squeaks from the large prison door opened and two large guards watched the broken down gentleman.
"Get outta here. Your friend is here to pick you up."
One of them walked up to the lifeless looking man and pulled him up. If it wasn't for his reflexes, Jungkook would of fell down, face first. He walked out to see the short man smoking a cigarette along with another friend of his who was exceedingly taller when he was compared to the smoker.
"How was it?" Yoongi questioned gullibly.
"Shit." Jungkook replied the obvious answer.
"Yeah well you out now,
thanks to Namjoon."
Namjoon walked up to Jungkook and smacked him at the back of his head. "The fuck were you doing?!"
Jungkook didn't answer but only to take Yoongi's cigarette and puffed it out. "God I missed these babies," staring at the toxic object in between his fingers.
Jungkook walked down to the car that was presumably Namjoon, being all fancy and that.
"You're lucky my boss likes you. You know how he fucking hates the police and that shit and doesn't want one of his men to get involved." Namjoon complained.
"Well a big thanks to your Mafia boss...whatever his name is.."
Namjoon clicked his tongue and shook his head with disappointment. "Seokjin you prick."
Jungkook swayed his hand, trying to shoo Namjoon away cause he didn't care. "Oi be nice to me. I had to pay you out. Plus they are so pussy when they see mafia men like me," Namjoon adjusted his jacket cockily, making the other two cringe.
"Now tell me. How did you get here?"
Jungkook paused his inhalation of the cigarette and then continued with a sigh.
"That mother fucking old crusty asshole that's how."
Yoongi just cocked his eyebrow with confusion and Namjoon waited them to finish of the cigarettes before they stepped into the car.
"Jimin's mum called the police. She should be in there for fucks sake not fucking me!" Jungkook roared aggressively as he threw his cigarette down and stomped on it.
He went down to crouch and covered his face. His body began to shake from all the anger that filled his body and Namjoon took a chance to pat the younger boy.
"Look kid. Whatever she making you pissy for, Seokjin will fix it. He'll listen to me. I'm his favourite." Namjoon grinned.
Yoongi cocked a smile and looked at Namjoon. "And we all know why...you part time fucker."
Namjoon punched Yoongi's arm as he picked Jungkook back up. "He chose me cause I'm the best in work and in bed." Namjoon cockily smirked.
Jungkook got into the car, not bothering to listen and was taken to the basement.
He was to stressed to listen to the other two. He just wanted Jimin back and by him to make sure he is okay.
He felt a slap of guilt hitting his face as he messed his hair. He blamed himself for Jimin most likely getting a harsh treatment to his mother because he didn't listen to Jimin when he said to leave.
He just wanted to protect him.
His head hung low with guilt as Yoongi turned his head to talk to Jungkook but noticed his current state and sighed.
Arriving at his second home, the basement, Jungkook collapsed on the leather couch and stared at the digital clock that was hung on the wall, beside the bar.
School usually finishes at this time.
Jungkook scrunched his face has he rubbed his forehead with stress. He really needed to see Jimin. His foot was tapping, his kept cracking his knuckles.
Namjoon and Yoongi were sitting casually at the bar, making sure that Jungkook wouldn't make a fool of himself again.
But Jungkook didn't think of making a fool of himself. He just wanted to protect his baby boy.
He stared at the door, just wishing he would see the bright and happy boy walking through and running up to him like he used to.
One second, turned into a full ten minutes of staring at the door with his blurry eye sight.
The door suddenly opened and Jungkook stood up like rocket. A familiar head peaked out and a boxy smile was shown at Yoongi.
"Hey baby."
Taehyung walked into the basement and was received arms around his waist and a kiss on his lips.
Taehyung turned his head and saw Jungkook, his eyes were in shock. "It's been ages! How are you?"
Taehyung ran to Jungkook and gave him a friendly hug.
"Have you seen Jimin?"
Jungkook's question brought the younger's face to sadness when he heard that. He shook his head and Yoongi went up to them and lighten a cigarette.
"Jimin hasn't been in school since you were arrested." Yoongi explained.
"I- I've been coming in here to see if he came here during school or hoping he will come in here because I know this is his favourite place."
Taehyung explained to Jungkook about the situation and how he's missing out on so much in school. This made Jungkook feel angrier towards Jimin's mum.
"I I never knew she was like that Jungkook. He never liked talking about her and when I saw her at his house he said all the time that he was busy and I had to leave. I never knew she hurte-." Taehyung wasn't able to finish his sentence but coughed out tears as Yoongi hugged the sad boy.
Jungkook cleared his threat trying to think of an idea to change the topic and thought of the two. "Are you dating?"
Taehyung's expression changed completely with a smile on his face. He nodded excitedly and swung his arms around the boy.
"Yes! Yoongi went out on a date with me and asked me to be his boyfriend. He was so cute he bought this lock around his neck and I have the key."
Taehyung pulled Yoongi's collar and took out the necklace.
"See! See!"
Jungkook chuckled as Yoongi was blushing softly, something Jungkook has never seen before.
Jungkook left the two that were in their own world and looked at Namjoon who was talking on the phone seriously.
"If you want Jimin to get away from his mother, we need to inform the social services. My boss, Jin has a good connection with them so we can fix this."
"Thank you Namjoon."
"No problem Jungkook."
*gives u love*
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